difference between node-sass-middleware and node-sass - node-sass

This is the 3rd time asking this issue.
what is the difference between npm node-sass-middleware and node-sass?
express generator uses node-sass-middleware with command
express --view=ejs --css=sass --git <folderName>
on the other hand, some use node-sass, not node-sass-middleware.
what is the difference between those two? and which one is better?
cannot find any information on google and stackoverflow.
hope to get some answer this time. appreciate it.

it seems that the node-sass-middleware package contains the node-sass package, and I think there is a way to configure the node-sass package to run as middleware, but I haven't figured out how to do this (it is the old way of doing what the node-sass-middleware package does). If you are trying to decide between the two, the consensus seems to be to use the node-sass-middleware package.


Group project uses both NPM + Yarn. How to transition to use only one?

As title indicates, I'm working on a project where different members have used different tools (NPM and Yarn) for handling packages and modules etc.
We aim to transition to use ONLY Yarn (not our decision). Would anyone be able to share resources detailing how to accomplish such a thing? Or help quickly walk me through the steps?
I tried googling for answers but every single result is yet another article explaining why you should ditch NPM/Yarn and move your project to Yarn/NPM, without explaining the steps one would need to take to move from using both to just one mid-project. Thanks!
It looks like Yarn has a page talking about how to migrate to it from NPM:
In most cases, running yarn or yarn add for the first time will just work. In some cases, the information in a package.json file is not explicit enough to eliminate dependencies, and the deterministic way that Yarn chooses dependencies will run into dependency conflicts. This is especially likely to happen in larger projects where sometimes npm install does not work and developers are frequently removing node_modules and rebuilding from scratch. If this happens, try using npm to make the versions of dependencies more explicit, before converting to Yarn.
As of Yarn 1.7.0, you can import your package-lock.json state, generated by npm to Yarn, by using yarn import.
They use many of the same files and structures. The important thing is to check-in the yarn.lock file and make sure everyone is installing using Yarn instead of NPM.
If you have a build server, you could probably use it to enforce those dependencies, but it would be more work.

If I need to manually custom code from npm module, how should I do it

In the react-native world I came across using many lib packages, some of them are outdated or not maintained. By going through the issue ticket or google for some solution to some bug, sometime I found a solution but how should I apply it?
I normally just change the code inside node_module directly, but I know this is really bad way cause it not even my git and gonna be lost at some point
what is the proper way to do this?
You can install node modules that aren't in the registry.
See: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
Specifically these two methods are worth a look.
npm install <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>
npm install <git repo url>
If the module in question are hosted on github, clone the repository, apply the patch to it there, and then use the module directly from github.
You could also see if anyone else is maintaining a fork of it.

Does installing a root package automatically install a scoped library?

After I am installing a root library, such as npm install aws-amplify, sometimes it seems that I need to install its sub library such as npm install #aws-amplify/cli. Why did not npm install aws-amplify install every sub library within it?
What's the npm packaging and installing rule here? can someone help me clearing understand that?
You are mixing up 2 different syntaxes. The #namespace/package is relatively new. It used to be just package, and some packages still use this. In the old way package tend to name themselves 'namespace-package' as some sort ofworkaround.
But that is not your question. Your question is 'why do they even do this?'.
Why wouldn't you just download all the npm package out there? Then you have and can use everything, right? As you can imagine this doesn't make much sense, you will only want to download and use what you need. Think of this quote from Joe Armstrong:
You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.
The quote is a entirely out of context since it is more about not using classes, but it still kind of applies to this. At lot of packages will offer you a core package and the option to add sub-packages based on your need. Like in your example, someone might not need #aws-amplify/cli, this way he doesn't have to download it.

Is there a way to ignore a node_module when running npm install

Hi I have made some custom adjustments to a node_module's files to get it to meet client requirements. These changes obviously are not in the packages source code so I want to avoid overwritting them if I need to update npm packages. Is there a way to do this? Maybe something similar to a git ignore?
Modifying a npm package directly is not recommended and could lead to multiple issues, the way to go about this is either contribute your changes to the original source code on GitHub if other would find the code you wrote useful, either that or you could make your own fork of the package and use that as a dependency instead.
You can install your own package by using the tarballs provided by GitHub.
npm install https://github.com/<username>/<repository>/tarball/master

Is there something like npm scripts for elm-package.json?

I use npm scripts a lot for my javascript/node projects (npm start, npm test, and npm run build and others), and I was wondering if there is something similar for elm-packages, or if we should use npm scripts instead, and if I have to do it, why do we need a package.json and a elm-package.json?
The quick answer is that (as of May 2017) there's not support for this in elm-package.json.
As for the future: Evan Czaplicki has said on elm-dev mailing list that the file format and functionality will get revamped a little bit (probably with the 0.19 release), but most probably mainly with regards to application vs. library distinction. Based on that, I don't think elm-package.json will get this functionality anytime soon.
I think most devs have some node stuff running to handle their dev environment (e.g. webpack stuff) so you will always have package.json available for such scripts anyway.
There is a question about whether elm should embed its dependencies within package.json but, while most dev instances would have package.json, anyone just trying out with elm-reactor would not. So I think the present situation is here to stay, and enables you to do what you want.