Aurelia-Validation - Clarity on object validation w/addObject() - aurelia

I'm attempting to manually validate an object which is updated via a customEvent.
<type-ahead change.delegate="updateValue($event.detail, true/false)"></type-ahead>
I have two of the above elements, which I want to assign to the properties of origin and destination based on a boolean value.
I also want to validate both of these properties against the same custom rule, which I've defined in setupValidation on my viewmodel below.
Both of these are objects, that need some complex validation (I've simplified it for demonstration purposes), so I've used .ensureObject() and manually add both of these objects to the validation controller.
I would expect that I would only have to add the objects once (during my initial setupValidation(), but I've found that I have to remove, and then re-add the object to the validation controller whenever it changes.
If you look at updateValue(...), you'll see that I'm expecting this.destination to validate to the updated object, but I'm seeing my results still be null on validation. However, this.origin does update and the validation succeeds (as I'm manually updating the controller).
I would expect not to have to manually update the controller. Is this expected?
export class Home {
origin = null;
destination = null;
private controller: ValidationController;
public canSubmit: boolean = false;
public error: string;
private rules;
constructor(controllerFactory: ValidationControllerFactory) {
this.controller = controllerFactory.createForCurrentScope();
this.controller.validateTrigger = validateTrigger.manual;
bind() {
private validate() {
.then(results => {
this.canSubmit = results.valid;
private setupValidation() {
(value) => {
if( && === 3)
return true;
return false;
`\${$displayName} must be 3 characters long`
this.rules = ValidationRules
this.controller.addObject(this.origin, this.rules);
this.controller.addObject(this.destination, this.rules);
updateValue(newValue, isOrigin) {
if(isOrigin) {
this.origin = newValue;
this.controller.addObject(this.origin, this.rules);
this.destination = newValue;
Thank you, let me know if there are any additional details needed.


View not updating after changing value of component array

I need to update my view on changing array in my *.component.ts
I use
public getFolders() : void {
this.webService.getFolders({client_id : this.local.get('clientUser').client_id}).subscribe( this.processSkills.bind(this, this.local.get('clientUser')))
processSkills(res: any, myobj): void {
myobj.folders = res.folders;
this.local.set('clientUser', myobj);
this.userObj = this.local.get('clientUser');
It updates my array i saw in console it update my session value which i saw after pressing F5 but it doesn't update my view
Initially i am assigning my array to variable from my session object.
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
private messageSource = new BehaviorSubject(this.local.get('clientUser'));
currentMessage = this.messageSource.asObservable();
I resolved it and found a solution to pass our array into session and make the code into our provider which works as observable to my array and then recieve
currentMessage to our receiver function to update on view.
this.webService.currentMessage.subscribe(message => {
this.userObj = message;
will receive updated value and will reflect on view.

