Disable IntelliJ Warnings - intellij-idea

It really annoys me that IntelliJ highlights certain 'errors' (that don't prevent successful compilation) the same way that real errors are highlighted. For example, a magic number is not really an error, but it will be flagged in exactly the same way as an incompatible type error.
How can I change this?

Go to Settings -> Inspections. Then you need to search through the long list for the offending inspection, which you can get the name of by hovering on the warning marker in the margin. You can change the severity of the inspection, whether it's an error, warning, etc. or just disable it altogether.
Edit: if you search for "magic" in Settings, you get the following, which should be helpful:

Whenever you see an inspection warning/error you can place the caret on it and press Alt+Enter (a light bulb also appears that tells you that). A menu will appear with suggested quick fixes. You may need to open a submenu by pressing Right, and you'll find "Edit inspection settings" there. Having invoked that, you may proceed as in hvgotcodes's answer :), it's just a faster way of getting to those settings.

As Michael Calvin said you can use the SuppressWarnings annotation. For example:
See https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/plugins/InspectionGadgets/src/inspectionDescriptions/OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType.html
Usually searching the internet for the exact description leads me to this.

Not directly relevant to the OP, but may be of use to future Googlers
I got to this question while trying to figure out how to disable IntelliJ IDEA's warnings about Guava functionalities that have been replaced by Java 8 features. I'm not able to use the Java 8 versions of these features in my case because of a library we're using that was built with Guava (despite being a Java 8 project). So to solve that, I added a SuppressWarnings annotation before any class using Guava:
public final class...


Anaconda Spyder Auto Complete DOES work, but it does not show the possible solutions

Sorry for another post like this, I found a LOT of them here asking how to enable auto-completion, but that is not my case.
If I declare a variable and then hit CTRL+Space it works - it will autocomplete it. What I am missing thought is, that is shows a list of the possible solutions while typing - how do I enable that? (They only show after hitting CTRL+Space, is there no feature like in IntelliJ where they show that during typing already?
(Spyder maintainer here) I guess what you are referring to is auto-completion on the fly, i.e. as you write on the Editor or Console.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to enable that right now (August/2018). However, it'll be available (but only for the Editor) in our next major version: Spyder 4, to be released in 2019.

Tooltip doesn't let me type text when it is appeared. IDEA's editor

I am working with Itellij IDEA (2017.2.4). I am not sure whether the reason is new version of IDEA, but I started to face it after new version installed.
When I type some code in editor and Tooltip is shown (it can be inspection or just parameters of method shown ect.) I cannot type new symbols until pressing ESCAPE button, it is not useful for me. Before updating the IDEA there was behavior when user types new code, tooltip is hidden without ESCAPE pressing. It was made hidden by any key pressed.
Actually maybe I just change some setting property unconsciously, if yes - what is the property needed to be restored to default?
How to make it hidden not by ESCAPE but by any button?
In next image I pictured the moment when only ESCAPE key can be pressed.
I'm not able to reproduce the issue, even when I use v2017.2.4 on windows. The behavior should be that you can still type even when the tooltip is present:
I can't think of anything in terms of settings that could cause this issue. If it's just the "parameter info" tooltip that is causing the issue, you can disable it (or just increase the delay time) from automatically popping up via the setting: Settings > Editor > Code Completion > "Parameter Info" > "Autopopup" You can then manually open it via the Parameter Info Action via Ctrl+P / ⌘P. The setting #Maciej-Białorucki mentioned will effect the time before other tooltips open. Setting to a high value might help if other tooltips are causing issues.
Personally, I find the auto popup useful. To troubleshoot why this is causing issues, I'd recommend trying the following:
Upgrade to v 2017.2.6 which was released yesterday. While I personally can't reproduce it, and I'm not seeing anything about it in the 2017.2.5 Release Notes nor the 2017.2.6 Release Notes, it can't hurt to try and upgrade.
Disable all third party plugins and restart IDEA. See if the issue persists. In my 14 years of using IDEA and helping people with it on the forums, I've seen 3rd party plugins having bugs that cause other parts of IDEA to misbehave. Since you recently upgraded, it's possible a 3rd party plugin is having a compatibility issue with the new version. If the disabling them solves it, use a binary search to as you re-enable the plugins to track down the culprit and then report the bug to the plugin's developer.
See if it happens in other projects. If not there may be something wrong with the project's configuration. (A long shot. But worth checking out)
As another long shot, you can try invalidating the caches and then restarting IDEA via File > Invalidate Caches / Restart... I have on occasion over the years seen a corrupted index file or cache cause strange behavior.
If none of the above work, I suggest opening a bug report with JetBrains at: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com
Check Tooltip initial delay(ms) option under Appearance in Idea settings.
As I divined there was a property in settings that influences to the behavior described in a question. So to continue writing code without pressing ESCAPE key you must uncheck the following property:
Menu page Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings
Checkbox Accessibility -> Support screen readers (requires start)
(for more details see the link)

Highlight things marked as obsolete

I recently did some refactoring in our code and marked some widely-used functions as obsolete. The problem now is, that I get not visual indicator when I use an obsolete function right away. I have to hover over the function call to get the popup with further information about that function, and even there the "deprecated" warning is not very prominent. As these functions are to widely-used and cause no real treat, setting the isError property is not an option.
I know that somewhere I saw obsolete functions that were highlighted with some kind of underlining, but I can not find an option that does that. Where is that option, or how else can I achieve a more eye-catching indication?
I have created a simple toy VB.Net console application in MSVS, as you can see in the image the items marked obsolete are underlined in green where they are used.
If you are not seeing this then you will need to provide some more details on your solution's settings - what type of project is it, what version of visual studio are you opening it in, is it the same version it was created in, do you have any third party code linter (eg ReSharper) in use... etc
EDIT: As you mention in your comment, the project's properties, including the Code Analysis settings, will affect whether this underlining show's correctly or not; you will need to ensure the correct rule-set is selected there.

Is it possible to disable duplicate code detection in Intellij?

Is it possible to disable duplicate code detection in Intellij?
I haven't found this feature to be useful and it continues to distract me.
Only available in IntelliJ Ultimate:
To disable duplicate code detection, go to
File → Settings → Editor → Inspections → General → Duplicated code fragment
and uncheck box "Duplicate code fragment".
Add a hint to your code so that others will know your intent:
Yes, it's possible, but I would strongly advise against it!
Duplicate code is a form of technical debt. Any duplicated code that contains a bug means you now have a duplicated bug - you then run the risk that when you fix it, you'll only fix it in one place and the duplicate will remain...
If duplicate code warnings are distracting you, then the best strategy for getting rid of them is to remove the code duplication... Your codebase and future maintainers will thank you for it
This answer may be little irrelevant, but I found this helpful,
From this answer if you want to disable it for a specific code block, not the entire method or class or ide, then just add the following line just before that code block
//noinspection Duplicates
Note: You can not put any other comment after this line.
Could not get any of these answers to work in Webstorm.
To work around this without turning this feature off, I added this line of code:
if (Math.random() === 1) console.info('suppress duplicate code warning')
This makes the warning disappear if you add it in 1 of the 2 dupe files since they are not dupe anymore.
Another alternative if you are using lodash is:
noop('suppress duplicate code warning')

How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)?

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.
Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!