Failed to create component 'ReportViewer' -

Anyone can help me with below error? It looks like it has something to do with different versions but I am not able to solve it. I followed different instructions like: Installing the NuGet package for the WinForms than adding the dll via .NET Framework components.
When I drag and drop the ReportViewer onto a Form it gives me the below error.

This is what I did and it worked well for me:
1- Installed Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio
2- Opened Visual Studio and created a new project using Visual Basic > Report Application template. (You can also search for it using top right search box)
3- From the warning dialog clicked Trust
4- Cancelled Report Wizard (I just didn't want to create report initially, you can create.)
5- Rebuild the solution.
You are all set. You can add a new Report and design it in VS and show it in ReportViewer. If you open Form1 you can see a ReportViewer there.
To add it to toolbox, you can click on Choose Items and then Browse your solution directory and from the NuGet package folders go to report viewer package folder and select Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll.
For more information on how to add report viewer control to a form see Integrating Reporting Services Using ReportViewer Controls - Get Started.


Pictures on Multiple Forms crash VB 2019 projects

Using Visual Studio 2019, VB Windows Forms App(.Net Framework) template, my students are building projects using multiple forms, pictures (as background images and in picture boxes) and timers. When they have two or more pictures, the programs crash irretrievably.
The error message is:
Error while trying run project: (path to project location) Access is
Even if they remove the pictures, the error remains and the program no longer works. I never experienced this problem when we were using VB2015.
My student assistant tried to replicate the problem on (Vis Studio 2019) his home computer and couldn't.
If you're using an antivirus you may add an Exception to the project path.
You may also try to run VB2019 as Administrator to see if that was the problem, click on the VS2019 icon using the right button of the mouse and then click on Execute as Administrator.

visual studio 2010 installation and setting problems

I ve installed visual studio 2010. Installed successfully, on the main screen under the File tag the options are, team project , new file etc.
When I click on new file then a new screen appears in which templates are given.
I want but there is no template.
Whats wrong with it or how to add a vb.met template?
What shoud I do?
Search under Visual Basics or in Other templates as below :
and click on Forms or type you want
And if you are only interested in then make sure you have the settings right by clicking on Tools \ Import and Export Settings and import the Default Settings for Visual Basic Development.

How to use ReportViewer 2012 in Visual Studio 2013 (WinForms/Wpf)

I would like to upgrade a project which uses RDLC to create reports. The solution uses Report Viewer 2010SP1.
I installed successfully the report viewer 2012 runtime, however the component does not appear in the add references windows of visual studio.
I also checked the NuGet-Packages and there I found a “Report Viewer”-package 11, but while installing this version, only the web-component but not the WinForms-component has been installed.
On the web I have seen some workarounds changing the registry, but is it really necessary to manually change the registry to have this done?
One way, probably not the best, is selecting the component directly with the "browse"-option.
In the “Add Reference” dialog, browse to “\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\ReportViewer” and select there the component "Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll"

how to get items in solution explorer in visual basic 2010

When i Open Any Project in Visual Basic 2010 Express by Clicking on A File that has extension .sln, the project is opened but there is no items in solution explorer and i can't run the project
the following is the screenshot
thanks for help
Right-click the unloaded project and click "Reload".
If this is consistent then you are closing your solutions incorrectly. You do not want to use the Unload Project context menu item. Use File + Close Solution instead.

the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel version be installed in the global assembly cache first

