extract data from redhsift - sql

I have data like this in redshift. How do I extract value abc#gmail.com from this. This query is for redshift. Please help me with the SQL. Elements is a column name and the value starts with [].
Query I tried:
json_extract_path_text(ELEMENTS, 'name') as name1
from table
error:[XX000][500310] Amazon Invalid operation: JSON parsing error Details: ----------------------------------------------- error: JSON parsing error code: 8 ...

You can create UDF in python, for your case I've created one, please test and edit as suits:
create or replace function f_py_json (jsonVar varchar(512),
jsonElemvarchar(10), occ integer)
returns varchar(512)
as $$
import json
asJson = json.loads(jsonVar)
name_list = []
return ret
$$ language plpythonu;
select f_py_json (id, 'value', 1) from test;
-- Input is {"elements":[{"name":"email","value":"abc#gmail.com"},{"name":"password","value":"*****"}]}


How to resolve this sql error of schema_of_json

I need to find out the schema of a given JSON file, I see sql has schema_of_json function
and something like this works flawlessly
> SELECT schema_of_json('[{"col":0}]');
But if I query for my table name, it gives me the following error
>SELECT schema_of_json(Transaction) as json_data from table_name;
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'schemaofjson(`Transaction`)' due to data type mismatch: The input json should be a string literal and not null; however, got `Transaction`.; line 1 pos 7;
The Transaction is one of the columns in my table and after checking it manually I can attest that it is of String type(json).
The SQL statement has it to give me the schema of the JSON, how to do it?
after looking further into the documentation that it is clear that the word foldable means that of the static one, and a column from a table JSON won't work
for minimal reroducible example here you go:
SELECT schema_of_json(CAST('{ "a": "b" }' AS STRING))
As soon as the cast is introduced in the above statement, the schema_of_json will fail......... It needs a static JSON as it's input

Error message when try to run a function in function

I create two functions that worked well as a stand alone functions.
But when I try to run one of them inside the second one I got an error:
'SQL compilation error: Unsupported subquery type cannot be evaluated'
Can you advise?
Adding code bellow:
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'drives_removed":\\[]') = 'drives_removed":[]') THEN **priceperitem(1998, returnitem_add_item(ARGUMENTS_JSON))**
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'drives_added":\\[\\]') = 'drives_added":[]') THEN 1
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'from_flavor') = 'from_flavor') THEN 1
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'{}') = '{}') THEN 1
ELSE 'Other'
END as Price_List,
The problem happened when with function 'priceperitem'
If I replace returnitem_add_item with a string then it will work fine.
Function 1 : priceperitem get customer number and a item return pricing per the item from customer pricing list
Function 2 : returnitem_add_item parsing string and return a string
As an alternative, you may try processing udf within a udf in the following way :
create function x()
returns integer
select 1+2
set q=x();
create function pi_udf(q integer)
returns integer
select q*3
select pi_udf($q);
If this does not work out as well, the issue might be data specific. Try executing the function with one record, and then add more records to see the difference in the behavior. There are certain limitations on using SQL UDF's in Snowflake and hence the 'Unsupported Subquery' Error.

