Docker with an Apache is restarting in a loop - apache

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 which run an app supported by Docker (version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be) and docker-compose (version 1.16.1, build 6d1ac21). One of this dockers contains an Apache which is restating in a loop.
Is there a way to fix this without losing dockers customizations?

I re-created all dockers with
docker-compose up --force-recreate
I didn't lose anything and everything is working now.


How to Configure PgAdmin4 to Use Apache2 from LAMPP?

I installed LAMPP on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine. I also installed PgAdmin4 to work with my Postgresql 14. The problem is, both LAMPP and PgAdmin4 installation came with their own Apache2. This cause error for me, as in the development process, I use and localhost/ at browser interchangeably.
For now, each time I need to edit psql database in PgAdmin4, I need to turn off LAMPP using sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop command and to turn on pgAdmin4 with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start. And vice-versa if I need to test the website output in LAMPP localhost.
Is there any way around them? How to configure pgAdmin4 to use Apache2 from LAMPP? Or to Install pgAdmin4 without the packaged Apache2?
I already tried using PhpPgAdmin 7 instead, but it keeps getting error.

How to recover containers and images in WSL2 that go missing after installing Docker Desktop?

I'm attempting to use my WSL2 docker containers with VS Code, though I now regret this. I attempted to follow these directions to get everything installed and configured correctly.
After installing Docker Desktop, my previous containers and images are not shown with docker ls and docker images when run from WSL2. However, there are still many GB of data under /var/lib/docker. Is there some way to attempt to recover this?

Do Redis images currently work with Docker on Windows?

I am running Docker with Linux containers. When I try to do a Redis pull I get "docker: no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries." I have seen many tutorials showing redis running on docker windows. Has something changed with later versions of redis which means that it no longer works with docker on Windows?
start dockerd.exe with the --experimental flag and your problem will be solved.
easy find on google:

Configure Redis Cluster in Ubuntu Server 14.04

I've installed redis-server using apt-get install redis-server and everything went fine.
Right now I'm trying to configure it in a Cluster mode. The problem is that in the tutorial supplied here they use a script called redis-trib.rb which I can't find it in my system.
Can you please tell me how can I configure my Redis to run in Cluster mode without that script ?
I would like to have a setup with two masters, each on a different machine.
Thank you very much.
Had same problem with reredis-trib.rb
This tutorial explains how to create Redis Cluster using only Redis commands: Configuring and Running Redis Cluster on Linux
You need Redis 3.0.0 beta to run Cluster. You'll not find it in a Linux distribution, since they all have copy of the stable server (fortunately!). Redis 3.0.0 will go out as a stable release the next week. You can find the source code of the stable release here:
There is now a tutorial for Ubuntu at which includes installation of a PPA to supply 3.0.x. This tutorial is only for two nodes and does not reference redis-trib.rb ...

Glassfish will not start

I am installing Glassfish 3.1.2 on a vps server running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and a I am not being able to start glassfish.
As X are not installed and I am connecting via ssh I am using the manual unzip method to install Glassfish.
Inside Glassfish bin directory with the glassfish user I do ./asadmin start-domain and nothing happens. It seems to hang. I cannot even stop it with ctrl+c. I need to kill the java process from another console.
The server.log file in the domain does not show any error. Last two lines are:
mar 23, 2013 1:12:03 AM com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: Se ha iniciado correctamente en 7 mseg.
Thank you very much for your help.
I had the same problem when I was installing glassfish. I fixed this problem by running Glassfish on an old version of jre. I was trying to install with version 1.8 and ended up using an old installation of jre6. Server started fine after I installed Glassfish using version 1.6.
It looks like a bug with the log levels. GFFileHandler logging level might be set to "OFF".
Try this:
asadmin start-domain
asadmin set-log-levels com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler=ALL
asadmin restart-domain