Im creating a flow that calls a web servcice and then it reads and show the values. But can't view values of result.myArray[0].SECCION. When I look in debug mode it has values but flowable cant show them
Screenshot 1: Only view json obj
Screenshot 2:looking at my value of 0 position called SECCION
The JSON values result of calling web service:
Thanks in advance!
the only way :
${ resultado.rows.elements().next().SECCION }
result.myArray.required(0).SECCION will work as
Starting from version 6.5.0 it is now possible to use [].
So result.myArray[0].SECCION should work from 6.5.0.
i am new to ReadyAPI and automation. But now i facing some issue where i wanted to fill in the consent page will the value that will get from the Data source.
The Role value is the value that i need to get and fill into the consent page
Here is my automation code to get the value:
I have to get the value from Data source, then fill into text box, then click button
This is the code im using:
document.getElementById('freeTextHabilitations').value = 'ObjectiveCombinaisons Data Source#Role';
I having problem where get nothing after the data source ran .
Anyone have any idea on how to inject the value from data source to automation script (java?)
Thank you.
Unclear as to how you are using DOM methods(with ReadyAPI), but to answer your question on accessing Data Source values
For that, you will need property expansion. So, your groovy script should be something like
xxxx.value = context.expand( '${ObjectiveCombinations Data Source#Role}' )
Property Expansion
This can be generated for you by using the Get Data dialog
Get Data Dialog
I have successfully implemented react-native-cn-richtext-editor with limited toolbar functions.
I want to know that, how to get value (text that we have typed) from editor.
I am new in RN, have tried to get value but didn't get success. How can I resolve this issue, as I want to sent this text to server and then do further process.
In given example of this library there is method onValueChange on change the content object is present in value and to extract the value below example is there
onValueChanged = (value) => {
Finally I got the solution of above question.
convert the value in HTML with convertToHtmlString write following command,
let html = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value)
for more details refer this github link
I've an element with html -
<h3>App-1 Playground Login</h3>
I want to identify it with entire text - App-1 Playground Login, but causing issues to identify it. Please help how this element can be identified.
Please use the below xpath. I have already tested that and it is working fine. In the second argument of the translate method you need to type "ALT+0160" and in the third argument you will have to put just a normal space.
//h3[contains(translate(text(),' ',' ' ), 'App-1 Playground Login')]
One of the way to select your title could be :
//h3[text()= concat('App-1 Playground',codepoints-to-string(160),'Login')]
Works fine on
I am using ionic 4. I want to do search function in my apps. I am using search bar and get the result from API.
My problem is it always output duplicate result.
One problem is I haven't typing the word finish it already match the result that I want to search, then it will output the result.
Another problem is when I finish typing it output again the result.
How can I solved or avoid this problem?
Here is my html code:
<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="name" (ionCancel)="onCancel($event)" (ionChange)="Search($event)"></ion-searchbar>
Here is my
Search() {
The second one sounds like you are not wiping the data in your this.myService.getSearch call - check what it does in there, is it starting from a new list or just returning more results? If that doesn't solve that issue then post the code for that section.
The first issue is by design.
You can slow this down with the debounce option:
<ion-searchbar debounce="1500"></ion-searchbar>
There are two input events you can experiment with ionChange and ionInput - they act differently but I cannot remember exactly which does which, you will have to try them both. A third option would be to handle neither of them and just use a submit button.
Does anyone know the Sencha Touch 2 equivalent of ExtJS4's:
use form.getValues(); assuming you can get the form element... if you needs to do that use refs... on my mobile rigjt now, i can post more sample code later if necessary
I use that way:
var field = vorm.down("textfield[name=username]");