How can I make a SQL query that returns null if there is no record or return the value if there is? - sql

I am trying to do a query on three different tables.
The variable table
The variable table carries information about what "area", "rounds" and
"days" the variable belongs to. The variable table also holds a pk column.
The pk is used to determine which variable a record belongs to.
The area table
The area table carries information about the "name" of the area as well as
the "role" the area belongs to. A user is assigned a role and then has
access to specific areas.
The record table
The record table carries information about the record that was entered. It
contains the "value", "alarmed", and "alarmType" columns. You can search
for a record based on the variable, round and day.
I am trying to query all of the variables in a certain round and day for a user.
I want to display all the variables whether or not there is a record found. Currently I have a query that only returns the variables that have records, but not the ones that don't.
If there is no record then thevalue, alarmed, and alarmType column should be null.
This is the query that I have so far constructed:
SELECT DISTINCT, AS "areaName",, CAST(record.value AS TEXT) AS "value", record.alarmed, record.alarmType
FROM variable, area, record
WHERE variable.round LIKE '%,1,%'
AND LIKE '%,3,%'
AND variable.readOnly = 0
AND variable.area IN (SELECT pk
FROM area
WHERE role = (SELECT role
FROM user
WHERE userName LIKE 'Leo'))
AND variable.area =
FROM record
WHERE round = 1
AND day = "11-14-2018"
AND variable =
ORDER BY variable.area, variable.position ASC;
Currently it returns something like this:
There are a lot more variables and I want to know how to display them even if there are no records.

I think I see what you're trying to do. The key is using joins (specifically OUTER joins) instead of trying to mash all the tables together and then find similarities. There are also LEFT, RIGHT and INNER flavors (read more about these here and here), depending on what you consider the "complete" or "master" data set - the starting point of your query.
Here's how I understand your relationships (let me know if I have this wrong):
record.variable -->
variable.area -->
area.role --> user.role
In your case, you stated that you need all records from the variable table, so I would start with this:
FROM variable v;
Then, you might find all the AREA records related to a particular USER. Use an INNER join to find only records that exist on BOTH sides of the join:
SELECT a.*, u.*
FROM area a
INNER JOIN user u -- Define the table to join
ON a.role = u.role -- Which columns contain keys to match on
WHERE u.userName = 'Leo';
The WHERE filter applies to the user table, but because we are ONLY asking for records from the area table that have a match with user, then that limits the results from the area table.
The next step is to join these two extracts together using another INNER join, again, to find the intersection - matches that exist on BOTH sides of the join(s):
SELECT v.*, a.*, u.*
FROM variable v -- New starting point
ON = v.area
ON a.role = u.role
WHERE u.userName = 'Leo';
Now, we find all the records for a certain day by adding WHERE clauses:
SELECT v.*, a.*, u.*
FROM variable v
ON = v.area
ON a.role = u.role
WHERE u.userName = 'Leo'
AND v.round = 1 -- Add filters for "round"
AND = '11-14-2018'; -- and "day" columns
Next, we use a LEFT join to give us all the records from the table on the "left" plus any matches we find on the "right" side (the "record" table) or NULL if no match is made:
, as "areaName"
,CAST(r.value as TEXT) as "value"
FROM variable v
ON v.area =
ON a.role = u.role
LEFT JOIN record r -- LEFT is important here
ON = r.variable
WHERE u.userName = 'Leo'
AND v.round = 1
AND = '11-14-2018'
ORDER BY v.area, v.position;
The result from INNER joins (variable + area + user) becomes the "left" side of this join, and the record becomes the "right" side. Using the LEFT join declares that we want ALL records from the left, whether they have a match on the right or not.
I don't have a dataset to test this with, so please excuse any errors I've made.
Hopefully, this illustrates how joins would be used to both eliminate rows and add data (columns) the result, without having to make individual queries or resort to sub-queries (using IN or EXISTS).