How to use ARRAY contains operator with ANY

I have a table where one column is array:
CREATE TABLE inherited_tags (
id serial,
tags text[]
Sample values:
INSERT INTO inherited_tags (tags) VALUES
(ARRAY['A','B','C']), -- id: 1
(ARRAY['D','E']), -- id: 2
(ARRAY['A','B']), -- id: 3
(ARRAY['C','D']), -- id: 4
(ARRAY['D','F']), -- id: 5
(ARRAY['A']); -- id: 6
I want to find rows which tags column contains some subset of words inside array. For example for input:
ARRAY[ARRAY['A','C'], ARRAY['F'], ARRAY['E']]::text[][]
I want to find all rows that contain ('A' and 'C') OR ('F') OR ('E'). So for example above I should get rows with ids: 1, 2, 5.
I was hoping that I could use syntax like this:
SELECT * FROM inherited_tags WHERE
tags #> ANY(ARRAY[ARRAY['A','C'], ARRAY['F'], ARRAY['E']]::text[][])
but I get error:
ERROR: operator does not exist: text[] #> text
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM inherited_tags where tags <# ANY(ARRAY[ARRAY['...
Postgres 9.6
plpgsql solution is acceptable but SQL is preferred.
DB-FIDDLE: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/cKCr7Sfab6u8rqaCHhJvPk/0
The problem comes from the fact that the text[] and text[][] data types are internally the same data type. An array has a base type and dimensions, and the ANY operator will always extract the base type to compare, which will always be text and not text[]. It doesn't help that multidimensional arrays require that each subelement has the same length as every other. You can have ARRAY[ARRAY['A','C'],ARRAY['B','N']], but not ARRAY[ARRAY[2,3],ARRAY[1]].
In short, there is no direct way to make that particular query work. I tried to create a function and an operator for this as well, and that doesn't work, either, for different reasons. See how that went:
IN leftside text[],
IN rightside text)
DECLARE rightarr text[];
SELECT CAST(rightside as text[]) INTO rightarr;
RETURN SELECT leftside #> rightarr;
PROCEDURE = check_tag_matches,
LEFTARG = text[],
RIGHTARG = text,
Then when testing it:
test=# SELECT * FROM inherited_tags WHERE
tags >> ANY(ARRAY[ARRAY['A','M'], ARRAY['F','E'], ARRAY['E','R']]::text[][]);
ERROR: malformed array literal: "A"
DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT CAST(rightside as text[])"
PL/pgSQL function check_tag_matches(text[],text) line 4 at SQL statement
It seems that when you try using a multidimensional array like ARRAY[ARRAY['A','M'], ARRAY['F','E'], ARRAY['E','R']]::text[][] in ANY(), it iterates not over ARRAY['A','M'], then ARRAY['F','E'], then ARRAY['E','R'], but over 'A','M','F','E','E','R'. The same thing happens when with unnest.
test=# SELECT unnest(ARRAY[ARRAY['A','M'], ARRAY['F','E'], ARRAY['E','R']]::text[][]);
(6 rows)
Your remaining optiona are to define a function that will read array_length(rightside,1) and array_length(rightside,2) and use nested loops to check it all, or you can send multiple queries to get the inherited tags for each tag, or restructure your data somehow. And you can't even access the ARRAY['A','M'] element using rightside[1] to iterate over it, you're forced to go to the deepest level.
I don't think you can do that with a single condition because of the "contains A and C" requirement.
FROM inherited_tags
WHERE tags #> ARRAY['A','C']
OR tags && array['F', 'E'];
tags #> ARRAY['A','C'] selects those where tags contains all elements from ARRAY['A','C'] and tags && array['F', 'E'] selects those rows that contain at least one of the tags from array['F', 'E']
Updated DB Fiddle: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/rXsjqEN3ry67uxJtEs3GM9/0
u can try
tags #> ARRAY['A','C']::varchar[]
tags #> ARRAY['E']::varchar[]
tags #> ARRAY['F']::varchar[]

Select rows from table with jsonb column based on arbitrary jsonb filter expression

