how to get items in solution explorer in visual basic 2010 -

When i Open Any Project in Visual Basic 2010 Express by Clicking on A File that has extension .sln, the project is opened but there is no items in solution explorer and i can't run the project
the following is the screenshot
thanks for help

Right-click the unloaded project and click "Reload".
If this is consistent then you are closing your solutions incorrectly. You do not want to use the Unload Project context menu item. Use File + Close Solution instead.


Why My Visual Studio Not Showing Any Text?

I have a problem when open my project. It doesn't show any text.
Here the screenshot :
I think you tried to open project file from file explorer. open your existing project from visual studio itself

VB Project unavailable once solution opened in Visual Studio 2010

I have a VB.NET project under Visual Studio 2010.
Each time I open the solution (which contains only one project), the solution explorer populates with the associated projects but appends "unavailable" next to the project name. Also, it appends "0 projects" next to the solution name.
Every time I right click and reload the project, it reloads quickly and then reverts back to unavailable.
Whats happens? I have tried to open VS 2010 in administrator mode and I get the same result.
However, If I open a command line prompt window as administrator and from that command line I launch VS 2010 in safe mode using below command:
devenv /safemode
... and then once VS 2010 opened I open the solution, it works.
So what's the problem?

Failed to create component 'ReportViewer'

Anyone can help me with below error? It looks like it has something to do with different versions but I am not able to solve it. I followed different instructions like: Installing the NuGet package for the WinForms than adding the dll via .NET Framework components.
When I drag and drop the ReportViewer onto a Form it gives me the below error.
This is what I did and it worked well for me:
1- Installed Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio
2- Opened Visual Studio and created a new project using Visual Basic > Report Application template. (You can also search for it using top right search box)
3- From the warning dialog clicked Trust
4- Cancelled Report Wizard (I just didn't want to create report initially, you can create.)
5- Rebuild the solution.
You are all set. You can add a new Report and design it in VS and show it in ReportViewer. If you open Form1 you can see a ReportViewer there.
To add it to toolbox, you can click on Choose Items and then Browse your solution directory and from the NuGet package folders go to report viewer package folder and select Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll.
For more information on how to add report viewer control to a form see Integrating Reporting Services Using ReportViewer Controls - Get Started.

visual studio 2010 installation and setting problems

I ve installed visual studio 2010. Installed successfully, on the main screen under the File tag the options are, team project , new file etc.
When I click on new file then a new screen appears in which templates are given.
I want but there is no template.
Whats wrong with it or how to add a vb.met template?
What shoud I do?
Search under Visual Basics or in Other templates as below :
and click on Forms or type you want
And if you are only interested in then make sure you have the settings right by clicking on Tools \ Import and Export Settings and import the Default Settings for Visual Basic Development.

visual basic 6.0 project menu corrupted

I do not know why the project menu in visual basic 6.0 IDE has been corrupted and I don't see
all menu items such as references, project properties,....
it might be useful to know that I have installed SP6.0 of visual studio 2000 enterprise edition.
any suggestion ?
The vb6 ide can be customized.
Try right clicking on a menu or toolbar and select "Customize...", you should be able to see a full list of commands (I can't recall, but there should be an option to reset it, too).