Kettle Change connection used at runtime - pentaho

I need, at runtime, to change which connection is used by a table input step.
I have 3 connections defined: STG, DWH, DM.
I want to choose at runtime between them.
I can't create a new connection with parameters for server name, database name, etc. I must use the existing connections.
I wish I can write down a variable ${my_connection} in the box below, but the field cannot be edited.
Any suggestion?

Instead of using the variable in the connection selector of the Step, use the Host and Database name in the connection configuration.
You can pass a variable for the KTR to capture and test it using a Switch/Case step that calls a Transformation Executor, in this KTR you'll have your Table input and a copy rows to result step, results which will be captured after the Transformation Executor. You'll need 3 different KTR's, each with the Table input step that's going to execute the row passed by the Switch / Case step.
If i'm not clear or you need further explanation i can perhaps produce an example.


Variable values stored outside of SSIS

This is merely a SSIS question for advanced programmers. I have a sql table that holds clientid, clientname, Filename, Ftplocationfolderpath, filelocationfolderpath
This table holds a unique record for each of my clients. As my client list grows I add a new row in my sql table for that client.
My question is this: Can I use the values in my sql table and somehow reference each of them in my SSIS package variables based on client id?
The reason for the sql table is that sometimes we get request to change the delivery or file name of a file we send externally. We would like to be able to change those things dynamically on the fly within the sql table instead of having to export the package each time and manually change then re-import the package. Each client has it's own SSIS package
let me know if this is feasible..I'd appreciate any insight
Yes, it is possible. There are two ways to approach this and it depends on how the job runs. First is if you are running for a single client for a single job run or if you are running for multiple clients for a single job run.
Either way, you will use the Execute SQL Task to retrieve data from the database and assign it to your variables.
You are running for a single client. This is fairly straightforward. In the Result Set, select the option for Single Row and map the single row's result to the package variables and go about your processing.
You are running for multiple clients. In the Result Set, select Full Result Set and assign the result to a single package variable that is of type Object - give it a meaningful name like ObjectRs. You will then add a ForEachLoop Enumerator:
Type: Foreach ADO Enumerator
ADO object source variable: Select the ObjectRs.
Enumerator Mode: Rows in all the tables (ADO.NET dataset only)
In Variable mappings, map all of the columns in their sequential order to the package variables. This effectively transforms the package into a series of single transactions that are looped.
I assume that you run your package once per client or use some loop.
At the beginning of the "per client" code read all required values from the database into SSIS varaibles and the use these variables to define what you need. You should not hardcode client specific information in the package.

IBM IIB 9 multiple data sources

I have message flow with compute node, which is calling some stored procedure from database. I set up data source field on this node for db1, same name exists in odbc.ini file. Now I want dynamically(without redeploying) change datasource to db2.
For now I've found theese two solutions, but both of them ugly:
Change datasource description in odbc.ini and call mqsireload.
Declare user-defined properties for db name and schema, and call stored procedure like this:
Then you can change this properties in runtime using broker API and flow will catch it immediately.
Are there any other options?
As per your requirements, you can do something like this:
Define both DB1 and DB2 in your odbc.ini file
Create two compute nodes that points to the same ESQL file, but one has the datasource configured with DB1 and the other with DB2
Set a new compute node (before the previous two) that contains the logic to determine which one you want to use. Out1 is connected to ComputeNodeDB1 and Out2 is connected to ComputeNodeDB2.
With this solution, DB can be dynamically determined during runtime!
Another solution could be to use the PASSTHRU statement to run the database operations.
On that statement you can specify the datasource name so that it is subject to name substitution, which means that it can take the value of a user defined property, which in turn can be modified without stoping the flow.

Table output name from command line in pentaho kettle

There is a case in my ETL where i am trying to take "table output" name from command line. The table name does not correspond to any streaming field's name. Is there any way to get it done in pentaho kettle?
Pentaho DI is a metadata based tool. I assume you will be trying to pass the output table name from the command line like below:
.../ -file:"/home/user/sample.ktr" -param:table_output=SOMETABLE
Assuming the command above is what you are trying.
So firstly, change the transformation settings of sample.ktr (just an example) and add the parameter name : "table_output" to the Parameters section.
Next, in the Table Output Step, use this parameter name in the format : ${table_output} in place of table name. This should solve your query.
Incase you are passing the parameters to a job. As mentioned above, the first section of the adding the parameters remains the same.
You can next take a separate transformation (.ktr) file inside a job, double click on the ktr (from the job file) and you will find PARAMETERS Section like the image below. Add the parameters
Thirdly inside the .ktr file, repeat the step from above (first section) and use a SET VARIABLE or TABLE OUTPUT. SET Variable step will ensure that you have the parameter available across the entire job. Mostly depends on your requirement.
Hope it helps :)
This should give you an idea how to do it. Since transformations are just xml you can read the metadata from them. Basically you find the table output step and set it as a variable in this case "TABLE"

SSIS Script Component - only to change variables

I have a series of task that are very similar:
Lookup in another table and change value in column b.
Save new value back to c and if not match, send the result on to an error table.
That part is pretty straight forward and illustrated here:
Source ==> Lookup =match=> SQL Update command
=No match=> SQL Save Error command
(Hope you understand what I mean - but it works!)
I now have to repeat this a number of times, where my source-sql changes. So what I want to do is to insert a Script Component in front of the Source and set my User::Sql variable like:
Variables.Sql = "SELECT d, e FROM f"
All of the above is contained in a Data Flow. When I have created one I can then copy that one and only change the Sql variable in the script and then it should all work.
My problem is: When I insert the Script Command it asks me if it is a Source, Destination or Transscript script. And by only setting the variable it does not produce any rows for output and cannot connect to my Source.
Anyone know how to make that work?
(I have simplified the above. I actually want to update multiple variables and use those in my Source, Lookup and Error update as well - therefore it is not more simple just to change the SQL script in the initial Source! But being able to do the above, I will be able to achieve what I want :-))
You should set your variable containing the SQL query in the control flow, before you execute the dataflow.
Then you need to use that variable as an expression in your Dataflow. You can parametrize the query used in the lookup or any other parameters of your dataflow.
If your dataflows really have always the same structure, you could even generate a list of queries and call your dataflow task in a loop, preventing the duplication of the same tasks.

Connecting DB Connection from properties file outside the Kettle is not working

I am trying to remove DB Connection from ktr file and I am trying to connect to DBConnection by using the properties file which contains information about the connection. I used this link as reference;
Pass DB Connection parameters to a Kettle a.k.a PDI table Input step dynamically from Excel.
I followed all the steps but I am not able to get the required output.
I want to connect to the database using properties file and have to excute the SQL using the DB defined in the properties file and the output has to be transfered into the output(Excel,csv,output-table etc).
Try something like this:
1- A Index job for start all (is my way)
This job call a transformation whose job is to load the connection data to the database
2- The transformation that load the connection data pass this variables like parameters
3- The middle job is only for repeat the process if is necessary, only work like a bridge, pass the parameters
4- In this transformation does all DB work
5- The datasource look like this.
PS: sorry for my poor english :(