How to set "Your name" - android-instant-apps

I cannot find any documentation or examples so I'm looking for guidance. When my Instant app is downloaded it shows up in Settings>Google>Google Play Instant with the app name and below that "Your Name". Other apps have found how to set "Your Name", for example, The NYTimes - Crossword has "The New York Times Company".
Is there a variable in a Manifest or a gradle file that needs to be filled?

I found out from Google Developer Support that the problem occurs if Instant Apps Dev Manager is installed and/or when the app is sideloaded.
The fix was to Uninstall IA Dev Manager, Clear App Data for my Instant App then re-execute the download from the Play Store. Checking Settings>Google>Google Play Instant the Instant App appears and the company name from my listing of the app with the Play Store shows up underneath. There is no Manifest or gradle attribute to supply; it comes from the Play Store automatically - if it's not blocked.


How test an app link to an instant app as a closed test

I have tested successfully a debug version of an instant app that is called by an app link, e.g., https://domain/?q=1234567. I have created a release version and signed it with a "Create new" key. Upload to a new Closed Testing release fails, however, because the Bundle is signed "with the wrong key".
What am I doing wrong in trying to test a release version without Publishing publicly? Do I have to go forward to Publish and rely on my previous debug testing of the app link or is there a way to verify the app link operation in closed testing?"
It took a lot of digging, but I found the answer here:
It is the documentation for "Create and edit run/debug configurations".
It says:
URL - Launch a URL that matches an intent filter in your app's
manifest. When selected, the URL field appears below, where you can
enter the URL.
You must fill in this field to launch an Android Instant App. You may
also use this to test your Android App Links.
This confirms that my successful testing of my app link to initiate my instant app proves it will work in release form when it is published.

Upload pre-installed app to playstore shows error

While uploading app on Google playstore, we are getting below error.
You need to use a different package name because [pkg_name] is used by
a pre-installed application. To upload a pre-installed application,
please contact Google Play Developer Support.
I am sure that mentioned pkg name is unique, however we have pre-installed this app in some of devices. Now how to upload it to Play console ?
I got this solved by using contact support team of Google, They then contacted carrier/preload team to allow package.
Sometimes if you preload app first and then publish app on Playstore, Google play will block the package and confirm your identity from pre-load team before allowing you to publish.
So it is advised to put package in store first & then pre-load to avoid such long process. (You can limit discovery via multiple ways).
Source -

wso2 emm apk version management using the WSO2 store

I am testing WSO2-Emm system for managing our android mobile app. We have an app for taxi drivers. We deploy it using our tablets and a single gmail account. Our problem is that google allows up to 10 signed in devices for a single google account.
I have tried to load the apk to the WSO2 store. The problem is that when I want to upload a new version of the same app I get a warning message saying that this APK already exists in the store. When I try to rename it and add it as a new apk it works. The problem is that when I go to App-Management, the application appears under 'installed'. The Emm system doesn't detect there is a new version.
To be more specific, my question is is there a way to manage mobile application versions using the WSO2 store and not the google play store.
If there is a way we can go on with this system. If not, we will stop testing it.
The only way I've figured out how update an already installed app is by going to the App Management tab, selecting your latest version of the app in question, and hitting the install button under the Roles tab (NOT the Users tab). It will send the install command to any devices listed under roles you have checked, even if they already have the app installed. Keep in mind this will install the app on all the devices, even devices that already have the version you're trying to put out.
It looks like you already know about the patch on EMM-686 that must be implemented in order to upload multiple versions of the same app to the Publisher. Just in case you want to confirm it's implemented correctly, see my answer here for instructions on how to implement it.

How to remove code signing in Xcode?

I've created an iOS7 project in Xcode 5. It's a very simple app. I zipped it and sent it to another developer. When they open it, they get these messages:
No matching code signing identity found
No code signing identities (i.e.certificate and private key pairs)
matching "iPhone Developer" were found. Xcode can resolve this issue
by downloading a new provisioning profile from the Member Center.
How do they get around this? The app isn't going to be submitted to the app store.
Is this happening because they have not linked Xcode to their online developer account? Isn't an online developer account free?
The other developer can ignore that message if the intention is to run the app on the Simulator. But you must use code signing in order to run an app from Xcode on a device, even for testing purposes, even if the app is never going to be submitted to the App Store. And that costs $99/year. End of story.
You could turn your account into a Company account and put this developer on your company; that way the developer is covered under your $99.
Or, if you just want to send the app to someone for testing and you don't need them to run the app directly from Xcode on a device, you can create an Ad Hoc build targeted to their device.
And of course the developer can look at your code, test on the simulator, and run your previously built Ad Hoc build on the device - but not run from Xcode on the device, i.e. the developer can not build for a device without someone paying that $99/year fee.

Trouble generating MASReceipt during development

I am working on developing a Mac application that has an in app purchase. I have done this before on iOS, but I cannot get it to work with the Mac app. After doing some research it looks like I will have to get and validate a receipt from the Mac App Store before this will work.
I believe that I have followed the steps to do this correctly,
1.) Build the app in Xcode.
2.) Launch the app through finder
3.) When prompted sign in with a TestUser account created in iTunesConnect
4.) The app closes with the error message
“AppName” is damaged and can’t be opened. Delete “AppName” and download it again from the App Store.
When I open up the bundle though I do not see the _MASReceipt/receipt folder and file - and I am still getting invalid product identifiers from StoreKit.
These steps seems to work for me the last time this happened:
Log out from Mac App Store.
Force quit storeagent and softwareupdated processes.
Try double-clicking the app to start it again.