Azure Dev-Ops Query based suite adds items 3 times - testing

I am creating Test Plans using Query Based Suites and am getting multiple items.
Create a Query based suite with very simple rules -> Run Query
Let's say 6 items are returned. I select all 6 and click "Create Suite"
The Suite that is created has 18 items (each of the 6 items is copied 3 times)
Any ideas how I can get this to stop?

No no no, the issue is it adds it to a different configurations:
So in order to see 1 test instead of 3 you need to click right mouse button on the configuration and un-assign all configs that you don't need.
Where to adjust default settings I don't know :(


TFS Test Hub - Requirements-Based Suite not updating count

Test cases are created in iterations with our sprint cycles. They are then added to a test plan via requirements-based query for our integration and system testing.
At the end of every sprint and leading up to integration and system testing, the requirements-based query is run repeatedly against the same same static test suite to add any newly created test cases to the test plan.
The requirements-based query will see the new items and add them to the test plan, however, anywhere that displays the total count of test cases in the test plan or suites does not update automatically. This includes counts shown in TFS web GUI ("Show count from child tests"), MTM, and any dashboard charts.
The only way to get that count to update is to manually click on each test suite generated from the requirements-based suite.
Repro Steps:
Create Test Plan - "Test Plan A"
Create Static Suite in newly created Test Plan - "Static Suite B"
Right click on "Static Suite B" and select "New requirements-based suite"
Fill out criteria for requirements-based suite. My query: Top Level: 'Work Item Type - In Group - Feature/Requirement/Bug Categories' and 'Release Number = XX.XX'. Linked Work Items: 'Work Item Type = Test Case'. 'Return all top level items' is selected.
Run query. Results display in grid, including top level items that do not yet have test cases but are assigned to upcoming release.
Select all results in the grid.
Select "Create Suites". Suites are created for all items included in the release, including items that do not yet have test cases. Note the total count of test cases in "Static Suite B". This count will display in any charts for this test plan and/or suite.
Add a test case for an item that is included in the release but did not have a test case during prior step. Note the top level item for upcoming step.
Navigate back to "Test Plan A".
Right click on "Static Suite B" and select "New requirements-based suite"
Query used in Step 4 displays. Do not make any changes to the query.
Run query again. Results display in grid for all top level items, including those that do not yet have test cases but are assigned to upcoming release. Newly created test case should display in the results.
Select all results and select "Create Suites". No new suites are created since they were created in Step 6 above. Do not select existing requirements based suite for the test case that was added in Step 8.
Check the total count of test cases in "Static Suite B" and any test plan/suite charts. Observe count has not incremented per new test case.
Navigate to "Static Suite B" and select the requirements-based suite where test case was added in Step 7. Observe test case displays in the requirements-based suite as expected.
Check the total count of test cases in "Static Suite B" and any test plan/suite charts. Observe count is not incremented per new test case.
Screenshot of requirements-based query and results (obfuscated)
Screenshot of counts that do not update (obfuscated)
Has anyone else encountered this and have a fix/work-around?
Using local TFS Version 16.122.27102.1.

SSRS Report won't compile if 20+ values selected in multi-valule parameter

I am working on an SQL report that uses a multi-value parameter that contains a total of 41 users. The report works fine if I select 1 or up to 19 total users, but breaks if 20 or more are selected from the list.
By break I mean it attempts to execute for 40+ minutes before I kill it). When running for 1 or for 19 users the report takes 1:10 to run.
I am using two datasets.
One - my main query in which the parameter is used.
Two - The second query to acquire the list of users for the SSRS parameter.
I use this method frequently with no issues for things like locations, insurances, etc.
The parameter is called in a WHERE statement like so: AND EventUserID IN (#user)
If I comment that line out and use: AND EventUserID IN ('KTR','GORCN',......) with the full list of usernames that were acquired with the same query that is being used in the second dataset it works fine and will return the full report.
I have tested it with different groups of users to make sure that one of the users weren't breaking it, but that didn't matter. I also should mention that the query for the second dataset is one I used from another report that uses it the same exact way. That report will run fine will all users selected (parameter properties are set the same).
I am working with MS SQL Server and MS Visual Studio. More details can be provided if necessary.
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
This looks like an issue I came across a while back. You essentially have a limited number of parameters you can pass back to SSRS.
Here's some similar issues:
You can increase this from the web.config file though
Basically you want to add a section in your web.config file inside the <appsettings/> section:
add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="9999"
That 9999 value should represent the number of parameters that you believe will be used.
If using SharePoint integration Mode: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\\web.config
If using SSRS native Mode: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer.

