Selenium Grids jars compatibility with Firefox versions - automation

I am currently working on Selenium Grid to automate cross platform functionality and using selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar. When i am using Firefox 22.0 it is working properly but not supporting Firefox 27.0. I have tried with selenium jar version 2.37 ,2.38 and 2.39 but the issue still exists. Which version of selenium-server-standalone jar supports latest Firefox versions ?

I was trying on Firefox 27.0. Selenium grid doesnt support it. I just tried on other browser versions and it's working.


Which firefox version is compatible with selenium webdriver 3.6.0? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which Firefox browser versions supported for given Geckodriver version?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using Protractor to fulfill my automation needs, The IDE that I'm using is VS code. I was able to run my automation scripts against Chrome, But when it comes to firefox most of my test cases are getting failed. It seems like some compatibility issue to me. Can anyone help me to fix this?
Here are the details of the versions that I currently have on my machine:
Selenium web driver version: 3.6.0
Firefox version: 57.0
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0
I have tried installing firefox version 47.0, But it didn't work. It seems that selenium web driver couldn't connect
According to GeckoDriver documentation
Selenium users must update to version 3.11 or later to use geckodriver
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0 supports Firefox versions from 55 to 62 inclusively
So I believe you have to play with the webdriver-manager, theoretically it should be possible to automate any desktop/mobile browser version given you use matching Selenium Standalone Server / driver / client

which selenium jar is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit)

Previously I was using Selenium version 2.53 with Firefox version 40.0.1. But now Firefox is updated and I am trying to do with updated version.
So, respond me about "which Selenium JAR is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit)"
As per best practices you must adopt any one from the below mentioned configurations:

Can i launch firefox with selenium 3.3.0 version without geckodriver

I need launch Firefox browser with selenium 3.3.0 version.
Is any way to launch without geckodriver ?
For Selenium 2.x later versions it is mandatory to use gecko-driver for Firefox browser. If you don't want to use gecko-driver use selenium 2.x(2.53) version

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 49.0.2

Selenium : 2.53
Firefox : 49.0.2
Windows10 : 32bit
When I execute the selenium webdriver from eclipse get the following error "about:blank&utm_content=firstrun" in firefox
I also faced the same issue. After searching net, I found some of the links where they suggest to downgrade the firefox version. I am using 43.0.1 but you may try 46.0 also.
Selenium WebDriver no longer supports the default Firefox Driver. They are currently working on a new driver, called Marionette, for their new Gecko engine.
More details on Marionette you can find here: Marionette
If you want to use the default driver, you should downgrade your Firefox. Version 45.0.1 works fine for me.

Firefox version supported by selenium webdriver 2.25.0

I restarted working on an older rails project today. One problem driving me crazy is that I can't get my javascript test cases to run, although I remember them all passing when I left the project. I am using
selenium-webdriver 2.25.0
capybara 1.1.2
cucumber 1.2.1
but firefox doesn't start when I run the tests. All I get is
unable to start Firefox cleanly, args: ["-silent"]
I guess this is because of updating firefox and I tried to install several older versions but none of them works. Which version is supported by selenium-webdriver 2.25.0?
Yes, this is annoying. I just upgrade the driver and it usually does the trick:
bundle update selenium-webdriver
Selenium Webdriver 2.25 supports Firefox up to version 17