react-select How can I select an option from the code? - react-select

in the react-select component ( what is the way to select an option programmatically?
<Select value={this.state.value}
onChange={(selOptions) => { this.handleFormChange(selOptions); }}
If I set the 'value' of the component as one of the values of the array in 'options' nothing is shown as selected.

The value to be used is the entire object with value and label


checking one checkbox checks all react native

When I select one checkbox, all checkboxes in the app get selected. How do I stop this?
I am using this checkbox
const [toggleCheckBox, setToggleCheckBox] = useState(false);
return (
{userProducts.length > 0 ? ( => (
userProduct.product + ' val: ' + userProduct.val
onValueChange={newValue => setToggleCheckBox(newValue)}
) : (
<Text>Nothing in your list yet</Text>
you should create your own checkbox component and set the state inside it, so you can pass the state from and to it from the parent component
Because all of your checkbox are using 1 value toggleCheckBox to check state. The easiest way is create child component wrap checkbox inside, and manage state from it
//on Value you can try
onValueChange={newValue => setToggleCheckBox(newValue)}
This is obvious that you are mapping your checkboxes. While you are maintaining state of check or uncheck in just one toggleCheckBox state. So when this is true, all are checked and when it's false, all are unchecked. Here is an existing answer to your question. In case of any confusion or ambiguity, please feel free to ask in the comments section below.

How can I test a MUI check box with no label using data-testid?

I want to test a checkbox that has no label. The point is that there are other checkboxes as well so I cant use getByRole.
I have tried to use data-testid, but apparently, it's not working.
How am I supposed to check if that checkbox is checked(toBeChecked())?
onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
if (item) {
item.checked =;
setFinalData(updateItemInArray(finalData, {
The proper way to do this would be to add an aria-label to your checkbox, so it's announced correctly by screen readers:
<Checkbox inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'Select row 1' }} />
This way, you'll be able to select it in your tests using getByLabelText.
If you want to use data-testid, you can place it on the checkbox similarly to aria-label:
<Checkbox inputProps={{ 'data-testid': 'checkbox1' }} />
Note that if you're using Typescript, you'd have to cast the inputProps to React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> as data attributes are not a part of InputHTMLAttributes:
<Checkbox inputProps={{ 'data-testid': 'checkbox1' } as React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>} />

Native Base: Is it possible to style Select's disabled state?

I'm using the Native Base Select component. While Select's data is loading I set isDisabled prop on Select to make the component unpressable. Problem is that by making it disabled I get a different style of Select that I can't change and adjust.
You should use Pseudo Props
opacity: 30,
_text: { color: "secondary.400" },

How to add data-testid attribute to react-select components

Using react-testing-library, I wish to test a form implemented in React.
That form includes a React component of type react-select.
It is necessary to click a part of the react-select component that has no label, no text, etc. (E.g. the dropdown arrow).
Ordinarily, the react-testing-library way to do this is to add a 'data-testid' attribute to the item in question.
I've found that it's possible to give each part of the react-select a CSS class attribute, by providing the 'classNamePrefix' prop to the react-select component. Is there some way to do the same for data-testid attribute?
Note: I'm aware I can provide custom implementations of the components of react-select, but that seems like overkill to get one attribute in place.
First of all I'd question why there's no label on the Select as this wouldn't be classed as accessible for screen readers.
But, If you don't want a visible label you could always pass an aria-label prop to the Select and test it that way using getByLabelText.
<Select aria-label="Example Label" ... />
getByLabelText('Example Label')
If you really need to add a data-testid you could replace the specific components you want to add the data-testid too and add it. (See the docs for more info)
// #flow
import React from 'react';
import EmojiIcon from '#atlaskit/icon/glyph/emoji';
import Select, { components } from 'react-select';
import { colourOptions } from './docs/data';
const DropdownIndicator = props => {
return (
<components.DropdownIndicator {...props}>
<span data-testid="DropdownIndicator">
<EmojiIcon primaryColor={colourOptions[2].color} />
export default () => (
components={{ DropdownIndicator }}
defaultValue={[colourOptions[4], colourOptions[5]]}
Codesandbox link
Before all react-select is just a select. In testing you should keep eyes in your components. react-select is a component outside your project, the test cases belong to their owner.
So in this cases I recommend to just mock the package in your benefit.
Here is an example of how to mock it:
jest.mock('react-select', () => ({ options, value, onChange }) => {
return (
<select data-testid="react-select-mock" defaultValue={value} onChange={onChange}>
{{ label, value }) => (
<option key={value} value={value}>

How to replace the checkbox from the UI Fabric DetailsList component

How can I replace the circle checkbox of a DetailsList in office-ui-fabric-react with a normal square CheckBox component? I see onRenderCheckbox so I try something like this:
onRenderCheckbox={(props) => (<Checkbox checked={props.checked} />)}
onRenderCheckbox={(props) => (<Checkbox {...props} />)}
I can see the square checkbox but I can't select it.
What it the proper way to do this?
Thanks in advance...
When you render the Checkbox component, it handles the click itself (and thus it won't percolate up to the row so it can toggle selection accordingly), so you need to prevent it with the pointer-events: none style.
onRenderCheckbox(props) {
return (
<div style={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}>
<Checkbox checked={props.checked} />
Check it out here: