why pug page not render in express js - express

I'm new to pug i had create a sample file as shown below:
label(for='exampleInputEmail1') Email address
input#exampleInputEmail1.form-control(type='email', aria-describedby='emailHelp', placeholder='Enter email')
This code works fine but when I paste the below code:
label(for='hii') hii
My browser keeps loading and after a few minutes it shows "This page isn’t working", but if I remove the hii label it again works properly.
I get an error saying "Invalid indentation, you can use tabs or spaces but not both"

In this case, the error message explains a lot.
In your editor make sure that you are using the setting that converts tabs to spaces, and make sure your tab space is "2". That's what pug is expecting.
To fix your file, do a search and replace from tab to two spaces.


Clicking through a jquery dropdown menu using VBA / href=javascript:void(0)

I'm trying to make a macro that logs into a website, and starts pulling reports. Problem is, as I'm parsing through the html, I see a button exactly like the one on this page: https://www.exratione.com/2011/12/a-dark-style-for-chosen-selects/
where the href is a java void and the class is a generic "chzn-single" same as that website's button.
Any suggestions?
I'm trying this but no luck:
Set Clickme = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("chzn-single chzn-default")(0)
Also, which I don't think makes much sense:
IE.Document.getElementById("typeSelector").Value = "Revenue"
IE.Navigate "javascript:void(0)"
You haven't provided any HTML to go with this. If it is like that which you are showing in the other link then IE.document.getElementsByClassName("chzn-single chzn-default")(0) won't work because the class name is incorrect. It should be just chzn-single.
For the page you have linked, there are two clickable links with class of chzn-single.
I would use a CSS class selector to target them:
For the first:
For the second:

Template 10 :Hamburger Panel color not changing

I am creating a uwp app and when i set my xaml code to this
<Controls:HamburgerMenu x:Name="MyHamburgerMenu" HamburgerBackground="#FFD13438"
NavAreaBackground="# FF2B2B2B"
Its not changing the color of the Hamburger Panel I have tried all colors.Its still shows the default colors only.
Also even when i change the display mode it still pushes the Title Page.
I dont whats causing the issue.My Template 10 version is v1.1.10.
The issue
To set the background color of the hamburger panel, you have to use the NavAreaBackground dependency property as you did. It should work fine. The problem is the space character between '#' and the hexadecimal value 'FF2B2B2B' in your code. Just remove the space character and it will work : NavAreaBackground="#FF2B2B2B"
In your Shell.xaml.cs file just comment this line HamburgerMenu.RefreshStyles(_settings.AppTheme, true);
It should work.

Interactive Report Title defaults to 'Applicaiton'

I have an Interactive Report that displays Images in one column. The images are displayed directly from Images I loaded into shared components.
The report query:
Tbl_I.Type || Tbl_I.Name as Minifigure,
Tbl_I.Quote as QUOTE,
'AddToCart.png' as ADD_TO_CART
from "Tbl_090_ImagePackages" "Tbl_P"
left outer join "Tbl_091_Images" "Tbl_I"
on Tbl_P.ID = Tbl_I.Image Package
where Tbl_P.ID = :P201_GROUP
The column in question is 'ADD_TO_CART'.
The Column attributes are as follows:
Display Type: Display as Text(escape special characters)
Link Text:
<img src=#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART# alt=Application Express height=30 width=30
Link Attributes:
ID=#ID# class="AddToCart"
Target: Page in this Application (Current Page)
The Title is defaulting to 'Application' and I can't get rid of it or change it. I have tried changing the Link Attributes to: title="Testing" ID=#ID# class="AddToCart" Unfortunately this has not worked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Seems like your link text is malformed? Put your attributes between quotes, single or double. When you view your page source with eg Firefox, you'll notice strings highlighted in red: these are invalid html. The browser is forgiving up to a certain point, but if you confuse it enough things like this may start happening.
<img src="#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART#" alt="Application Express" height=30 width=30 />

Tags getting appended to dojo editor content

I have a dojo editor on a jsp page. The dojo editor is one of the required fields and i have a validation in place for it. There is a scenario in which some tags are getting appended. I cannot find a particular pattern when it gets appended but most of the times it occurs after one selects and copies all the content and pastes on the editor. So the editor content in this case was
<div id="dijitEditorBody">content which user entered</div>
Issue: When the user deletes all content which was entered the tags are still there and get submitted. In this case atleast visually editor has no content but the field holds the following value:
<div id="dijitEditorBody"></div>
<div id="dijitEditorBody"><br /></div>
So it skips validation and displays an empty editor when data is retrieved from DB?
I am confused about why these tags are getting appended?
In RichText.js, this snippet :
if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isWebKit || (!this.height && !dojo.isMoz)){
// In auto-expand mode, need a wrapper div for AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to correctly
// expand/contract the editor as the content changes.
html = "<div id='dijitEditorBody'></div>";
setBodyId = false;
}else if(dojo.isMoz){
// workaround bug where can't select then delete text (until user types something
// into the editor)... and/or issue where typing doesn't erase selected text
this._cursorToStart = true;
html = " ";
Explains the reason why that tag is added...
Although you see it in your alertbox, I believe it's not present in the posted contents... right ?
The editor should take care of removing the extra-tags => not tested but pretty sure...

VB.NET hates </script> tag in string literal

I am trying to update some of my projects old login code, which is a bunch of aspx files with inline VB.NET (no codebehind).
The page in question uses a master page layout. I am trying to expose the header of this master page to the slave pages, which I did by adding a placeholder in the header and exposing it as a property of the master page.
The problem comes in when I try to add a script tag to the header, like this:
Master.Header.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript' src='http://mysite.com/myscript.ashx'></script>"))
Then i get the error "Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls."
I think the aspx parser is seeing the </script> in the string literal and thinking that it is then end of the tag, and giving me that error because it thinks the content following that end tag are not in an block. I can add other tags to the header perfectly fine.
What do you think?
You can escape the / in </script> to prevent this.
Master.Header.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript' src='http://mysite.com/myscript.ashx'><\/script>"))
Alternatively, you can try
Dim gc As New HtmlGenericControl
gc.TagNane = "script"
gc.Attributes.Add("type", "javascript")
gc.Attributes.Add("src", "http://mysite.com/myscript.ashx")