trouble with inner joining 2 tables

I have a database with 2 tables in it one is 'enlistments' and the other one is 'users'. In the enlistments table I have a user_id and in the users table I have a name. I want to get the name of the user which belongs to the id.
I know I need to do this with an inner join like this:
SELECT enlistments.round_id,
FROM enlistments
WHERE enlistments.activity_id = 1;
However I get this error: Warning: #1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value
I did some research and found out it has to do with comparing an int with a string but I don't know how to solve the problem.
This is how my database looks like
join on is the condition you use to join the tables. Here it's
select e.round_id
from enlistments e join users u on = e.user_id
where activity_id = 1
To validate and be sure you are pulling back the exact data desired, I usually provide aliases for each column brought back and make sure to bring back the join columns also. It's good practice to label where the columns returned originated.
Enlistments.UserID as Enlistments_UserID,
Users.ID as Users_ID,
enlistments.round_id as Enlistments_RoundID, as Users_Name
FROM enlistments
WHERE enlistments.activity_id = 1;
SELECT EN.round_id,
FROM enlistments EN
WHERE EN.activity_id = 1
What you are needing is the function cast that can convert any kind of data into another, so you'll pass your integer value as the first argument followed by "AS '%DATATYPE'" where %DATATYPE is the kind of data you want to achieve.
In your case:
-- RETURNS : '123456'
Anyway, I’m not sure that you can be able to join these two tables with the join you are using.
For more help please share some data.

SELECT query with conditional joins, return all rows when no data in lowest join

I'm looking for a solution where a query should return:
a) a limited set of rows when there are rows in the lowest joined table
b) all rows if there is no data in the lowest joined table
c) taking into account that it is possible that there is more than 1 such join
we are implementing security using data. Rows from the table (MainTable) are filtered on 1 or more columns. These columns have a relationship with other tables (LookupTable). Security is defined on the LookupTable.
Example1: the MainTable contains contact information. One of the columns holds the country code, this column has a relationship with a LookupTable that contains the country codes. The user can only select a country code that exists in the LookupTable. The security admin can then define that a user can only work with contacts of one or more countries. When that user accesses the MainTable he/she will only get the contacts of that limited list of countries.
Example2: the MainTable contains products. One column holds the country of origin code, another column the product group. Security setup can limit the access to the product MainTable of a user to a list of countries AND a list of product groups.
The security setup works by Management-by-Exception, whichs means that the MainTable is filtered when one or more "security filters" are defined but if no security filters are defined then the user will get ALL rows from MainTable. So my query should return a limited number of rows if any security filter is defined but should return all rows if there are no security filters defined.
Current situation:
I have been working on a query for the case of Example2. There are 4 possible scenarios:
No security filters are defined
expected outcome: all rows are returned
Security filter defined only for first LookupTable
expected outcome: only rows matching values between LookupTable1 and security filter are returned
Security filter defined only for second LookupTable
expected outcome: only rows matching values between LookupTable2 and security filter are returned
Security filter defined only for both LookupTables
expected outcome: only rows matching values between LookupTable1 AND LookupTable2 and security filter are returned
The query I have is correct for cases 2,3 and 4 but fails for case 1 where no rows are returned (as per my understanding this is due to the fact that both JOINS return an empty result set).