Cross-project time-record filtering using Active Collab 5 API

For Active Collab team watching this tag.
I am working on a project that uses new Active Collab 5 API, I am having performance issue trying to run reports.
Example I try to build reports on date-range, and currently to achieve that I need to first run a call to get all projects.
Followed by a loop with this call:
API::get('/projects/'.$id.'/time-records/filtered-by-date?' . http_build_query(['from' => $from, 'to' => $to]))
However we have a large number of projects, in addition to high number of active projects we also need to filter Archived projects as well to get correct reports for billing.
Now I work with around 1500 projects in AC.
So I need to make 1500 API calls which takes a huge performance hit. Is there a way that you can possibly build something that would work along these lines.
with a possible passed parameter that will say (all, active, complited) project state.
Please let me know what you can do or if I have missed something in your documentation that already does this.
What you need here is not a request that goes through all projects one by one, but a request that it tailored for cross-project reporting. Active Collab 5 has just the right API endpoint for that - /reports/run.
As an example, you can use this command to query time records and expenses from all active projects that were tracked today:
curl -H "X-Angie-AuthApiToken: YOUR-API-TOKEN" ""
Notice the route (/reports/run) and query arguments:
type - specify type of the report, in this case time and expense tracking report,
project_filter - specify project filter. Apart from active, other useful values of this filter are completed (for completed projects), selected_1,2,3,4 (selected projects with a list of project ID-s), client_1,2,3,4 (projects for clients with the given ID-s), category_1,2,3,4 (projects in categories with the given ID-s),
tracked_on_filter - filter by the date when records were tracked. To target a particular date use selected_date_YYYY-MM-DD and to target a date range use selected_range_YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD.
tracked_by_filter - filter by who tracked the time. It can have various values, like anybody, logged_user, selected_1,2,3.
To list only time records, set type_filter to time (or to expenses if you want only expenses to be listed).

