Create two Side Navs in materialize css - materialize

I want to have two side navs which are triggered from different directions of the screen using materialize css. How should I initialize the two different side navs as I have to use different options for them?
How should I initialize another sidenav, its because I want to have different options for them?
I have tried using a different class name which didn't work.
Please suggest some ideas.

I solved my problem, by specifying a separate class my other side nav.
It seems that the class sidenav has to present for the sidenav to function properly. So I created a class and solved my problem as
and similarly I have my other sidenav as


Vue JS keep tab component alive

I need some help making keepAlive in VueJS3 composition api work.
I have a page to configure profiles ( business feature ) where I have some tabs created dynamicly based on user selection from a drop down.
Here is my profile model :
So Each tab is an entry to the realm attribute array.
The VTAB component I am using is from vuero library :
That I am using this way :
While making modifications, the user should be able to switch tabs without losing the modification he made while switching tabs.
From official documentation, keepalive is the directive to be used for such use case. Unfortunatly I am not able to make it work. I lose all the modifications when I switch the tab.
Do you have any suggestions, to make this work .
Thanks A lot.
It seems to be a limitation from vuero component.
I went with a cutsom solution. By listening on the onBeforeUnmont

Show SnackBars stacked instead of overlapping?

In my app there's a page where I am showing several snackbars depending on results from server.
There can be several triggered by the server's result. They are also triggered from different components, so I don't have a single controller that could render them where I want.
So, they all display at once and overlap each other. I linked the official Vuetify docs page because the problem is clearly visible there. Just click on two of the buttons in short enough succession.
Is there any way I could render them such that they would stack one above the other instead of all bottom-centering over each other?
I was thinking I'd need a way to tell them the component that would be their rendering parent. But I can't seem to find a way to do this. Slots don't seem to be much help with this either since I can't declare global ones.
Is there any way I can do this?

Vue components hierarchy and passing data

I'm writing an app in Vue and I have a really hard time understanding the component hierarchy, namely the parent-child relationships and how to pass data around.
I have a view that contains a map which in turn has some navigation controls and options that are overlayed on top of the map. Now, I want these controls to manipulate the map WITHOUT having to nest the buttons inside the actual maps as it will cause severe display issues (for example, clicking on a zoom button falls through the button and also clicks the next element under it).
My app looks like this:
Now, a HTML input element in Optionpanel1 needs to control something in the Map, which is not actually it's parent component. Also, some data from Map needs to be passed down to Optionpanel1 so it would know what to control. To make matters worse, something in Options also needs to pass something down to Optionpanel1, so, even though event bus would allow communication upwards, it would not solve that I need to pass data from parents to indirect children and also components that are not it's children.
I can actually pass the required property down the line if I nest the Options inside Map and pass it down with :myProp="prop" and then in Options, declare it in props and bind to Optionpanel1, where it is again declared as a prop. But as I mentioned earlier, nesting elements that I do not want to be nested in a visual sense causes massive issues like mouse click falling through. Do elements even need to be nested inside eachother in order to define parent-child relationship?
I would want components to exchange read-only data without Y being a child of X in the DOM. Also, even if nesting components like this would not cause visual issues, does it not seem very annoying to have to register and bind it in every component along the way?
I don't understand why is it so difficult to simply read something from another component. It's starting to seem that Vue is causing a problem that it's supposed to solve? Am I missing something here or am I looking at this in a completely wrong way?
Thanks in advance.
Basically you have 2 options to control complex components:
Handle the actions in your so-called "smart component" (in terms of React), which is the common ancestor for the controlling and controlled components. It's a pretty good solution for small components, but that's not the case.
To separate common logic and data in a Vuex store. I'd recommend you doing this.

VueJs: Two Independant & Seperate Routes/Views with vue-router

The Goal: Have two separate, independently navigateable routes with vue-router.
How can I have two parts of a page that are independently routed with vue router? Say you have a page split into a main view and a sidebar. The main view is what you would normally expect from a view, you click on links and it changes the path and loads a new component. The sidebar is completely separate, no matter where you are in the main view the sidebar does not change, but the sidebar also has links that let you go to different components within itself.
With vue-router, I can have named views, but these seem to be tied to whatever the current path/route is, and cannot be controlled separately.
Example Annotation:
Can vue-router have two separate, and independent routes/views that are not tied to each other? If so, is there documentation on this, are there router code examples?
Note: There is no code here, it doesn't seem necessary as this isn't a code issue, it's a vue-router use-case issue.
You can achieve separate independent routes if you use 2 Vue apps each with its own router.
A small demo in this fiddle.
I've used 2 routes, one with history mode and one abstract.
The biggest problem I see with this is that, at least out of the box, you cannot have a URL that points the user to the same view(s), as now you are managing 2 different routers.
The other is related to communication, you now have 2 different Vue app instances so you need to do something about communication between them.
But this shouldn't be that hard
if you are using Vuex you can set the same store object on both of them
If you are just using a plain data object you can pass the same object to both instances and that will become reactive or
you can always communicate over the same bus

When to create a component? - Vue.js

I get all the concept of components but one thing I am stuck at is - when to create a component? In other words, what part of the page should be a component?
Link to sample problem image
Taking above image as example, what I think is progress bar can be one component and form, quotes list, blue alert can be second component.
Please advise as necessary.
There can be many reasons for creating components, such as when you need to create a reusable element, splitting the code to make it easier to understand and reduce code complexity.
In your case 1. you can put both of the sections into a single component or you can put them into separate components if you want to reuse them somewhere. 2. if your code is too much and you want to make it simpler to understand in that case you can also create separate components.