Reset navigation without redux - react-native

Currently, as far as I know reset in react-navigation is done by dispatching a redux action of NavigationActions.reset();
Console logging this.props.navigation shows a reset function, but if I try to use it as this.props.navigation.reset('Home'), it throws me an error is not a function.
Can we reset the whole navigation without using redux? There should be such functionality, I guess I can't find it :/

You can make use StackActions to reset a particular stack, and dispatch it using navigation's internal dispatcher
import { StackActions, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Profile' })],

So apparently, after trying out some methods. replace seems to work just fine.
this.props.navigation.replace(ScreenName) replaces your current screen to the specified screen without any increment to the screen stack, essentially you just switch screens over.
I'll just leave it here in case anyone needs help.
Note - In case anyone is confused, replace does not mimic the behaviour of a reset function.
replace just replaces your current active screen or the topmost screen on the stack with the given screen whereas
reset essentially wipes off your whole navigation history and creates a new navigation object based on the screens references you provide. In other words you can essentially create a navigation stack full of screens you never visited. (not sure how it is possible ;))


How to add redux selector state to useStack hook when moving back to original screen. react-native

First-of-all I apologise because I'm new to this concept of redux haha so bare with me here :)
I have implemented a very simple redux in my app
I have one screen here ListAnItem
Here there is a button.
Add size when pressing this they get navigated to another screen called SizeSelector
here there is a button called dispatch size when they press this button it runs the following.
dispatch({type: "ADD_SIZE", payload: size })
this works perfectly with useSelector.
once this dispatch has been run I use navigation.goBack() to send the user back to the ListAnItem screen.
but once they come to this screen I want to add this useSelector redux state value to a useState hook something like this;
const [sizeState, setSizeState] = React.useState(null)
how can I change this state the minute something has been added to useSelector value of ADD_SIZE.
if that makes sense 😂.

React life cicle and AsyncStorage

I'm creating an app which passes some crucial info via AsyncStorage, but now have a problem when updating it on another screen.... Let's see:
On Screen 1 :
Load data from AsyncStorage on componentDidMount
componentDidMount() {
AsyncStorage.getItem("userChats").then((value) => {
this.setState({userChats: JSON.parse(value)});
then on Screen 2 I modify userChats.....
I'll like that when coming back again to Screen 1, the changes made on Screen 2 be reflected on Screen 1 but there are NOT as componentDidMount is not trigged again...........
What's the correct way to do it?
componentDidMount is a life-cycle method. Navigating from Screen1 to Screen2 does NOT unmount Screen1. So, when you come back from Screen 2 to Screen 1, the Screen 1 does not mounting because it was NOT unmounted. Hence, componentDidMount is not called.
Whats's the correct way of doing this?
You should use Context API. When you load from AsyncStorage, set that value to Context as well. When you update the value, write changes to both AsyncStorage and Context.
PS: The AsyncStorage may not needed. It depends on your requirement. Most probably, you will be able to achieve this only with Context API.
Please check the following snack. It is done using hooks. You can do the same using class components.
If the data to be handled is too large, it is not recommended to use Context since it saves all the data in the device RAM and consuming too much RAM may result in app crash.
To do this without using context:
(1) Define a function to retrieve data from AsyncStorage.
loadData() {
AsyncStorage.getItem("userChats").then((value) => {
this.setState({userChats: JSON.parse(value)});
(2) Call it in componentDidMount.
componentDidMount() {
(3) When navigating to the Screen2, pass a callback function as a prop to call loadData function.
this.props.navigation.navigate('Screen2', {
onGoBack: () => this.loadData(),
(4) Then in the Screen2, before goBack, you can do this:
await AsyncStorage.setItem('userChats', updatedData);
Then, the loadData function is called in the screen2.
PS: Since you use state to store the retrieved data from the AsyncStorage, you can also directly load them into the Context and use. But, keep in mind that, using too much of RAM may cause app crash.

React-native / redux - how to re-initialize screen via navigation?

