Android Studio 3.3, Advanced Profiling is Unavailable for the Selected Process - android-profiler

I updated my android studio to version 3.3 and stuck with the android profiler problem "Advanced profiling is unavailable for the selected process".
I have tried the followings but nothing worked
Run Configuration -> Enable advanced profiling
minifyEnabled false (
different compileSdkVersion 25, 26, 28
Thanks for your time and help.

Setting Run Configuration to Enable advanced profiling and then re-running/building the app did it for me.

After trying the solution mentioned here and on other similar questions, and none of them actually working for me.
I tried Cleaning the project and Rebuilding it. And Voila! It worked!!


ow to fix: Could not compile build file (gradle) in Dolphin Android studio error

Good day to you. I am new to programming and have a desire to learn. I recently downloaded Dolphin Android studio and i am struggling to get the gradle to sync successfully. i have attached pictures to show my problem. I would appreciate a step by step solution. i have tried to search for solutions but unfortunately all i find is solutions not for the Android Dolphin studio.Picture 1
i tried downloading Gradle 7.6 and it could not sync and when i see the gradle library file in my Android Studio Folder its 7.4 version and i do not know how to make them the same. I copied build scripts from one stack overflow solution which is the one you see in the picture provided and when i try to sync it keeps on saying 'could not compile buld file.'
Thank you for helping me, much appreciated.

Antivirus warning in kotlin-util-io-1.6.21

I'm learning Kotlin and Spring Boot and recently am running into an antivirus warning about a file called oneeva.a!ml while building my project and gradle downloads kotlin-util-io-1.6.21.jar
org.gradle.internal.resolve.ArtifactResolveException: Could not download kotlin-util-io-1.6.21.jar (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-util-io:1.6.21)
This happens when I try to build a new Spring Boot project. No one else online seems to have encountered this before. Does anyone have any guidance?
edit: This problem occurs when creating a new spring initializer build using Gradle but not on Maven.
edit 2022-05-14: New gradle projects are working fine now without any differences in configuration
I also got the same issue after creating a new project on Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 3 . I tried manually downloading kotlin-util-io-1.6.21.jar but it is getting blocked on my Windows machine due to some virus detected. Downgrading to kotlin-util-io-1.6.20 worked for me.
Got it resolved by updating your Windows Defender database through Windows Update.
I just updated antivirus database to the latest version, works again.

No debuggable process: Android studio 3.4.1

I'm more of a newbie into the world of programming but my journey has been a good one with the knowledge I have gathered thus far. However, I'm experiencing quite a problem that no one seems to have a solution to (considering I have been browsing the internet for 2 hours without luck). Android studio shows "No debuggable process" in the logcat and then shows some code running endlessly and the emulator doesn't run. I have updated the drivers of my Samsung phone (A20 - API 28) from the internet but this seems not to work. I am using Android version 3.4.1. I doubt I am that specific but if anyone can help I can provide more details.
Have You enabled adb integration? (to do that just go to Tools-->Android-->Check Enable ADB Integration). Maybe this process can resolve the issue.
Enable ADB Integration is removed from 3.+ versions. It gets active automatically. Still if you want to reset-set it.
You can check Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend(check/uncheck) it.
Just have the same problem after download Android Studio version 4.1 and checked to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend I found out that Use libusb backend is unchecked by default. Try to check it solve the issue for me

Inellij Show intention actions stopped working in Flutter

After upgrade to MacOS Catalina (or maybe unrelated) show intent actions command stopped working in Flutter.
If I run some error - show intent action is working just fine.
If I just try to show intent actions for regular Widget - it isn't showing anything. In the past it was suggesting something like "Center Widget", "Add Widget", "Add Padding" and so on..
UPD: Updating to Android Studio 3.6 preview helped the problem (I didn't move any profiles). But still no idea what lead to the problem and how to fix on 3.5 stable.
Does visual studio code works fine with showing intent action?
Maybe you should run fluter doctor to find if there are any issues with the flutter installation.
Also you can find more details in the official wiki on Catalina Support:
Are IntelliJ plugins up to date? Especially flutter and dart? After reset all settings IntelliJ, reinstall plugins again its not flutter side problem, I think it’s IntelliJ problem
Try updating to Android Studio 3.6 (currently in RC1 Preview).
You might want to check the Keymap.
I found that in 3.6 with the default Keymap option-return worked but when I switched to Eclipse (macOs) Keymap, it stopped working again.
Search for "intention". When using the Eclipse (macOS) Keymap I found that the intentions command was not setup to use option-return so I added it and it works.
The solution is to download another Android Studio version (doesn't matter which) and install it. Helped two times.

Android Studio XML preview is blank

Due to some unknown reasons the XML preview in my Android Studio is blank the code worked before no changes has been made there.The other Projects are working fine..Something is wrong in this one please help
-tried re installing Android Studio
-tried Cache and Restart Method
I think something is wrong with the API version in Editor as it is null and the only option available is "automatically pick best" where as for other projects a number of other options are available.
Please Help!