Public access to objects propery on aurelia validation

I would do like to have public access the private property where objects are stored on the current ValidationController as when we issue addObject().
From this blog:
I am trying to validate not only a WELL KNOWN object but ALL objects registered in the ValidationController
Let me explain a little bit, I had an interface called
export interface IRuleValidator {
addRules(model:any): void;
and classes that implement such interface
export class AddressRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
addRules(address: Address) {
.ensure((a: Address) => a.address)
export class EmailRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
addRules(email: Email) {
.ensure((e: Email) =>
export class PhoneRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
addRules(phone: Phone) {
.ensure((p: Phone) =>
#inject(AddressRuleValidator, PhoneRuleValidator, EmailRuleValidator)
export class PlayerRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
private readonly addressRuleValidator: IRuleValidator;
private readonly phoneRuleValidator: IRuleValidator;
private readonly emailRuleValidator: IRuleValidator;
constructor(addressRuleValidator: IRuleValidator, phoneRuleValidator: IRuleValidator, emailRuleValidator: IRuleValidator) {
this.addressRuleValidator = addressRuleValidator;
this.phoneRuleValidator = phoneRuleValidator;
this.emailRuleValidator = emailRuleValidator;
addRules(player: Player) {
.ensure((p: Player) => p.firstName)
if (player.addresses && player.addresses.length > 0) => this.addressRuleValidator.addRules(address));
if (player.phones && player.phones.length > 0) => this.phoneRuleValidator.addRules(phone));
if (player.emails && player.emails.length > 0) => this.emailRuleValidator.addRules(email));
export class ScoreRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
private readonly playerRuleValidator: IRuleValidator;
constructor(playerRuleValidator: IRuleValidator) {
this.playerRuleValidator = playerRuleValidator;
addRules(score: Score) {
.ensure((s: Score) => s.factor)
if (score.player) { this.playerRuleValidator.addRules(score.player); }
Each class knows how to validate the object passed to it and delegates to other classes the validation of "child" objects.
i.e.: score has a player and a player has emails.
Score knows how to validate to itself and delegates to player his own validation and player do the same with emails, phones, buildin all "the chain" down.
Thus the entire process of building a "validation chain" starts calling addRules() on the root object of the graph.
Suppose that we have an score object: We resolve from "the container" a ruleValidator for Score and starts buildind the validation chain as follows.
export class ScoreList extends BaseViewModel {
public isOk: boolean;
public score: Score
................ code removed for brevity (validation controller code )
constructor(ruleValidator: IRuleValidator) {
................ code removed for brevity (validation score object creation)
ruleValidator.addRules(this.score) //this call will start all the validation chain registration
this.validationController.validateTrigger = validateTrigger.changeOrBlur;
this.validationController.subscribe(event => this.validateAll())
private validateAll() {
.then(results => this.isOk = results.every(result => result.valid));
//HERE GOES THE PROBLEM SINCE ONLY SCORE is known, and what about score.player, and score.player.addresss[], score.player.phones[], score.player.emails[] and so on in the graph
//I WILL NEED to traverse all the chain and since ValidationController has track of those object will be greet to have access to them
HERE GOES THE PROBLEM SINCE ONLY SCORE is known, and what about score.player, and score.player.addresss[], score.player.phones[], score.player.emails[] and so on in the graph?.
I WILL NEED to traverse all the chain and since ValidationController has track of those object will be great to have access to it.
Meanwile an option is refactor the interface a rewrite the validator classes as follows:
export interface IRuleValidator {
addRules(model:any, models:any[]): void;
and pass an empty array from the root of the chain collecting all those objects.. like so..
export class AddressRuleValidator implements IRuleValidator {
addRules(address: Address, models: any[]) {
.ensure((a: Address) => a.type)
and kick the process.. with an empty array []
const objects: any[] = [];
ruleValidator.addRules(this.score, [])
But since we alreay have this property private on the ValidationController, please make it public.. (I will take care of not touching it, just read it)
(then... the final method for validateAll should be like this)
private async validateAll() {
for (let model of this.models) {
let results = await this.validator.validateObject(model);
if (results.some(result => !result.valid)) {
this.isOk = false;
this.isOk = true;
A deep look to the callback is the answer.
validationController.subscribe(event => this.validateAll())
the event object passed to the callback is an array of ValidateResult[]
the ValidateResult type implements the following interface.
export declare class ValidateResult {
rule: any;
object: any;
propertyName: string | null;
valid: boolean;
message: string | null;
private static nextId;
* A number that uniquely identifies the result instance.
id: number;
* #param rule The rule associated with the result. Validator implementation specific.
* #param object The object that was validated.
* #param propertyName The name of the property that was validated.
* #param error The error, if the result is a validation error.
constructor(rule: any, object: any, propertyName: string | null, valid: boolean, message?: string | null);
toString(): string | null;
so the object/s validated is already there in the event object
we could simplyfy the code as follow to update a field to signal if the htlm for is ready.
this.validationController.subscribe(validateEvent => this.isFormValid = validateEvent.results.every(result => result.valid));

Create different objects based on multiple parameters

I have a REST API. I need to create presentation (DTO) object, but the construction of this object depends on request - it differs in 15%.
I wonder what pattern should I use.
My case:
class Item {
private $name;
private $price;
private $tags;
private $liked; //is Liked by logged user
public function __construct(Item $item, bool $liked, ...)
$this->name = $item->getName();
$this->price = $item->getPrice();
$this->tags = $item->getTags();
$this->liked = $liked;
When user is not logged in - I don't need $liked
When showing list of items - I don't need $tags
And there are more attributes that works as above.
My first idea was to use Builder principle.
$itemBuilder = new ItemBuilder();
if($user) {
return $itemBuilder->build();
It solves my problem with too many parameters in constructor.
But still, I also don't need all parameters to be constructed - eg. I don't need tags (on lists). As I use lazy load, I don't want my dto constructor to call them.
So I thought, maybe Factory.. but then my problem with too many (and optional) parameters is returning.
How will you solve this?
Sorry I don't have required points to make a comment hence an answer.
What are you trying to do with the Item class. Your class is Item and first parameter is also of type Item. I cannot visualizes how its going to work.
I will prefer to keep business login to set proper properties in a separate class:
* A class for business logic to set the proper properties
class ItemProperties {
private $item;
public $isLogin = false;
public $showList = false;
public function __construct(Item &$item) {
// set all properties;
public function getProperties() {
$retVal = [];
if($this->isLogin == true) {
$retVal['liked'] = true;
if($this->showList == true) {
$retVal['tags'] = $this->item->getTags();
if(....) {
$retVal['...'] = $this->item->.....();
return $retVal;
class Item {
public function __construct(ItemProperties $itemProps) {
// If you prefer lazy loading here...maybe make it public
// and remove call from constructor.
private function setItemProps(&$itemProps) {
$properties = $itemProps->getProperties();
foreach($properties AS $propName => $propValue) {
$this->$propName = $propValue;
// Usage:
$itemProps = new ItemProperties($Item);
// set other properties if you need to...
$itemProps->isLogin = false;
$item = new Item($itemProps);