I'm developing a react-native / redux app with a bottom-tab-navigator similar to the example at My screens all connect to a Redux store and display shared data, however I'd like at least one of these screens to ignore the current data in the store and instead re-initialize this data each time it's navigated to (instead of continuing to display the data in whatever state it was last left in).
The screen has a method to do this, but I can't figure out how to call it after the first time the screen is rendered (e.g. from the constructor or componentDidMount() method). I can't call it from the render() method as this causes a "Cannot update during an existing state transition" error.
I need my navigator to somehow cause my HomeScreen.initializeData() method to be invoked each time the Home icon is pressed, but how do I do this?
initializeData() {
const initialValue = ...
(resetData() is a dispatch function that re-initializes the Redux store).
Updating state from render() would create an infinite loop. Also, you don’t want to run your state update every time the component re-render, only when the tab button is pressed. This tells me that the proper place to make your state update is some onPress function on the tab button.
So the question now relies on how to implement some onPress function on a tab button. I believe this answer this question:
Is there an onPress for TabNavigator tab in react-navigation?
So I found an answer, it's a little more complicated than might be expected: As Vinicius has pointed out I need to use the tabBarOnPress navigation option, but I also need to make my dispatch function available to this navigation option.
To do this I found I need to pass a reference to my dispatch function (which is available as a property of my screen) into the navigation option, so I've used navigation params to do this and here's what I've ended up with:
componentDidMount() {
this.props.navigation.setParams({ homeProps: this.props });
export const initializeData = (homeProps) => {
const initialValue = ...
tabBarOnPress: ({navigation, defaultHandler}) => {
const routeName = navigation.state.routeName;
if (navigation.state.params === undefined) {
// no params available
} else if (routeName === 'Home') {
let homeProps = navigation.getParam('homeProps', null);
} else if (routeName === ...
I'm passing props as a navigation param rather than my dispatch function (which also works) as it's more flexible (e.g. it makes all of my dispatch functions available).
initializeData() is called both during construction of HomeScreen (for the first time the screen is displayed) and from the navigation icon (for subsequent displays of the screen).
It's necessary to check that params is defined within the navigation option as it'll be undefined the first time the screen is displayed (as screen construction has yet to occur). This also makes it necessary to call initializeData() during screen construction.

Is navigation.goBack(); navigation.navigate(...); valid?

What's the recommended way to eliminate a screen from the stack? I have a few cases where a user submits info on one screen (creating an account, or conducting a transaction, etc) and I'd like the input screen to be removed such that they're routed to the result screen and going back takes them to the screen prior to entering the info.
The ideal flow would be something like Item Screen -> Purchase Screen -> Result Screen --(goBack)--> Item Screen, to prevent confusion or double submission of collected info.
What I'm doing currently is navigation.goBack(); navigation.navigate('ResultScreen');, but I'm getting warnings about setting state on an unmounted component (the message suggests this is a memory leak). I don't see any obvious setState calls in my code on that path, so I'm thinking that either navigation.navigate() is doing a setState/forceUpdate (forceRender? whatever..) under the covers or that I'm otherwise not doing this in the intended way.
Searching the docs/stackoverflow/github issues hasn't been fruitful for guidance on this. Any suggestions?
The best way to achieve this so you don't over pollute your stack is by using the Reset action.
import { StackActions, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [
NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'ItemScreen' })
This way you are resetting the stack and eliminating the possibility of someone re-navigating back through your various items.

How to navigate to a different view that is not a child?

I am new to react native and new to iOS (not programming) so please excuse me if this question is a simple one. I am trying to navigate from one view to another (with a transition), however they are not related so I do not need the back navigation. I actually do not have a navigation bar at all. When using the Navigator component it seems to not support this at all. I am not sure if there is a separate way to do this but I am not able to figure it out without implementing my own hack.
If I use the navigator component and keep pushing on the views then it just keeps them all in memory and I do not want that. I can transition from one view to another and then pop but I may end up going to the wrong view in that case. I can also replace the view but it seems that does not allow for transitions.
To give you a scenario think of it like this:
Application starts and loads a "Loading" screen.
When initial loading is complete it will then go to the "Login" screen.
There is a button on the "Login" screen to "Register" or "Retrieve Password".
If they click "Register" it will take them there with a button back to "Login".
If they click "Retrieve Password" it will take them to a page with buttons to go back to "Login" or "Register".
So by this example you can see that there is no way to pop because if you were on the login screen and went to the register screen and then wanted to go the retrieve password screen then pop just simply wouldn't work. I do not want any navigation controls on the screen I just want to be able to do a smooth transition between these screens.
Now I was able to find a way to do this but I had to add a method to the Navigator class and hack code in using some of there core methods which seems like its not a good idea at all but here is the code (note this is really just a hack to see if it would work):
Navigator.prototype.pushWithUnmount = function(route) {
var activeLength = this.state.presentedIndex + 1;
var activeStack = this.state.routeStack.slice(0, activeLength);
var activeAnimationConfigStack = this.state.sceneConfigStack.slice(0, activeLength);
var nextStack = activeStack.concat([route]);
var destIndex = nextStack.length - 1;
var nextAnimationConfigStack = activeAnimationConfigStack.concat([
routeStack: nextStack,
sceneConfigStack: nextAnimationConfigStack,
}, () => {
null, // default velocity
null, // no spring jumping
() => {
this.replaceAtIndex(nextStack[destIndex], 0);
presentedIndex: 0,
By using the code provided above I am now able to do:
this.props.navigator.pushWithUnmount({ component: SomeComponent });
With this code the views are pushed onto the stack with a transition and the old views are unmounted when its finished.
Please tell me that I am doing something wrong and that there is a better way to do this?
The default router with React Native is pretty limited. I'd check out React Native Router Flux. We just switched to it a few weeks ago in our product and have really liked it. It does exactly what you want.