Spring Initializer - Zipkin dependencies missing? - rabbitmq

In spring initializer i couldn't find following dependencies zipkin ui, zipkin stream, stream rabbit.I know it was available but i don't know why they've deprecated those dependencies. Are there any other alternatives dependencies spring initializer provide?

If you read the docs or any information starting from edgware you would see that we've removed that support. You should use native zipkin rabbit / kafka dependencies. Everything is there in the docs.


Maven Mulesoft Anypointstudio Scheduler

I would like install Mule Scheduler Service Implementation in Anypoint Studio.(https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mule.services/mule-service-scheduler/1.1.4)
I add this dependency to my pom.xml in my project.
My project was deployed with this dependency. Someone know how use this dependency and know how it working ? I was thinking to use it to for API's. Maybe someone have some example?
I would like use it to get the list of my all scheduler in API's that I use.
mule-scheduler-service is the backend implementation of the scheduler functionality inside a Mule 4 deployment. Imagine it is a plugin or extension for Mule. You are not supposed to try to use it in a Mule application, or really in any kind of application other than Mule 4. Sure, you can add the dependency to a pom, but it will not do you any good.

Are there any side-effects of using maven dependency - WebDriverManager from bonigarcia?

WebDriverManager from bonigarcia https://github.com/bonigarcia/webdrivermanager is available as a dependency in maven repository. This helps to avoid manual downloads of chromedriver.exe and setting it's path in the code. We are trying to decide whether to implement this in our project.
Any insights on possible side-effects or issues using this dependency would be helpful. I couldn't find much information on this online.
Side effect is that your code will have to access external network resources. This might be an issue especially when you work within corporate networks.
If this will be the case, you might face the restrictions and will have configure your local repository and maintain the versions within that repository manually.

Unable to download spring security related maven dependencies for a Cloud Foundry application

I am trying to deploying CF application available as the part of OpenSap course from this GitHub URL https://github.com/raepple/cfsectest.git . When I do maven clean install, I got the error as in the screenshot.It tells that it is unable to download some maven dependencies.Any solution to this issue?
There is a partial answer as these Maven dependencies are not available no longer. Please refer this blog for an alternative fix.

What is Java EE Endorsed API?

See here.
There are three different Java EE related API:s available in the Maven repository.
Specification APIs (Maven artifact: javaee-api)
Web Specification APIs (javaee-web)
Endorsed APIs (javaee-endorsed-api)
I know the specification API (the full blown suite of Java EE API:s) and the web API (a subset of the former, implemented by some application servers).
But what is the "endorsed API" and do I need to care?
Note: I did find this link but it tells me nothing.
I was having problems running a project because of this dependency in NetBeans. Installing "EJB and EAR" plugin solved it for me.
Looks to be GlassFish related. Download the jar and execute:
jar -tf javaee-endorsed-api-7.0.jar
Actually, if you look at the table in the "Standalone Technologies" section of that link you referenced, there seems to be a very good correspondence between the classes included in the javaee-endorsed-api-7.0.jar and the items in the table. I would say it seems that the jar is bundling up these for GlassFish so that the jar can be dropped into
And then become available to applications deployed on the GlassFish server.

Does play2 framework uses ehcache wrapper on avaje ebeans bean cache?

Does play2 framework uses ehcache wrapper on avaje ebeans bean cache ?
It seems to me that ehcache have to be more efficient, and it's not hard to implement wrapper around standart bean cache. But I don't know how play2 working with the bean cache itself.
According to the Ebean/Play integration, it does not seem that Play set any L2 cache for Ebean.
So Ebean must be using its default cache mechanism (com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.cache.DefaultServerCache).