I have a small windows forms application created in Visual Studio 2012 that uses ReportViewer version
The application target framework is .NET 4.0 and its deployment method is ClickOnce
On my PC it installs but on client machines, intallation fails with error
the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel version be installed in the global assembly cache first.
On the client machines, i have installed
.NET 4.0
ReportViewer 2010
Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime CTP
in the project application files settings, i have set microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel publish status to Include(Auto), in the references i have also set its Copy Local property to True.
what am i missing?
I have even followed the instructions here
Here is (arguably) the best way to deal with this issue... without downloading or installing any extras. This worked with Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate)
Goto the main project within your solution(default/statup project)
Right Click and Click Properties / Select "Your Project">> Project>> Properties
Click on "Publish" Tab to see publishing options
Goto "Install Mode and Settings">> Click "Application Files" and Dialog opens
Go down and look for the items set with "Publish Status" > Prerequisite
You will find ReportViewer and Several Other Files set to Prerequisite
Change all the Publish Statuses to "Include" in the drop down
I know you only need the ReportViewer Only but this will eliminate other potential problems I came across
Now all the required files will be added to your installation setup good to go!
For interest, you can change include a desktop icon under "Install Mode and Settings">>Options>Mainfests>Create Desktop Short Cut
you are missing the ProcessingObjectModel.dll file find the version in gac assembly C:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel and add it to bin dir.
We had the same issue, but the thing is, its automatically adding it to the references (microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel), if u EXCLUDE it from the publishing properties(properties->publish->application files), It might fix it.
A better option would be to install the Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package at:
Your users will need to have this package installed as well. If you just copy and paste a MS DLL, you'll have to redeploy it every time you upgrade your application.
If you are using WinForms, to me it seems pointless to worry about installing this DLL in the GAC when it's being used for a report viewer that is deployed via click-once. This isn't a big file and you're probably using it as a report viewer control on a form, nothing more. One possible solution is to do the following:
In Visual Studio, go to the reference in your project for the assembly Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModeland locate the file path to the folder for that assembly. Mine was version 12 and so my file path was C:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel\
Copy the file path of the folder the assembly is in and remove the reference from your project (right click the reference and select "Remove").
Win + R to get a 'Run' prompt. Paste that folder path in there and execute to jump right into the folder of that DLL.
Find the DLL, it should be the only file in that folder, and copy it to your Visual Studio project folder. You shouldn't care about 100kb of extra space on your drive consumed, and I don't think this DLL is one you'll need to update.
Back in Visual Studio, right click References, Add Reference, and browse for that DLL in your project folder. After adding the reference, make sure that the Copy Local property is set to true.
Clean and rebuild, test the application on your local computer, than Deploy your ClickOnce again.
Now when users install your application with ClickOnce, the reference will not refer to the GAC at all and there won't be any need to rely on the prerequisite check/installation process for this DLL because you have included it directly in your published application.
It depends on the setup type you are using but basically, it means the required library is missing from your server or computer. To enable the application to download from the server (In a client-server architecture), you need to include the file(s) in the project.
Go to your application option and locate the "Publish" tab
Click on "Application files"
In the ensuing dialog, select to include all the libraries you want included (or that are required to run your application on the client machine and click "Ok")
Build your application and then publish to the server.
I hope this works for you, it worked for me in Visual Studio 2010 Professional
In case of Windows 10 it won't work installing Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 as describe by user1236560. First you need to install Prerequisites for SQL Server Management Objects (SQLSysClrTypes.msi) need to choose between x86 and x64 depending on your hardware. You could find it on:
After that you need to install MICROSOFT® REPORT VIEWER 2012 RUNTIME that you could find on:
Both of this package will have to be installed.
I encountered this error
System Update Required
Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly
Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.
Please contact your system administrator.
this error popped out when installing an application made from Visual Studio
meaning I am one of the client
I have Visual Studio 2015 and a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and didn't know about Crystal Reports and other related stuff to it. I do check the version of my .NET Framework which is version 4.6.2.
I have several extension files and distributable files downloaded and yet doesn't solve my problem.
I do not know if I solve the problem generally but I do become successful in installing the application
so I downloaded and installed the ff:
SAP Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2015(latest, just to make sure)
Microsoft System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime.
the problem took me about 2 days to trouble shoot, Be careful on downloading and installing extension files and distributed files cause it will munch some space too.
The Best answer is:
Here is (arguably) the best way to deal with this issue... without downloading or installing any extras. This worked with Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate)
Go to the main project within your solution(default/statup project)
Right Click and Click Properties / Select "Your Project">> Project>> Properties
Click on "Publish" Tab to see publishing options
Go to "Install Mode and Settings">> Click "Application Files" and Dialog opens
Go down and look for the items set with "Publish Status" > Prerequisite
You will find ReportViewer and Several Other Files set to Prerequisite
Change all the Publish Statuses to "Include" in the drop down.
I know you only need the ReportViewer Only but this will eliminate other potential problems I came across
Now all the required files will be added to your installation setup good to go!
For interest, you can change include a desktop icon under "Install Mode and Settings">>Options>Mainfests>Create Desktop Short Cut
It reduced all of my head aches.