The application provides the (power) users with some kind of table designer which means that they can define which columns are linked to a LookupTable and which of these LookupTables can be used for the "security filters".
This means that, potentially, we could have a MainTable with for example 200 columns of which 20 are linked to a LookupTable which are defined as security filter. The queries are stored procedures which are generated when "design" changes are saved.
With the query I have now (working for 3 out 4 cases) the number of scenarios is equal to 2^N where N is the number of LookupTables. If N is 20 the total goes over 1 million.
Security setup is done with Profiles assigned to Users and Filter Sets assigned to Profiles and Filter Set Entries containing the actual values to filter on (if any).
The environment is currently on MS SQL 2017 but will be put into production on SQL on Azure.
Example of the query (but look further below for the link to dbfiddle):
SELECT E.col_pk, E.col_28, E.col_7, E.col_8, E.col_9, E.col_1052
FROM MainTable AS E
LEFT JOIN LookupTable2 AS L28 ON L28.col_pk = E.col_28
JOIN SecUserProfile AS UP28 ON UP28.IdentityUserId = #UserId
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS PFS28 ON PFS28.SecProfileId = UP28.SecProfileId
LEFT JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS SE28 ON SE28.SecFilterSetId = PFS28.SecFilterSetId AND SE28.MdxEntityId = 2 AND SE28.EntityKey = L28.col_pk
LEFT JOIN LookupTable13 AS L1052 ON L1052.col_pk = E.col_1052
JOIN SecUserProfile AS UP1052 ON UP1052.IdentityUserId = #UserId
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS PFS1052 ON PFS1052.SecProfileId = UP1052.SecProfileId
LEFT JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS SE1052 ON SE1052.SecFilterSetId = PFS1052.SecFilterSetId AND SE1052.MdxEntityId = 13 AND SE1052.EntityKey = L1052.col_pk
(SE28.SecFilterSetId IS NOT NULL AND SE1052.SecFilterSetId IS NOT NULL)
SELECT TOP 1 NUP1052.Id FROM SecUserProfile AS NUP1052
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS NPFS1052 ON NPFS1052.SecProfileId = NUP1052.SecProfileId
JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS NSE1052 ON NSE1052.SecFilterSetId = NPFS1052.SecFilterSetId AND NSE1052.MdxEntityId = 13
WHERE NUP1052.IdentityUserId = #UserId
SELECT TOP 1 NUP28.Id FROM SecUserProfile AS NUP28
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS NPFS28 ON NPFS28.SecProfileId = NUP28.SecProfileId
JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS NSE28 ON NSE28.SecFilterSetId = NPFS28.SecFilterSetId AND NSE28.MdxEntityId = 2
WHERE NUP28.IdentityUserId = #UserId
AND SE1052.SecFilterSetId IS NOT NULL
SELECT TOP 1 NUP28.Id FROM SecUserProfile AS NUP28
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS NPFS28 ON NPFS28.SecProfileId = NUP28.SecProfileId
JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS NSE28 ON NSE28.SecFilterSetId = NPFS28.SecFilterSetId AND NSE28.MdxEntityId = 2
WHERE NUP28.IdentityUserId = #UserId
SELECT TOP 1 NUP1052.Id FROM SecUserProfile AS NUP1052
JOIN SecProfileFilterSets AS NPFS1052 ON NPFS1052.SecProfileId = NUP1052.SecProfileId
JOIN SecFilterSetEntry AS NSE1052 ON NSE1052.SecFilterSetId = NPFS1052.SecFilterSetId AND NSE1052.MdxEntityId = 13
WHERE NUP1052.IdentityUserId = #UserId
I have the following issues but they probably boil down to 1 in the end:
my current query is only 75% correct
even if my current query is correct it cannot be used in production with the potential high(er) number of lookup tables.
performance needs to be taken into account. Just as we don't know the number of columns and lookup tables at design time we don't know how many rows the tables will contain. The main table may hold 500, 50000 or 500000 records.
In the end all this will boil down to the right solution :)
I think this is not the easiest of questions (otherwise I will feel very stupid) and for those willing to take a look I've prepared a sandbox environment on dbfiddle representing the use-case I'm working with. I've setup the query to run 4 times, once for each of the scenarios.

