Does mobiles Phone have any compiler? - ide

I've tried to search on the internet that does mobiles have any compilers? if yes then how a code can be compiled without any IDE. But didn't find any information that is specific to my query.

No, mobiles or Android phones doesn't have any compiler in them. The applications of Android phones are compiled in Android Studio(say) and .apk file is installed or extracted in android phone.
If we need any compiler for Turbo C or C++ console based programs then we can download them manually from play store.


How do I compile IPA files on Windows?

I recently have been wanting to compile IPA files on windows but I have not found any solutions. Apple says you can only compile on Mac. But I disagree, because you can compile on other operating systems, even mobile operating systems. I know an app that will compile IPA files on iOS. So I call that 'mac only' thing a myth.
I've tried getting into something like MobiOne, but that does not compile IPA files, it makes a web app. I've tried Xamarin, but there's a hidden page I found by Google on their website that says you can not make iOS apps on Windows with Xamarin. So how do you compile an iOS app on Windows? There has to be a way, if other operating systems can do it, why not Windows?
With Adobe AIR. (Using Flash, Flash builder, Flash Develop, IntelliJ Idea) and you can add ANE for more complexity.

Installing iOS apps without Apple Developer Program on iOS 7

I'm trying to install my iOS app on to devices running iOS 7.0. I can install them on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1 jailbroken. But currently I'm not able to do so on a friend iPad 4 with iOS 7.0.
For installing them on JB devices I'm using JailCoder .
It works without any problem and I can code and compile my test apps, and put them on JB devices without any effort.
Recently trying to investigate possibilities I found an application named PP25 for Windows, it is a chinese application and it is said to be able to install cracked apps on NON-JB devices.
So i tried to see ig it works somehow, I was able to get my apps converted as ipas from my phone and download them to desktop with it, and i can then upload on other JB devices, thanks to a Cydia application named AppSync, pretty good indeed, but I tried and wasn't able to install them on iOS 7.
That was disappointing, I made additional tests and it appears that the PP Assistant application is able to install cracked apps on iOS 7.0 too, but not my unsigned apps (fails to verify the app rights).
Indeed there is a section in the chinese application where you can download and install commercial apps on iOS 7.0, so there must be a trick they use to re-sign the apps to make it appear as it's a legit app and thus be able to upload to the device even if not jailbroken.
If someone has any idea of what they actually do to make this happen, this would be very useful to know to test apps without JB on every device.
Non-jailbroken devices require valid code-signing to execute binaries. Either wait for a jailbreak to surface for iOS7.X, or find a code-signing service (they are available out there).
Using Xcode 7, you can install your app to your device using a freely available Apple ID.
Free On-Device Development
Now everyone can run and test their own app on a device—for free. You can run and debug your own creations on a Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch without any fees, and no programs to join. All you need to do is enter your free Apple ID into Xcode. You can even use the same Apple ID you already use for the App Store or iTunes. Once you’ve perfected your app the Apple Developer Program can help you get it on the App Store.
See Launching Your App on Devices for detailed information about installing and running on devices.

Libgdx for Windows Phone 8

I want port my libGDX game to Windows Phone.
Can I compile my libGDX game for Windows Phone 8?
No, not directly. Currently, libGDX "only" works for Mac, Windows, Android, HTML5 (via Google Web Toolkit), and (beta) iOS.
You may be able to make the HTML5 output run on a Windows Phone (depends on how spiffy the JavaScript engine in the browser is). Then you'd need some way to package this for Windows Phone (on Android or iOS you could use PhoneGap, there may be some equivalent for WP8).
The iOS support for libGDX is actually done via a C# cross-compiler (!!?), so you may be able to use that step to build something that might run on the WP CLR. However, it looks like that won't be easy. It should be possible to use (and probably improve) other tools to translate/convert a libGDX application to WP, but doing so would probably be a lot of work.

Is there any program emulator of Series 60 1st edition Symbian 6.1 phone for PC?

I need to run .app program (or packed in .sis) written for old good Symbian 6.1 (not MIDP!) but I haven't found it yet. Is there any emulator in SDK and where to get it?
You can't run app files (compiled for Symbian) in Windows Emulator.
If you have the source code and you manage to find some old 6.1 SDK then you can recompile it for Emulator, but otherwise its easier to find some old phone where to run it

Can I build and compile an app built for jail broken iOS and run as a development app on my device?

Just a quick q about iOS development..
I'd love to be able to run a certain game emulator on my iPad..
If it's released under open source is there any thing stopping me from compiling it and running it in an emulator or getting a provisioning profile and running it on my device?
Do jailbroken apps tend to use libraries that wont run on a vanilla copy of iOS?
I.e. Do they patch the kernel to get full control of the video controller etc..
I think the jailbroken apps can utilize eglibc or glibc, as when I jailbroke me iPod Touch, I remember looking over the installed packages, and remember seeing something along the lines of glibc.
In short, I think if the app is self-sufficient, you probably could package it with XCode, but if it requires some low-level APIs and libraries, you're out of luck.