Can we define order of weaving when using AspectJ load time weaving? - aop

I have two aspects and I would want to know that if there is a way I can perform load time weaving for all of them but in a certain order.
Right now, the only way I can think of is doing the same via run-time/execution time weaving using spring proxies or something.
Edit below:
I tried to add a new aspect with #DeclarePrecendence and weave that as well in my aop.xml but that does not seem to work.
#DeclarePrecedence("aspect1, aspect2")
public class AspectOrdering {
* Default constructor to allow instantiation by the AspectJ Weaver (has to be no-args).
public AspectOrdering() {
// no instantiation done by constructor as arguments cannot be passed
It works. I think the server where I was testing was not picking up the updated aop.xml earlier.


Define a missing method through AOP?

I'm in a situation where the implementation of a library we are using is newer than the implementation one of our dependencies was coded against. E.g. Dependency uses MyLibrary-1.0 and we're using MyLibrary-2.0.
In the newer implementation a deprecated method has been removed, which causes run-time errors for us.
I'm trying to use AOP (Spring-AOP to be specific) to intercept calls made to the missing method, and proxy them into an existing method... but I can't seem to get the Aspect right.
It feels like Java is raising the 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError' exception before my Aspect has an opportunity to intercept. Is there some trick I'm missing, or is this just not feasible (e.g. the method must exist in order to aspect it)?
#Before("execution(* com.mylibrary.SomeClass.*(..))")
Fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
#Around("target(com.mylibrary.SomeClass) && execution(* missingMethod(..))")
Fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Assuming that your are talking about a 3rd party library which is independent of Spring, you cannot use Spring AOP with its proxy-based "AOP lite" approach which only works for public, non-static methods of Spring components. Please use the more powerful AspectJ instead. The Spring manual explains how to integrate full AspectJ with load-time weaving (LTW) into Spring applications. If your application is not based on Spring so far and you just wanted to use the framework because of Spring AOP, you can skip the whole Spring stuff altogether and use plain AspectJ.
The feature you want to use is an inter-type declaration (ITD), more specifically AspectJ's ability to declare methods for existing classes. Here is some sample code:
3rd party library:
package org.library;
public class Utility {
public String toHex(int number) {
return Integer.toHexString(number);
// Let us assume that this method was removed from the new library version
public String toOct(int number) {
return Integer.toOctalString(number);
Let us assume that the method I commented out was just removed from the latest version your own project depends on, but you know how to re-implement it.
Project dependency depending on old version of 3rd party library:
package com.dependency;
import org.library.Utility;
public class MyDependency {
public void doSomethingWith(int number) {
System.out.println(number + " in octal = " + new Utility().toOct(number));
Because the previously deprecated method Utility.toOct does not exist anymore in the version used by your own project, you will get NoSuchMethodError during runtime when calling MyDependency.doSomethingWith.
Your own application:
import org.library.Utility;
import com.dependency.MyDependency;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("3333 in hexadecimal = " + new Utility().toHex(3333));
new MyDependency().doSomethingWith(987);
As you can see, the application also uses the same library, but a different method which still exists in the current version. Unfortunately, it also uses the dependency which relies on the existence of the removed method. So how should we repair this?
Aspect using ITD:
AspectJ to the rescue! We just add the missing method to the 3rd party library.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
import org.library.Utility;
public aspect DeprecatedMethodProvider {
public String Utility.toOct(int number) {
return Integer.toOctalString(number);
If you compile this project with the AspectJ compiler Ajc, it just works. In your real life scenario, compile the aspect into its own aspect library, put the weaving agent aspectjweaver.jar on the JVM command line in order to activate LTW and enjoy how it weaves the method into the library class via byte code instrumentation during class-loading.
Log output:
3333 in hexadecimal = d05
987 in octal = 1733
Et voilĂ ! Enjoy. :-)
When the JVM load a class, it resolves all dependencies in a "linker" phase : external classes, properties and method. You can't pass this phase in your case, because methods are missing.
There are two modes on (Spring-)AOP: Proxy, and weaving.
Proxy create... a proxy around a class: the targeted class must exist and be loaded
Weaving can happen before a class is loaded: when a classloader load a class, an array of byte[] is passed to the weaver, which can manipulate the class bytecode before the class is really reified. This type of aop can work in your case. However, it will not be an easy task.