Struts2 more than one action in one class

I'm using Struts2. I have two web forms that have the same code. I would like to eliminate one form. Here is the structure of my Struts project.
\Web Pages
\Source Packages
package action;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.*;
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
#Action(value = "foo", results = {
#Result(name = "input", location = "form.jsp"),
#Result(name = "success", location = "success.jsp"),
#Result(name = "error", location = "error.jsp")
public String execute() throws Exception {
if (user.length() == 1) {
return "success";
} else {
return "error";
private String user = "";
public void validate() {
if (user.length() == 0) {
addFieldError("user", getText("user required"));
public String getUser() {
return user;
public void setUser(String user) {
this.user = user;
I tried to eliminate form.jsp under \Web Pages by adding a new action method to
#Action(value="bar", results = {
#Result(name = "success", location = "form.jsp"),
public String another() {
return "success";
But I got the following error when I go to http : //localhost .../bar.action
HTTP Status 404 - No result defined for action action.MyAction and result input
Your MyAction has an implementation of validate(), which means it is validation aware.
What's happening is that you're calling another, but validate() is kicking in (as it's in the interceptor stack). Validation is failing, and therefore sending to INPUT result, which is not defined in another.
You should
Add #SkipValidation to the another method if you don't want validation there
Add the INPUT result to another() if you want a default input result
On a more general note, when you get that kind of error (No result defined for action X and result input) it usually means you're either having validation errors, parameter population errors (eg: an exception in preparable).

How to set default action dynamically in Yii

i want to change default action of a controller depends on which user is logged in.
Ex. There are two users in my site : publisher and author and i want to set publisher action as default action when a publisher is logged in, and same for author.
what should i do? when can I check my roles and set their relevant actions?
Another way to do this would be setting the defaultAction property in your controller's init() method. Somewhat like this:
class MyAwesomeController extends Controller{ // or extends CController depending on your code
public function init(){
parent::init(); // no need for this call if you don't have anything in your parent init()
if(array_key_exists('RolePublisher', Yii::app()->authManager->getRoles(Yii::app()->user->id)))
$this->defaultAction='publisher'; // name of your action
else if (array_key_exists('RoleAuthor', Yii::app()->authManager->getRoles(Yii::app()->user->id)))
$this->defaultAction='author'; // name of your action
// ... rest of your code
Check out CAuthManager's getRoles(), to see that the returned array will have format of 'role'=>CAuthItem object, which is why i'm checking with array_key_exists().
Incase you don't know, the action name will be only the name without the action part, for example if you have public function actionPublisher(){...} then action name should be: publisher.
Another, simpler, thing you can do is keep the default action the same, but that default action simply calls an additional action function depending on what kind of user is logged in. So for example you have the indexAction function conditionally calling this->userAction or this->publisherAction depending on the check for who is logged in.
I think you can save "first user page" in user table. And when a user is authenticated, you can load this page from database. Where you can do this? I think best place is UserIdentity class. After that, you could get this value in SiteController::actionLogin();
You can get or set "first page" value:
if (null === $user->first_page) {
$firstPage = 'site/index';
} else {
$firstPage = $user->first_page;
This is a complete class:
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity
private $_id;
public function authenticate()
$user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $this->username));
if ($user === null) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;
} else if ($user->password !== $user->encrypt($this->password)) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;
} else {
$this->_id = $user->id;
if (null === $user->first_page) {
$firstPage = 'site/index';
} else {
$firstPage = $user->first_page;
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;
return !$this->errorCode;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
* Displays the login page
public function actionLogin()
$model = new LoginForm;
// if it is ajax validation request
if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'login-form') {
echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
// collect user input data
if (isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['LoginForm'];
// validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid
if ($model->validate() && $model->login())
// display the login form
$this->render('login', array('model' => $model));
Also, you can just write right code only in this file. In SiteController file.