Trying to create an APEX Link Column that queries a report

Basically, say I have a report A and I want to add a link column to it, and I set its target to a page in the application...the page its referring to has another report (lets call it B)
Is it possible for me to somehow make it so that table A's link column opens the page with Report B with rows that have the same column value for one of their columns?
Example here:
Name Num1 Num2
A 5 3
B 3 3
C 4 2
Name Quantity Serial
D 2 3
E 1 8
F 4 6
So if I click the link column for row A, I want it to open report B and only shows rows where its Num2 = Serial, so only row D would show since it is the only one that equals 3
Using Report Linking to Filter Other APEX Report Outputs
I had some fun with this one although. The "A" and "B" stuff was pretty dry, so I decided to create a data set that was more engaging, and perhaps clearer to understand for the rest of us... :) This is how the data-ecosystem was broken down, and the way I fulfilled the OP requirements.
The Test Schema:
Welcome to the manufacturing facilities of the "Recipe Stack" Food Works. The schema design and ERD (Entity Relation Diagram) is below, with the sample data used for this demonstration:
The data relations are as follows:
The staff at the Stack Food-Works keeps an inventory of all ingredients for the types of meals and prepared foods they manufacture. Each ingredient has a unique ID (INGREDIENT_ID) and the staff tracks the amounts of each item in their pantry.
Each ingredient can be used in multiple recipes, but they will be used exactly once for a given recipe.
The ENTREE_RECIPE table has a COMPOSITE KEY which means it is the combination of the two pieces of this composite key (ENTREE_NAME and INGREDIENT_SEQ) that should be unique.
There is a FOREIGN KEY relation between the INGREDIENT_ID values of both tables.
Report Display Requirements (APEX and SQL Design Elements)
Selecting an item from the FIRST report is used as the input and the restriction/filter criteria of the second report.
User Case #1:
User Selects a Ingredient ID from the list of available ingredients in the pantry.
Input from (1) filters output of the RECIPE REPORT. This is a list of all the recipes that have the chosen ingredient in their formula.
User Case #2:
User Selects an ENTREE_NAME from the RECIPE REPORT. The ENTREE_NAME is used to deliver a third report: the RECIPE FORMULA which is the full recipe for the entree item that was selected from the previous report.
Testing Tools
(You usually need these these for the more complex pages, so it's a good start to use or develop them for the easier ones...)
I made my own, but you can also invoke the SESSION link on the developer's tool bar at the bottom of the APEX page on your running application (when it is displayed).
Here's my idea; it's a header region that also has a button to RESET input values so that I can clear the cache and retest or try other examples. I'll show later how you can use this link to see what is going on. You can see it in the discussion of testing at the bottom of this guide.
APEX Report/Page Design and SQL Parametrization
My columnn linking scheme looks similar to the previous post such as the one from FTaveras. This is how my linking works. What's different is that I do not go to another page, I simply go BACK to the same page I came from. Redirects and Branches apparently don't care if they are simply returning to the same location.
What is different on the return trip is that page parameters that were originally null or unpopulated NOW have a value. That value now brings life to the reports on the page that were empty.
Output: Query all items from the FOOD_SUPPLIES table.
Inputs: Supply links by INGREDIENT_ID to filter the RECIPE_REPORT output.
How to do it: (hint) To accomplish this, define the report column/field value in your report layout design page as a "linked" column and assign its value as a page item. The page item will be referenced in the SQL query of the next report...
Output: Query all records from the ENTREE_RECIPE table which have the INGREDIENT_ID from Step 1 within their formula.
Input: Supply links by ENTREE_NAME to filter the RECIPE_FORMULA output.
How to do it: (hint) Include the page item defined from Step 1 within the SQL query of this report:
SELECT * FROM entree_recipe
WHERE ingredient_id = :P3_INGREDIENT_ID
Output: Query all records from the ENTREE_RECIPE table which have the ENTREE_NAME selected from Step 2.
Debug and Test Run
Most will be able to get this far without any problems. If not, here are a couple of examples of how you can debug and test your work. There may be some built-in tools and packages that already exist within Apex, so any suggestions on alternate approaches are welcome in the comments...!
Using the APEX Developer SESSION Output
After selecting the inputs for the trial run, click on the SESSION link on the developer toolbar at the bottom of the page. This is an example output:
Note that the page items that were set for that session are displayed. The inputs I used for this test were:
ENTREE_NAME: peach cobbler (fresh)
Extra Credit: This one is an alternate approach. It may be useful to design something like this as an add-on to any app you design. You do not need to remove it from your app when you push it to production because there is a "conditional display/suppress" feature for page regions. (check it out)
Simply set a global parameter as a "mode" on your Apex app. Set the value to "DEBUG" or "TEST" or whatever and key all your instances of this page region to display only when the global parameter is set to it.
Wrap Up and Discussion
Hopefully, you've enjoyed your visit to the "Stack Food Works" (no tasting or sampling from the line, please).
This has been more of a holistic approach to Apex app design. It helps to have a methodology to map out each step, and a way to check your work at both the beginning and the end of your development process. Using smaller examples like this demo to apply these methods provides a chance to understand Apex development as a Software Creation PROCESS.
Yes it's possible.
On page B, add and hidden Item name for example P(#)_SERIAL where (#) is your current page number.
Modify your query and add one line like AND SERIAL=:P(#)_SERIAL.
On Page A go to "Report Attributes" tab on the report region, click edit.
On the column link section configure your link to page B and set the hidden item on page B to the value on report column of page A.
Name: Item 1 [P(#)_SERIAL] Value: #Num2#

running two scenario at same time with loadrunner

Can we run two scenarios at same time with loadrunner?
E.g. Suppose there are 50 user and I have to generate script such that 25 user accessing login and order modules and other 25 user just browsing the site.
Is it possible to generate such scenario?
Running multiple scenarios at the same time (assuming standalone controller) is not possible on THE SAME controller at THE SAME time.
From your description of the problem I assume you are looking for multiple scripts (groups) running in the same scenario - if so then the answer is YES.
In the controller you add more Groups (scripts are called groups in controller) and define the number of vusers or % of total vusers (depending on scenario type & controller version) for the group. I have not seen any limit on the number of groups/scenario. I've never needed more than 15 groups in a single scenario thou ..
I have a direct question for you, are you using an evaluation license?
Generally you would just use a 50 user license with two groups of 25 users apiece. The only time I get this question for the past 15 years is when someone is trying to combine result sets for two 25 user evaluation license copies of a LoadRunner controller.
Rohit, you can create two seperate scripts - one for your login & other for browse site transactions. In controller scenario , you can select select by Group and add these two scripts in your groups and assign 25 vusers each to both.