How to get matching data from another SQL table for two different columns: Inner Join and/or Union?

I've got two tables in MS Access that keep track of class facilitators and the classes they facilitate. The two tables are structured as follows:
facilID -> a unique autonumber to keep track of individual teachers
facilLname -> the Last name of the facilitator
facilFname -> the First name of the facilitator
classID -> a unique autonumber to keep track of individual classes
className -> the name of the class (science, math, etc)
primeFacil -> the facilID from the first table of a teacher who is primary facilitator
secondFacil -> the facilID from the first table of another teacher who is backup facilitator
I cannot figure out how to write an Inner Join that pulls up the results in this format:
Column 1: Class Name
Column 2: Primary Facilitator's Last Name
Column 3: Primary Facilitator's First Name
Column 4: Secondary Facilitator's Last Name
Column 5: Secondary Facilitator's First Name
I am able to pull up and get the correct results if I only request the primary facilitator by itself or only request the secondary facilitator by itself. I cannot get them both to work out, though.
This is my working Inner Join:
SELECT tbl_facilitatorClasses.className,
tbl_facilitators.facilLname, tbl_facilitators.facilFname
FROM tbl_facilitatorClasses
INNER JOIN tbl_facilitators
ON tbl_facilitatorClasses.primeFacil = tbl_facilitators.facilID;
Out of desperation I also tried a Union, but it didn't work out as I had hoped. Your help is greatly appreciated. I'm really struggling to make any progress at this point. I don't often work with SQL.
Thanks to #philipxy I came up with the following query which ended up working:
SELECT tblCLS.className,
tblP.facilLname, tblP.facilFname, tblS.facilLname, tblS.facilFname
FROM (tbl_facilitatorClasses AS tblCLS
INNER JOIN tbl_facilitators AS tblP
ON tblCLS.primeFacil=tblP.facilID)
INNER JOIN tbl_facilitators AS tblS
ON tblCLS.secondFacil=tblS.facilID;
When performing multiple Inner Joins in MS Access, parenthesis are needed...As described in this other post.
(The following applies when every row is SQL DISTINCT, and outside SQL code similarly treats NULL like just another value.)
Every base table has a statement template, aka predicate, parameterized by column names, by which we put a row in or leave it out. We can use a (standard predicate logic) shorthand for the predicate that is like its SQL declaration.
-- facilitator [facilID] is named [facilFname] [facilLname]
facilitator(facilID, facilLname, facilFname)
-- class [classID] named [className] has prime [primeFacil] & backup [secondFacil]
class(classID, className, primeFacil, secondFacil)
Plugging a row into a predicate gives a statement aka proposition. The rows that make a true proposition go in a table and the rows that make a false proposition stay out. (So a table states the proposition of each present row and states NOT the proposition of each absent row.)
-- facilitator f1 is named Jane Doe
facilitator(f1, 'Jane', 'Doe')
-- class c1 named CSC101 has prime f1 & backup f8
class(c1, 'CSC101', f1, f8)
But every table expression value has a predicate per its expression. SQL is designed so that if tables T and U hold the (NULL-free non-duplicate) rows where T(...) and U(...) (respectively) then:
T CROSS JOIN U holds rows where T(...) AND U(...)
T INNER JOIN U ONcondition holds rows where T(...) AND U(...) AND condition
T LEFT JOIN U ONcondition holds rows where (for U-only columns U1,...)
    T(...) AND U(...) AND condition
OR T(...)
    AND NOT there EXISTS values for U1,... where [U(...) AND condition]
    AND U1 IS NULL AND ...
T WHEREcondition holds rows where T(...) AND condition
T INTERSECT U holds rows where T(...) AND U(...)
T UNION U holds rows where T(...) OR U(...)
T EXCEPT U holds rows where T(...) AND NOT U(...)
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM T holds rows where T(...)
SELECT DISTINCTcolumns to keepFROM T holds rows where
there EXISTS values for columns to drop where T(...)
VALUES (C1, C2, ...)((v1,v2, ...), ...) holds rows where
C1 = v1 AND C2 = v2 AND ... OR ...
(...) IN T means T(...)
scalar= T means T(scalar)
T(..., X, ...) AND X = Y means T(..., Y, ...) AND X = Y
So to query we find a way of phrasing the predicate for the rows that we want in natural language using base table predicates, then in shorthand using base table predicates, then in shorthand using aliases in column names except for output columns, then in SQL using base table names plus ON & WHERE conditions etc. If we need to mention a base table twice then we give it aliases.
-- natural language
there EXISTS values for classID, primeFacil & secondFacil where
class [classID] named [className]
has prime [primeFacil] & backup [secondFacil]
AND facilitator [primeFacil] is named [pf.facilFname] [pf.facilLname]
AND facilitator [secondFacil] is named [sf.facilFname] [sf.facilLname]
-- shorthand
there EXISTS values for classID, primeFacil & secondFacil where
class(classID, className, primeFacil, secondFacil)
AND facilitator(pf.facilID, pf.facilLname, pf.facilFname)
AND pf.facilID = primeFacil
AND facilitator(sf.facilID, sf.facilLname, sf.facilFname)
AND sf.facilID = secondFacil
-- shorthand using aliases everywhere but result
-- use # to distinguish same-named result columns in specification
there EXISTS values for c.*, pf.*, sf.* where
className = c.className
AND facilLname#1 = pf.facilLname AND facilFname#1 = pf.facilFname
AND facilLname#2 = sf.facilLname AND facilFname#2 = sf.facilFname
AND class(c.classID, c.className, c.primeFacil, c.secondFacil)
AND facilitator(pf.facilID, pf.facilLname, pf.facilFname)
AND pf.facilID = c.primeFacil
AND facilitator(sf.facilID, sf.facilLname, sf.facilFname)
AND sf.facilID = c.secondFacil
-- table names & SQL (with MS Access parentheses)
SELECT className, pf.facilLname, pf.facilFname, sf.facilLname, sf.facilFname
FROM (class JOIN facilitator AS pf ON pf.facilID = primeFacil)
JOIN facilitator AS sf ON sf.facilID = secondFacil
OUTER JOIN would be used when a class doesn't always have both facilitators or something doesn't always have all names. (Ie if a column can be NULL.) But you haven't given the specific predicates for your base table and query or the business rules about when things might be NULL so I have assumed no NULLs.
Is there any rule of thumb to construct SQL query from a human-readable description?
(Re MS Access JOIN parentheses see this from SO and this from MS.)
Just do an extra join for the secondary facilitator (and please use table aliases!):
SELECT fc.className, f1.facilLname, f2.facilFname
FROM tbl_facilitatorClasses fc
INNER JOIN tbl_facilitators f1 ON fc.primeFacil = f1.facilID
INNER JOIN tbl_facilitators f2 ON fc.secondFacil = f2.facilID;
I would do it as above by joining to the tbl_facilitators table twice but you might want to make sure that every class really does require a 2nd facilitator as the second join should be an outer join instead. Indeed it might be safer to assume that it's not a required field.