What's a good mechanism to move from global state to patterns like dependency injection?

I'm in the process of reworking and refactoring a huge codebase which was written with neither testability nor maintainability in mind. There is a lot of global/static state going on. A function needs a database connection, so it just conjures one up using a global static method: $conn = DatabaseManager::getConnection($connName);. Or it wants to load a file, so it does it using $fileContents = file_get_contents($hardCodedFilename);.
Much of this code does not have proper tests and has only ever been tested directly in production. So the first thing I am intending on doing is write unit tests, to ensure the functionality is correct after refactoring. Now sadly code like the examples above is barely unit testable, because none of the external dependencies (database connections, file handles, ...) can be properly mocked.
To work around this I have created very thin wrappers around for example the system functions, that can be used in places where non-mockable function calls were used before. (I'm giving these examples in PHP, but I assume they are applicable for any other OOP language as well. Also this is a highly shortened example, in reality I am dealing with much larger classes.)
interface Time {
* Returns the current time in seconds since the epoch.
* #return int for example: 1380872620
public function current();
class SystemTime implements Time {
public function current() {
return time();
These can be used in the code like so:
class TimeUser {
* #var Time
private $time;
* Prints out the current time.
public function tellsTime() {
// before:
echo time();
// now:
echo $this->time->current();
Since the application only depends on the interface, I can replace it in a test with a mocked Time instance, which for example allows to predefine the value to return for the next call to current().
So far so basic. My actual question is how to get the proper instances into the classes that depend upon them. From my Understanding of Dependency injection, services are meant to be passed down by the application into the components that need them. Usually these services would be created in a {{main()}} method or at some other starting point and then strung along until they reach the components where they are needed.
This model likely works well when creating a new application from scratch, but for my situation it's less than ideal, since I want to move gradually to a better design. So I've come up with the following pattern, which automatically provides the old functionality while leaving me with the flexibility of substituting services.
class TimeUser {
* #var Time
private $time;
public function __construct(Time $time = null) {
if ($time === null) {
$time = new SystemTime();
$this->time = $time;
A service can be passed into the constructor, allowing for mocking of the service in a test, yet during "regular" operation, the class knows how to create its own collaborators, providing a default functionality, identical to what was needed before.
I've been told that this approach is unclean and subverts the idea of dependency injection. I do understand that the true way would be to pass down dependencies, like outlined above, but I don't see anything wrong with this simpler approach. Keep in mind also that this is a huge system, where potentially hundreds of services would need to be created up front (Service locator would be an alternative, but for now I am trying to go this other direction).
Can someone shed some light onto this issue and provide some insight into what would be a better way to achieve a refactoring in my case?
I think You've made first good step.
Last year I was on DutchPHP and there was a lecture about refactoring, lecturer described 3 major steps of extracting responsibilyty froma god class:
Extract code to private method (it should be simple copy paste since
$this is the same)
Extract code to separate class and pull
Push dependency
I think you are somewhere between 1st and 2nd step. You have a backdoor for unit tests.
Next thing according to above algorithm is to create some static factory (lecturer named it ApplicationFactory) which will be used instead of creation of instance in TimeUser.
ApplicationFactory is some kind of ServiceLocator pattern. This way you will inverse dependency (according to SOLID principle).
If you are happy with that you should remove passing Time instance into constructor and use ServiceLocator only (without backdoor for unit tests, You should stub service locator)
If you are not, then You have to find all places where TimeUser is being instantiated and inject Time implemenation:
new TimeUser(ApplicationFactory::getTime());
After some time yours ApplicationFactory will become very big. Then You have to made a decision:
Split it into smaller factories
Use some dependency injection container (Symfony DI, AurynDI or
something like that)
Currently my team is doing something similar. We are extracting responsibilities to seperate classes and inject them. We have an ApplicationFactory but we use it as service locator at as hight level as possible so classes bellow gets all dependencies injected and don't know anything about ApplicationFactory. Our application factory is big and now we are preparing to replace it with SymfonyDI.
You asked for a good mechanism to do this.
You've described some stages you might force the program to go through to accomplish this, but you are still apparantly planning to do this by hand at apparantly a very high cost.
If you really want to get this done on a huge code base, you might consider automating the steps using a program transformation engine:
Such a tool can let you write explicit rules for modifying code. Done right, this can make code changes reliably. That doesn't minimize your need for testing, but can let you spend more time writing tests and less time hand-changing the code (erroneously).

