xampp set stable conecction with server - apache

i'm host site using xampp virtual host,on windows VPS.All configurations are correctly.But when first time load site no any problems.when try to load site after 10 -15 sec site not be load show
This site can’t be reached www.xxx.com took too long to respond.
Search Google for xxx
i also allow Apache server and port 80 access through the firewall.
uninstall everything and do lots of changes.but no any solution for this.
if any one know any tip or solution please share with me.
Thank you


Use Windows 2016 server with Xampp to host more than 1 website

I have tried all kinds of things, read all answers, and configured the bananas out of it, but I cannot seem to get the following working:
A windows 2016 server with XAMPP, to host more websites than 1.
What have I done:
I have altered the httpd-vhosts.conf as described all over the web with allowing NameVirtualHost, and setting up virtual host with documentroot, servername etc.
I have pointed a domain with the a-record to this server
installed the latest XAMPP release to date
changed the windows hosts file, as described everywhere ( domainname.com)
What works:
I can get the domain working on my server's browser. When I enter the specific domainname.com it shows the hello world page I made in the specified folder. The domain resolves and shows the page that is in de directory accordingly
Besides that, the localhost of apache is also working, I have 2 sites working, but only on the browser of the server, on the machine itself.
What does not work:
Only 1 thing. when I want to access the domain from any other machine than the server (from outside so to say), it will not work, but when I ping the domain on my home-pc it resolves to the server.
I am at a loss. Been at this for hours, and beginning to question if it is even possible.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here, or if it is even possible to have more than 1 website to work on XAMPP and resolve form the outside?
Thank you in advance.
It was windows firewall that stopped all inbound connections. I finally figured it out!

Apache Access Log File Strange

I'm newbee on linux/server/apache..
I have an apache server runing on my machine, and I have a monitoring app "gotop" that I check from time to time. Even when there is a lot of traffic on my server the 4 core CPU are between 50~70 (not all of them at the same time, they switch between them..).
Today I checked gotop and saw all of them where about 100% with 85° temp!!
I stoped the apache and the CPUs went down of course then went to the access.log and saw an local ip which is the one of my router making infinite requests!
As you can see in the picture.
What is happening? why my router is requesting all this??
Thank you for your help =)
It was a local machine which was downloading from the server.. Nevertheless, expecting another IP than the router one.

Apache doesn't start in XAMPP at all

I am trying to start apache server since morning but it doesn't start at all.
I have changed the main port from 80 to 8012 and done everything that I could after reading Q&As on forums on internet, but I am unable to start it. Here is a screen shot of my XAMPP control panel
just for information i am using apache 2.4, php 7 and mysql 5.7
During the installation, you might save it a different folder name by renaming it. Upon trying to start the xampp the system cannot find the file path.

How to configure Apache to listen some different port?

I am facing problem in starting XAMPP. First of all it gives me error messages in RED when i start XAMPP control panel. When i click on START APACHE, it starts it but when i open localhost it gives me the following error message.
Not Found
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.
I have tried various ways to resolve this problem but it isn't solved yet. Kindly guide me.
first run XAMPP installer by UAC(User Account Control) and Antivirus off and run it as admin
uninstall previous XAMP installation
turn off IIS temporarily (which will use default port 80)
change the port to some free valid port by following below guide
summary (Locate the file httpd.conf. This file should be found in C:\xampp\apache\conf folder or via config button in XAMPP control panel and search for 80 port and change it to something like 1234
check services.msc if web deployment agent service is running.
check if IIS is running, stop it.
As some solutions may suggest you turn off the IIS or some windows related services, you should therefore take precaution since there are possibilities of stopping very useful user process

My Apache setup alongside IIS

I am trying to learn PHP. I am having trouble getting Apache working correctly on my Vista Home Premium machine.
I have IIS7 running and I would like to have Apache running along with it. I was looking around on the web and some say that it would be fine having the two together as long as they are looking at different ports.
I left IIS looking listening on port 80 and I edited the httpd.conf file in the apache2triad/conf folder to listen on port 8080 and changed the server name to localhost:8080. When I go to localhost:8080/phpmyadmin the page that allows me to create a database looks like all the page styling is off so I know that something is already wonky.
I enter a database name and click the Create button, then receive a 404 error from IIS. It says that it is looking for a file at:
Requested URL:
Physical Path:
It's pointing to my inetpub folder but all of my PHP stuff is in the c:\apache2triad folder.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
If you want to get a URL from your Apache server, you need to use port 8080 instead of port 80 (which is where you say IIS is running) - so your URL should be http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/db_create.php
As Shawn said, if you're not familiar with apache at all, you're probably better off setting up PHP under IIS - see http://www.php.net/install.windows