Test data
CREATE TABLE t(_id serial PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb);
('{"a":1,"b":2, "c":3}')
, ('{"a":11,"b":12, "c":13}')
, ('{"a":21,"b":22, "c":23}')
Problem statement: I want to receive an arbitrary JSONB parameter which acts as a filter on column t.data, such as
{ "b":{ "from":0, "to":20 }, "c":13 }
and use this to select matching rows from my test table t.
In this example, I want rows where b is between 0 and 20 and c = 13.
No error is required if the filter specifies a "column" (or "tag") which does not exist in t.data - it just fails to find a match.
I've used numeric values for simplicity but would like an approach which generalises to text as well.
What I have tried so far. I looked at the containment approach, which works for equality conditions, but am stumped on a generic way of handling range conditions:
select * from t
where t.data#> '{"c":13}'::jsonb;
Background: This problem arose when building a generic table-preview page on a website (for Admin users).
The page displays a filter based on various columns in whichever table is selected for preview.
The filter is then passed to a function in Postgres DB which applies this dynamic filter condition to the table.
It returns a jsonb array of the rows matching the filter specified by the user.
This jsonb array is then used to populate the Preview resultset.
The columns which make up the filter may change.
My Postgres version is 9.6 - thanks.
if you want to parse { "b":{ "from":0, "to":20 }, "c":13 } you need a parser. It is out of scope of json functions, but you can write "generic" query using AND and OR to filter by such json, eg:
with filt(f) as (values('{ "b":{ "from":0, "to":20 }, "c":13 }'::json))
select *
from t
join filt on
(f->'b'->>'from')::int < (data->>'b')::int
(f->'b'->>'to')::int > (data->>'b')::int
(data->>'c')::int = (f->>'c')::int
Thanks for the comments/suggestions.
I will definitely look at GraphQL when I have more time - I'm working under a tight deadline at the moment.
It seems the consensus is that a fully generic solution is not achievable without a parser.
However, I got a workable first draft - it's far from ideal but we can work with it. Any comments/improvements are welcome ...
Test data (expanded to include dates & text fields)
CREATE TABLE t(_id serial PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb);
('{"a":1,"b":2, "c":3, "d":"2018-03-10", "e":"2018-03-10", "f":"Blah blah" }')
, ('{"a":11,"b":12, "c":13, "d":"2018-03-14", "e":"2018-03-14", "f":"Howzat!"}')
, ('{"a":21,"b":22, "c":23, "d":"2018-03-14", "e":"2018-03-14", "f":"Blah blah"}')
First draft of code to apply a jsonb filter dynamically, but with restrictions on what syntax is supported.
Also, it just fails silently if the syntax supplied does not match what it expects.
Timestamp handling a bit kludgey, too.
-- Handle timestamp & text types as well as int
-- See is_timestamp(text) function at bottom
with cte as (
select t.data, f.filt, fk.key
from t
, ( values ('{ "a":11, "b":{ "from":0, "to":20 }, "c":13, "d":"2018-03-14", "e":{ "from":"2018-03-11", "to": "2018-03-14" }, "f":"Howzat!" }'::jsonb ) ) as f(filt) -- equiv to cross join
, lateral (select * from jsonb_each(f.filt)) as fk
select data, filt --, key, jsonb_typeof(filt->key), jsonb_typeof(filt->key->'from'), is_timestamp((filt->key)::text), is_timestamp((filt->key->'from')::text)
from cte
case when (filt->key->>'from') is null then
case jsonb_typeof(filt->key)
when 'number' then (data->>key)::numeric = (filt->>key)::numeric
when 'string' then
case is_timestamp( (filt->key)::text )
when true then (data->>key)::timestamp = (filt->>key)::timestamp
else (data->>key)::text = (filt->>key)::text
when 'boolean' then (data->>key)::boolean = (filt->>key)::boolean
else false
case jsonb_typeof(filt->key->'from')
when 'number' then (data->>key)::numeric between (filt->key->>'from')::numeric and (filt->key->>'to')::numeric
when 'string' then
case is_timestamp( (filt->key->'from')::text )
when true then (data->>key)::timestamp between (filt->key->>'from')::timestamp and (filt->key->>'to')::timestamp
else (data->>key)::text between (filt->key->>'from')::text and (filt->key->>'to')::text
when 'boolean' then false
else false
group by data, filt
having count(*) = ( select count(distinct key) from cte ) -- must match on all filter elements
create or replace function is_timestamp(s text) returns boolean as $$
perform s::timestamp;
return true;
exception when others then
return false;
$$ strict language plpgsql immutable;

Database Table Column is taken as String Value in Oracle Function in JSP

Select decrypt(PRODUCT_NUMBER,'123456789') as PRODUCT_NUMBER FROM Test
PRODUCT_NUMBER is a column in Test Table and contains Encrypted data Decrypt() is a function created and working fine.
When i run this Sql on Oracle SQL Developer it gives correct Result but when i run the same on JSP it gives me error on Function.
In JSP i call this by:
String sql = "Select decrypt(PRODUCT_NUMBER,'123456789') as PRODUCT_NUMBER FROM Test";
rs = conn.executeQuery(sql);
I think it takes PRODUCT_NUMBER as String ('PRODUCT_NUMBER') and Not as Column Name so it gives error.
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01465: invalid hex number
This is the Decrypt Function
create or replace FUNCTION decrypt(p_raw IN RAW, p_key IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
v_retval RAW(255);
p_key2 RAW(255);
p_key2 := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_key);
input => p_raw,
key => p_key2,
which => 1,
decrypted_data => v_retval
RETURN RTRIM(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(v_retval), CHR(0));
END decrypt;
Query and Function both work perfect.
Actually My Co Developer had pointed the Connection to another replica instance of the DB that contained -1 in some columns so that's why it was giving error.
I reverted that and query worked like a charm.
Thanks for your time Everyone:)