Viewing Data from two tables while linking multiple tables in SQL

I am trying to set up a view in a database I want to see all the data in the PERSON table and three columns from the NON_PERSONNEL table for a program from the PROGRAM table. This is what I am trying now, the query runs without errors but doesnt give me any results. All 4 of the tables listed below are imperative to derive the answer
person.person_id = personnel_role.person_id
AND personnel_role.program_id = programs.program_id
AND programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id
AND programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'
you need to use left join, so you get all persons but description and amount can be NULL if that person doesn't have records in other tables
Also use explicit join syntax.
SELECT person.*, non_personnel.description, non_personnel.amount
FROM person
left join personnel_role
ON person.person_id = personnel_role.person_id
left join programs
ON personnel_role.program_id = programs.program_id
AND programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'
left join non_personnel
ON programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id
This really depends on your schema and the data in the tables. The way you have it written now means that only records that match in every table (according to your WHERE conditions) are passed into the result set.
This means that you have to have all program_id's in your programs table that you want returned in the results ALSO in your non_personnel table. They must also ALL be in your personnel_role table. And all person_ids in your personnel_role table must be in the person table. You get no results back, so this is probably not what you meant to write.
My guess is that you want to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN here. LEFT OUTER JOIN says "Take all records from one table and ONLY records from the joined table that meet the criteria in your ON statement".
Because you are wanting information based on a particular Program, chances are you want to start with that table:
SELECT person.*,
LEFT OUTER JOIN personnel_role ON
programs.program_id = personnel_role.program_id
personnel_role.person_id = person.person_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN non_personnel
programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id
programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'
This is a bit of an assumption since I have no idea what your schema is or how your data is built, but I'm betting it's what you are after.
What this FROM clause says is:
1. Take all records from Program (where program_name = 'fake program') and only reocrds from personnel_role that share the same program_id
2. Take only the records from person where the person_id matches the records we just got from the personnel_role table
3. Take only the records from non_personnel where it shares a program_id with the results from the program table.

How do I get all the institutions in my SQL query in oracle with inner join?

I'm trying to write a query in oracle SQL, first I am trying to edit a profile, so I want to change the institution that the user previously select it, but for that I must get all the institutions from a table named institution (id_institution, name_institution),
select user.user_name, institution.name_institution from user
inner join institution_has_user on user.id_user = institution_has_user.user_id_user
inner join institution on institution_has_user.institution_id_institution = institution.id_institution
where user = 'george';
But all I get It is the data that he register, and I want all the institutions, so I can fill a select html, just for editing purposes
If you want to return all the institutions from your above query, then you'll need to use an OUTER JOIN and move your WHERE criteria to your JOIN. This will however return NULL records for the user name field where there aren't any matches which might not be what you're looking for:
select distinct user.user_name, institution.name_institution
from institution
left join institution_has_user on institution_has_user.institution_id_institution = institution.id_institution
left join user on user.id_user = institution_has_user.user_id_user
and user.user_name = 'george';
Perhaps an easier alternative solution, just run two queries -- it should be perfectly fine to create a drop down list from a single select statement:
select name_institution
from institution