Do Redis images currently work with Docker on Windows? - redis

I am running Docker with Linux containers. When I try to do a Redis pull I get "docker: no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries." I have seen many tutorials showing redis running on docker windows. Has something changed with later versions of redis which means that it no longer works with docker on Windows?

start dockerd.exe with the --experimental flag and your problem will be solved.
easy find on google:


How to recover containers and images in WSL2 that go missing after installing Docker Desktop?

I'm attempting to use my WSL2 docker containers with VS Code, though I now regret this. I attempted to follow these directions to get everything installed and configured correctly.
After installing Docker Desktop, my previous containers and images are not shown with docker ls and docker images when run from WSL2. However, there are still many GB of data under /var/lib/docker. Is there some way to attempt to recover this?

Docker with an Apache is restarting in a loop

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 which run an app supported by Docker (version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be) and docker-compose (version 1.16.1, build 6d1ac21). One of this dockers contains an Apache which is restating in a loop.
Is there a way to fix this without losing dockers customizations?
I re-created all dockers with
docker-compose up --force-recreate
I didn't lose anything and everything is working now.

Configure Redis Cluster in Ubuntu Server 14.04

I've installed redis-server using apt-get install redis-server and everything went fine.
Right now I'm trying to configure it in a Cluster mode. The problem is that in the tutorial supplied here they use a script called redis-trib.rb which I can't find it in my system.
Can you please tell me how can I configure my Redis to run in Cluster mode without that script ?
I would like to have a setup with two masters, each on a different machine.
Thank you very much.
Had same problem with reredis-trib.rb
This tutorial explains how to create Redis Cluster using only Redis commands: Configuring and Running Redis Cluster on Linux
You need Redis 3.0.0 beta to run Cluster. You'll not find it in a Linux distribution, since they all have copy of the stable server (fortunately!). Redis 3.0.0 will go out as a stable release the next week. You can find the source code of the stable release here:
There is now a tutorial for Ubuntu at which includes installation of a PPA to supply 3.0.x. This tutorial is only for two nodes and does not reference redis-trib.rb ...

Vagrant and / or Docker workflow with full OS X filesystem integration for seamless local feel?

Recently I've been dabbling with vagrant and docker. These are quite interesting tools, but I haven't been able to convince myself that it's the way to go quite yet on my OS X machine. Being an old Unix hat, I have to say that I like having a consolidated and sandboxed environment for development purposes.
I've seen a lot of chatter and a number of friends have been using vagrant with just stock vim for editing. I'm not really a fan of that approach and would probably prefer to use the vm provider's sharing mechanism OR, more likely, NFS.
Personally I'd like to be able to edit directly in TextMate, SublimeText, Emacs (on OS X), or even perhaps use RubyMine and its various IDE features, etc.
Is there any way to really get the workflow down so that such an environment will be essentially like working on a local environment without having to pull a lot of additional background strings to make things work out?
I suppose a few well placed scripts could go a long way, but I've not found any solid answers on really making this a seamless environment.
What actually worked for me was to use boot2docker which makes it easy to install a lightweight virtual machine (with VirtualBox) that will host your docker deamon and images. The only thing you need in order to run docker commands is to run $(boot2docker shellinit) when you open a new Terminal.
If you need to also have your files on an OS X folder and share them with a running docker image, you need some additional setup, but once you do it, you won't have to do it again.
Have a look here for a nice walkthrough on how to do it. The steps in short are:
Get a special boot2docker image that allows you to use shared folders for VirtualBox
Configure VirtualBox to share a folder:
VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
This will share your /Users folder with the boot2docker image that hosts docker.
From you Mac share the folder you need with a folder in a docker image like:
docker run -it -v /Users/me/dev/my-project:/root/src:rw ubuntu /bin/bash
One small annoyance that I haven't found how to overcome is that you do not longer access your software through localhost because it actually runs on boot2docker instance. You have to run boot2docker ip and access that ip.
Hope that helps!

Apache Web Development on Cygwin

I'm trying to get an Apache server running on my Cygwin setup to follow the Java Ranch Cattle Drive tutorials online (basically, to learn Java EE web page development that uses a MySQL back end.)
I used the Cygwin Setup program to install httpd (which is how I installed most other dev tools I use on cygwin) and it says install complete, yet when I run 'httpd' it cannot find the command. It also appears the expected install directory (/usr/local/apache...) doesn't exist.
Does anyone have any experience using this setup, and if so, you could walk me through the initial steps of getting the server up and running and getting a browser to display the server's default page?
To keep answers focused, I didn't want to discus the drawbacks of running Apache on a Windows system - this is just for learning purposes. Thanks in advance.
Looking at the Cygwin Package Listing for httpd, you can see that the executable is installed under /usr/sbin.
So, if /usr/sbin is not on your PATH (it isn't on mine, not by default anyhow), you would actually run:
And btw, if you would like to list the files installed for a certain package, you can use cygcheck:
cygcheck -l httpd
cygrunsrv -I Apache -p /usr/sbin/httpd -a "-X"
This will solve the problem. This assumes you already have cyrunsrv set up. The reason httpd fails with cygrunsrv if you leave out the -X is that the process disconnects from the terminal and cygrunsrv considers that a failure. The -X option for httpd is the debug or terminal mode.
I couldn't find any detailed information on how to get Apache working on Cygwin, so here it is if someone's interested:
Install the httpd-* and httpd-mod_* packages you need. Note that the packages named "Apache" are deprecated. You need the ones named "httpd" (which are actually Apache).
Install cygrunsrv (normally this is a default Cygwin package)
Run /usr/bin/cygserver-config as admin. This is needed because Apache requires an IPC server running.
Open services.msc, then go to the CYGWIN Cygserver. Right-click on it and start it. If you don't do this, you'll probably get errors like "AH00023: Couldn't create the proxy mutex".
Finally, start Apache by running /usr/sbin/apachectl restart
Config is in /etc/httpd/.
Some information about running Apache on Cygwin:
Personally, I would recommend installing WAMPServer or other WAMP stack and do it that way. There is no difference, except that you'll need to control Apache through Windows commands [net start, net stop], not Cygwin's ones.