Autofac: Resolving dependencies with parameters

I'm currently learning the API for Autofac, and I'm trying to get my head around what seems to me like a very common use case.
I have a class (for this simple example 'MasterOfPuppets') that has a dependency it receives via constructor injection ('NamedPuppet'), this dependency needs a value to be built with (string name):
public class MasterOfPuppets : IMasterOfPuppets
IPuppet _puppet;
public MasterOfPuppets(IPuppet puppet)
_puppet = puppet;
public class NamedPuppet : IPuppet
string _name;
public NamedPuppet(string name)
_name = name;
I register both classes with their interfaces, and than I want to resolve IMasterOfPuppets, with a string that will be injected into the instance of 'NamedPuppet'.
I attempted to do it in the following way:
IMasterOfPuppets master = bs.container.Resolve<IMasterOfPuppets>(new NamedParameter("name", "boby"));
This ends with a runtime error, so I guess Autofac only attempts to inject it to the 'MasterOfPuppets'.
So my question is, how can I resolve 'IMasterOfPuppets' only and pass parameter arguments to it's dependency, in the most elegant fashion?
Do other ioc containers have better solutions for it?
Autofac doesn't support passing parameters to a parent/consumer object and having those parameters trickle down into child objects.
Generally I'd say requiring the consumer to know about what's behind the interfaces of its dependencies is bad design. Let me explain:
From your design, you have two interfaces: IMasterOfPuppets and IPuppet. In the example, you only have one type of IPuppet - NamedPuppet. Keeping in mind that the point of even having the interface is to separate the interface from the implementation, you might also have this in your system:
public class ConfigurablePuppet : IPuppet
private string _name;
public ConfigurablePuppet(string name)
this._name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name];
Two things to note there.
First, you have a different implementation of IPuppet that should work in place of any other IPuppet when used with the IMasterOfPuppets consumer. The IMasterOfPuppets implementation should never know that the implementation of IPuppet changed... and the thing consuming IMasterOfPuppets should be even further removed.
Second, both the example NamedPuppet and the new ConfigurablePuppet take a string parameter with the same name, but it means something different to the backing implementation. So if your consuming code is doing what you show in the example - passing in a parameter that's intended to be the name of the thing - then you probably have an interface design problem. See: Liskov substitution principle.
Point being, given that the IMasterOfPuppets implementation needs an IPuppet passed in, it shouldn't care how the IPuppet was constructed to begin with or what is actually backing the IPuppet. Once it knows, you're breaking the separation of interface and implementation, which means you may as well do away with the interface and just pass in NamedPuppet objects all the time.
As far as passing parameters, Autofac does have parameter support.
The recommended and most common type of parameter passing is during registration because at that time you can set things up at the container level and you're not using service location (which is generally considered an anti-pattern).
If you need to pass parameters during resolution Autofac also supports that. However, when passing during resolution, it's more service-locator-ish and not so great becausee, again, it implies the consumer knows about what it's consuming.
You can do some fancy things with lambda expression registrations if you want to wire up the parameter to come from a known source, like configuration.
builder.Register(c => {
var name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["name"];
return new NamedPuppet(name);
You can also do some fancy things using the Func<T> implicit relationship in the consumer:
public class MasterOfPuppets : IMasterOfPuppets
IPuppet _puppet;
public MasterOfPuppets(Func<string, IPuppet> puppetFactory)
_puppet = puppetFactory("name");
Doing that is the equivalent of using a TypedParameter of type string during the resolution. But, as you can see, that comes from the direct consumer of IPuppet and not something that trickles down through the stack of all resolutions.
Finally, you can also use Autofac modules to do some interesting cross-cutting things the way you see in the log4net integration module example. Using a technique like this allows you to insert a specific parameter globally through all resolutions, but it doesn't necessarily provide for the ability to pass the parameter at runtime - you'd have to put the source of the parameter inside the module.
Point being Autofac supports parameters but not what you're trying to do. I would strongly recommend redesigning the way you're doing things so you don't actually have the need to do what you're doing, or so that you can address it in one of the above noted ways.
Hopefully that should get you going in the right direction.

