Is It possible to programmatically resize a column [ngx-datatable] - ngx-datatable

Is it possible when using the ngx-datatable to programmatically resize a column?
Any help will be appreciated

Maybe you'll find your answer on this post
And there is a method call adjustColumns() on the ngx-datatable you can find the documentation of the code there :
Hope this would help you! :)


Comments starting with a straight line in intellij

Here is the comment style that I want to create but I don't know how.
I was looking the whole net and intellij but I can't find the solution how to create comments like this. Does anybody know how to do comments like this?
It's a rendered view for common comments:

Multiple types of onmouseover="bigImg(this)" one one sheet

I'm such a novice and I'm sure there is a simple solution so I humbly ask for your assistance.
I have a page that has two different types of image buttons; square and rectangle. The 'onmouseover="bigImg(this)"' works great with the square images but when it comes to the rectangular image button, it scrunches it up to try and make a square.
I know that the image size is defined like this:
function bigImg(x) { = "64px"; = "64px";
function normalImg(x) { = "32px"; = "32px";
My problem is that it applies to the rectangular image buttons too.
Question: Is there a way to make those "functions" into a class or id where I could specify it on the code...
OR is there a better solution?
I found a sloppy solution where I resize my long button on Photoshop to work with the same heights as the other icons. I set the width = "auto".
If any anyone has a more elegant solution, please, please, please let me know.
Thank you.
As a newbie, I find a lot of answers here. Thank you all for your posts.
On this one, I just showed you all how much of a newbie I am...
BigImg is just a name, not a function. I just changed BigImg to BigButton and I was able to isolate the buttons from everything else.
Hope this helps anyone else that was in my shoe.

Setting ActionLink url using javascript

How can we set the url(Action, controller and query string) using javascript in mvc.
Please suggest.
Thank you,
Please go through this. You may find it useful.

How to resize the element using jsPlumb?

In my application I need to resize the elements. Here I found the perfect example
but its not working in my code.
Even when I used the same code without changing it, it didn't work for me.
Any help?
Thank you!
Without posting your code it is difficult to debug. Make sure that the object which is resizable is set with below class:

How to remove the echoChar (TextField)?

I'm using
on an AWT TextField for passwords. However, I can't find a way to undo this. The JavaDoc says I got to set echoChar to 0, but how do I do this?
This should work. Please confirm.