Can't login to Fabric - crashlytics

I can't login to Fabric and it shows a 403 forbidden error. Even though works, won't let me log in. However, using another email works. And if I put the wrong password I get a 401 instead of a 403 so I'm definitely inputting the right password.

delete your account and create new account with same email id, that's work for me. you can delete account with this link.


How do I login to a site I am viewing on my localhost?

I am editing a site while viewing on my localhost:3000. There are certain things I need to login to view, but my login credentials (which are accurate on the actual site) are not accepted on my local. The error I get is "Authentication Error." How do I login to my local?
Thank you in advance!
Just in case it can help someone else... I needed to add a ".env.local" file with various keys and IDs from Stripe and others. That allowed me to log in to my localhost with no problems.

Getting error "email already in use" while requesting for authorization code in sageone API

I am trying to get access token for granting my sageone api request but before that I need to get the authorization code. But when I am trying to get one I got an error on my callback url that "email is already in use"
here is the request url
After visit above link I prompted to login to my sage account when I logged in then I redirected to the callback url which I provided in the above request and got below errors in parameters
any can body can suggest anything here
Email already in use usually happens in a situation, where you have logged into the Sage One/Accounting application in the browser for a different country in the past. There is a valid cookie for the user, but the application looks for the user in the wrong country.
Use this URL to reset the cookie: Call it before you go to and this should be fixed.
Note: for more documentation about this behaviour, check out the FAQs:

Login to Sharepoint Online failure

We have a code that logins to Sharepoint Online using : or, but recently we starting to get authentication failed saying that "Incorrect Username or Password" and after some retries it returns:
"0x80048823 message : AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50053: You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password."
While using same username and password to login in the browser works fine, and neither password or username were changed, also code didn't changed. As same code works fine for another Sharepoint tenants. Seems that something changed in the Microsoft login servers, where it's started to not accept user credentials, while web browser login works fine.
Please advise.
Microsoft Rep has helped me get this far.
They had us create a "Cloud Only" user. This user was setup as "#" so if your name is bill and your corporate sharepoint site is name is then you would have the person as ""
This user was able to login to by just passing username and password.
Our on prem AD users are still having issues, i mentioned this and got the following response.
There is no issue with sync as you are able to login to portal using the same account and password.
The solution you need is documented in
You need to create a home realm discovery (HRD) policy where "AllowCloudPasswordValidation":true.
We have not yet implemented the last solution but the creating of a cloud account may help some of you.
So I think I understand what they are trying to say. There are 2 paths that you are able to authenticate with according to the node-sp-auth example.
"Managed" and "Federated"
"Managed" was the easier version and allowed for you to be able to just provide username and credentials in a soap assertion to login.
Federated is a lot more complicated. You need to first perform a post to Microsoft to validate the user hitting your adfs server.
Then you take the saml:Assertion from that response and put it into the "Token" section of the call you make to utilizing the templates from the node-sp-auth.
I have C# code that performs all these steps but I am getting an error
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50008: SAML token is invalid. AADSTS50006: Invalid signature. Signature verification failed.
Even though the signature is being generated by Microsoft in their SAML.
node-sp-auth code refrence is OnlineUserCredential.ts file.
If someone can figure out the last mile I can post a comprehensive C# solution.

Onelogin Weird Error

I experienced an odd bug during password generation, during account creation. The bug doesn't let me continue when I press save. So, naturally, I cleared my cache and retried.
Now, going to my created subdomain, it leads me to the account log on page. Since, the initial password have not been created, I would naturally select "Forget Password" However, the site does not allow me to request for a new password, as both Email and SMS options do not work (no response received). I also have tried a lot of ways to communicate, but it redirects me back to my account log on page (which like I've said, I can't go in my account).
Sorry if this is the wrong channel/medium.

Gmail label request fails with http 403 (forbidden)

I have an application that uses OAuth 2 to access Gmail. This is working fine for most users. For some users, however, my application fails at the point of trying to read the Gmail labels, with http error 403 (forbidden). Keep in mind that previous to this API call, I have accessed the user profile successfully. Here is the call that fails:
GET /gmail/v1/users/
I am requesting the following scopes when getting the access token, and the user has logged in to Google and accepted the request for access (and I can see this when we look at his security dashboard):
Note that I just added the gmail.labels scope in at attempt to fix this.
Again, this code is working fine for most users - why do some users fail the label request?
Use the shorthand value me instead of and the user who the access token belongs to will be used automatically.