An extension for Apple's Look Up - objective-c

I am learning French. Every time I use the Force Click on my Mac on a word I don't know, I get a dictionary entry and a translation to English.
But when I want to translate a whole sentence, I have to open Google Translate to do so. (1. Open Google Translate. 2. Copy sentence 3. Paste Sentence) It is pretty annoying to do that 20-30 times a day.
So is there a way to expand the capabilities of Force Click in Safari (or in the best case, in every application which allows "Look Up")?
Let me worry about how I can translate the sentences.
I am open for any kind of creative solution.
Here is the standard pop-up when I force touch

I don't think there is a documented way to achieve this on a force click, but you may want to look at Services.
Basically, you can create an application that provides a service, select some text, and then choose your application's Service menu item from the Services submenu in your Application Name menu (the one in bold where "Hide" etc. are).
The service will then receive a copy of the selection (in an NSPasteboard) and can do whatever it wants with that, or even change it.


Add more one button on Attach menu of Whatsapp

I've an idea to develop a modification to WhatsApp, for example now when I click attachment symbol it shows only 6 I want to add one more option to it. If it's possible let me know. I want to add more one button on Attach menu.
It is not clear what exactly you are asking.
You have an option to launch other applications from your app.
If you want to change the way a certain app looks, or behaves you have to write something similar to it for people to use, but you cannot change the original app (no one will let you)
Here you go! it's possible, as #Jef said in comments.
using documentation interaction controller.
you need to work on how to hook into attachment menu.
There is an assumption in your question that these other apps are put there by the whatsApp developers, or by a third party who was somehow able to modify their code. I suspect that what is happening is that they (whatsApp) simply export a document/file of a certain type (UTI) If your application supports that same UTI it should appear here. So there is six buttons for you, on your phone, but another user might see a different number, it depends entirely what they have installed on their device.
CONCEPTUAL.. if you double click on a file on your computer then the file browser (OS) opens that file with some application or other. Perhaps it is a .doc file and the OS pushes that file to word or pages. Or it may be a .psd file and it gets pushed to photoshop. How does this happen? The OS has a registry (database) of applications for each file type, applications sign up on this when they install/update. If you right click on a file you see an 'open in..' option that lists all your applications which can handle that file type, this is the menu that you are wanting to get onto (for whatsApp's file type) imho.
So you need to
1 ascertain what file type (UTI) WhatsApp is exporting
2 declare support for that file type in your application (this is the bit which will be platform specific solution) (iOS docs )
3. add the code to actually handle the file when your app receives it. On iOs this is in the appDelegate in
-(void) application: openURL: sourceApplication:annotation:
If the Whatsapp people have published an API then thats where you want to look. Good luck

Copy text to an external program, click somewhere on the screen, then save a screenshot

I picked for this question since it's the only prgramming language I am fairly familair with, but if C++ or something else is more suited for this, I am willing to learn something new.
What I am trying to do is:
Retrieve text from database (this already works in and copy it to clipboard
Switch primary screen to the external application I want to work with (example: word or open office)
Emulate key-press Enter
Paste text and hit Enter again
Emulate key-press Ctrl and then emulate a click on a pre-defined spot on the screen (like 500pixels from left, 740pixels from top).
Save screenshot, using a second value from the database as the filename (the naming part should be easy)
Emulate another click on another pre-defined spot
Repeat for next text in database.
I wouldn't know where to start, though. I guess the most important part of what I'm trying to achieve is; switching focus to an external application and emulate keypresses and mouse clicks on it.
write a console app to get the value from the database
1 - get autohotkey to run the console app and put the return into the clipboard
then continue as described in your list.

Create a basic application that will act as a tutorial for how to use another app

I have a very particular application I have developed. I want to create a second app, ideally in visual basic, that provides a tutorial/ guide on how to use my original app step by step.
I imagine PowerPoint slide style images embedded in a simple window with forward & back controls.
I have experience in java, C & VB. Ideally the app needs be be kept simple and written in VB. Can anyone recommend a starting point, or if any tutorials for such exist? I've had a search and nothing stands out.
So, if this essentially just has slides and annotations and forward/backward buttons, why try to write an app for this? (I get that it might be fun to try.) You could simply do screen captures and annotate them and use PowerPoint and create an executable out of that to run.
You can even, I understand, create hyperlinks and such to allow the slide show to progress more like the real app does. I'm no "power point ranger" so I'd point you at the Office docs to learn about that, but I've seen some pretty good tutorials using this method.

OS X Get highlighted text

I'm interested in writing a plugin for OS X to support multiple operations on highlighted text in the right click context menu. The operations are simple enough that I could write them by myself. I've looked at automator's "Copy to Clipboard" action, but it requires some text input first. The "Get contents of Clipboard" action will make my operations require the highlighted text to first be copied to the clipboard.
So the question is simple: how do I access the system wide highlighted text buffer? Or is this strictly off limits?
There's no such thing as "the system wide highlighted text buffer"; just selecting text doesn't move it to a central location like the clipboard. And since you can have text selected in multiple windows at once, it's not really clear what that would even do.
Have you considered using the services menu? It's specifically designed to allow third party apps to provide operations for users to perform on selected text.

open IE without toolbar or address bar from Windows VB Application

Shell ("explorer.exe")
is how I'm currently opening my products ad page after successful install. However I think it would look much nicer if I could do it more like Avira does, or even a popup where there are no address bar links etc. Doing this via an inbrowser link is easy enough
<a href=""
onClick="'','windows','width=650,height=350,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no'); return false")">Link text</a>
But how would I go about adding this functionality in VB?
If you want it to look professional, you need to use an actual browser component. VB.NET comes with one. If you are using an older version of VB, you'd need to go third party. If you want to stay with a shell open, you would have to individually target the browser command-line and pass arguments to indicate that it should not have toolbars etc.
Speaking as a user, I find castrated popup windows annoying and unproductive.
So my answer is: "don't".