Use different structure for grails unit tests

I have a very simple package structure, only one level deep for all my grails artifacts- the name of the application "estra"- because the grails application structure is already providing the separation folders. But when writing unit-tests all the classes are inside the same estra.* package and I want to keep them separated like this estra.domain, estra.controllers, etc.
Right now everything works fine, but the tests are pretty simple. Will I face any problem in the future with dependency injection or something?
No, the package name don't influence in your test since in your test class you "say" which class is tested, using the #TestFor annotation. But remember that in unit tests you need to manually set your dependencies.
class ServiceOne {
def serviceTwo
class ServiceOneTests {
public void setup() {
service.serviceTwo = new ServiceTwo() //or mocked instance...

How can I avoid global state?

So, I was reading the Google testing blog, and it says that global state is bad and makes it hard to write tests. I believe it--my code is difficult to test right now. So how do I avoid global state?
The biggest things I use global state (as I understand it) for is managing key pieces of information between our development, acceptance, and production environments. For example, I have a static class named "Globals" with a static member called "DBConnectionString." When the application loads, it determines which connection string to load, and populates Globals.DBConnectionString. I load file paths, server names, and other information in the Globals class.
Some of my functions rely on the global variables. So, when I test my functions, I have to remember to set certain globals first or else the tests will fail. I'd like to avoid this.
Is there a good way to manage state information? (Or am I understanding global state incorrectly?)
Dependency injection is what you're looking for. Rather than have those functions go out and look for their dependencies, inject the dependencies into the functions. That is, when you call the functions pass the data they want to them. That way it's easy to put a testing framework around a class because you can simply inject mock objects where appropriate.
It's hard to avoid some global state, but the best way to do this is to use factory classes at the highest level of your application, and everything below that very top level is based on dependency injection.
Two main benefits: one, testing is a heck of a lot easier, and two, your application is much more loosely coupled. You rely on being able to program against the interface of a class rather than its implementation.
Keep in mind if your tests involve actual resources such as databases or filesystems then what you are doing are integration tests rather than unit tests. Integration tests require some preliminary setup whereas unit tests should be able to run independently.
You could look into the use of a dependency injection framework such as Castle Windsor but for simple cases you may be able to take a middle of the road approach such as:
public interface ISettingsProvider
string ConnectionString { get; }
public class TestSettings : ISettingsProvider
public string ConnectionString { get { return "testdatabase"; } };
public class DataStuff
private ISettingsProvider settings;
public DataStuff(ISettingsProvider settings)
this.settings = settings;
public void DoSomething()
// use settings.ConnectionString
In reality you would most likely read from config files in your implementation. If you're up for it, a full blown DI framework with swappable configurations is the way to go but I think this is at least better than using Globals.ConnectionString.
Great first question.
The short answer: make sure your application is a function from ALL its inputs (including implicit ones) to its outputs.
The problem you're describing doesn't seem like global state. At least not mutable state. Rather, what you're describing seems like what is often referred to as "The Configuration Problem", and it has a number of solutions. If you're using Java, you may want to look into light-weight injection frameworks like Guice. In Scala, this is usually solved with implicits. In some languages, you will be able to load another program to configure your program at runtime. This is how we used to configure servers written in Smalltalk, and I use a window manager written in Haskell called Xmonad whose configuration file is just another Haskell program.
An example of dependency injection in an MVC setting, here goes:
$container = new Container();
container.add("database.driver", "mysql");
$container.add(new Database($container->get('database.driver', "")), 'database');
$container.add(new Dao($container->get('database')), 'dao');
$container.add(new Service($container->get('dao')));
$container.add(new Controller($container->get('service')), 'controller');
$container.add(new FrontController(),'frontController');
index.php continues here:
$frontController = $container->get('frontController');
$controllerClass = $frontController->getController($_SERVER['request_uri']);
$controllerAction = $frontController->getAction($_SERVER['request_uri']);
$controller = $container->get('controller');
And there you have it, the controller depends on a service layer object which depends on
a dao(data access object) object which depends on a database object with depends on the
database driver, name etc