How to add modifiers to cart line item in BigCommerce Api - api

I already tried the solution given in this Cart API V3: Can't create a Cart for product that has options link but it's not working for me.
modifier is extra fitting added to the product like "name tag" for suitcase.
I tried to add the modifier in "option_selections" like below but it returns 422 error.
"list_price":" 170.00",
"option_selections":[{"option_id":23800, "option_value":"10088"}]
StatusCode: 422, ReasonPhrase: 'Unprocessable Entity'
Thanks for your reply in advance.

If you're creating a new cart, try this request body (POST to /carts endpoint):
"line_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 76,
"list_price": 170.00,
"option_selections": [
"option_id": 21506,
"option_value": 10090
You shouldn't have quotes around any of these field values--list_price, product_id, etc all accept a number, not a string.
If you want to add a new line item to an existing cart, you can use the same request body as above. The request will be a POST to carts/{cartID}/items
If you are updating a line item that already exists in the cart, you'll want to make a PUT to /carts/{cartID}/items/{itemID}.
Request body:
"line_item": {
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 76,
"list_price": 170.00,
"option_selections": [
"option_id": 21506,
"option_value": 10090
Note: it does need to be "line_item" rather than "line_items" when updating a single cart item. I'll work with our documentation team to get this updated in the API reference.

I was able to solve the issue, though I agree with Karen White's answer, I wanted to add a product which has options like colors and modifiers too. Which I was not able to achieve with that. I used the following data to add product with option and modifier.
Instead of passing variant_id, pass variant as option (option_id gets option's id and option_value gets option value's id) and pass modifier as option (modifier option_id gets option's id and option_value gets option value's id)
"line_items": [{
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 5846,
"option_selections": [{
"option_id": 23799,
"option_value": 10173
}, {
"option_id": 23800,
"option_value": 10088


Structures DB Schema Design

I am working on db schema for the below json. product has different parameterCategories and categories has different parameters. same parameter may belong to different categories. product can have 1 or more categories. product may have same categories with different parameters. let me know if my approach is correct. should I keep productCategory-section and section-parameters linking or simple table would work as I created below. all products of the same category will have same section and parameters so I am linking productCategory with parameters.
table Parameters
"productCategory": "electronic",
"products": {
"productId": "productId",
"productName": "productName",
"productParameterSections": [
"productParameterSectionId": "appearance",
"parameters": [
"parameterId": "color",
"unit": "",
"standard": "red",
"val": "light red"
"parameterId": "brightness",
"unit": "",
"standard": "high",
"val": "medium"
"productParameterSectionId": "quantitative",
"parameters": [
"parameterId": "length",
"unit": "cm",
"standard": "440",
"val": "400"
"parameterId": "height",
"unit": "cm",
"standard": "red",
"val": "400"
Recently we work on the same schema design. What we did is as below:
Made a list of all the parameters possible and all the different fields in the parameters possible.
Then we created templates like here it is a category which is a combination of some of the parameters.
Then that template is assigned to any entity like product in this case.
Pros of this approach
- You can add as many parameters as you want in the list
- you can customize the template as you want and attach it to the entity
How to use it
Use parameters as a contact like an array of objects.
Create a template with an array of the selected parameters so that it is creating a copy of the selected parameter for every category to keep the constant array safe from updates.
The template is the second table which can have other fields like template name ( category name ) who created it when it is last updated even from which category it is created like a reference to own.
The final entity table ( product ) will have reference to that template table and also an array from that template. So reference provides information about parameters and you can update the copy with the values to use.
I hope it explains well, let me know if you still have any doubts.

Cart API V3: Can't create a Cart for product that has options

When I create a cart with products without options, everything works fine, but if any of the products has product option, it doesn't work
Here I got the product options, it has one option with id 21
When I use this option id in creating the API, it doesn't work
If you are adding a product to the cart that has a single modifier associated with it (like a text field) try the POST to the cart API without including the "variant_id" field:
"line_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 1001,
"option_selections": [
"option_id": 123,
"option_value": "Hello!"
If your product has one option (like a radio button) associated with it, try this request, using just the variant ID to identify the option:
"line_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 1001,
"variant_id": 2331
If your product has both an option (radio button) and a modifier (text field), this sample request should work. The first option selection corresponds to the radio button option and the second option selection corresponds to the text field modifier. No variant id is included:
"line_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"product_id": 101,
"option_selections": [
"option_id": 231,
"option_value": 456
"option_id": 123,
"option_value": "Hello!"
For context on the v3 terminology, both options and modifiers are terms for lists of choices attached to products, but options are choices that are used to build out variants (SKUs) and modifiers are choices that are not tied to variants at all. This is why a text field would be a modifier, and a radio button would be an option.

Figure out different values to send partial update to server

From a form submission I receive two objects: the original values and the dirty values. I like to figure out how to create a diff to send to the server using the following rules:
id field of the root object should always be included
all changed primitive values should be included
all nested changes should be included as well.
if a nested value other than id changed, it should include id as well.
Original values:
"name": "tkvw"
"locale": "nl",
"street": "Somewhere",
"zipcode": "8965",
Example expected diff objects:
1) User changes field name to "Foo"
2) User changes field street on address node and category
"id": 2,
I do understand the basics of functional programming, but I just need a hint in the right direction (some meta code maybe).
Take a look at JSON Patch (rfc6902), JSON Patch is a format for describing changes to a JSON document. For example:
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" },
{ "op": "add", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] },
{ "op": "remove", "path": "/foo"}
You generate a patch by comparing to JS objects/arrays, and then you can apply the patch to the original object (on the server side for example) to reflect changes.
You can create a patch using the fast-json-patch lib.
const obj1 = {"id":10,"name":"tkvw","locale":"nl","address":{"id":2,"street":"Somewhere","zipcode":"8965"},"subscriptions":[8,9,10],"category":{"id":6}};
const obj2 = {"id":10,"name":"cats","locale":"nl","address":{"id":2,"street":"Somewhere","zipcode":"8965"},"subscriptions":[8,9,10,11],"category":{"id":7}};
const delta =, obj2);
console.log('delta:\n', delta);
const doc = jsonpatch.applyPatch(obj1, delta).newDocument;
console.log('patched obj1:\n', doc);
<script src=""></script>

square connect api batch processing

I need assistance with batch processing, especially in adding tax codes to items.
I'm experimenting with the square batch processing feature and my sample cases are create 2 items and add the tax code to them. In all 4 requests - 2 for creating item, 2 to 'put' the tax code. I have tried the following orders:
1. create the two items; add the taxes
2. create one item; add tax code to that item; create second item, add code to the second item.
In both instances, the result is the same - the taxes are applied to only one item. For the second item, the response I get is:
To help with the investigation, here's the sample json that I use in the cURL request.
Below is the full response that I receive indicating successful creation of two items and only one successful tax push.
"name":"Writing Instruments"
"name":"Writing Instruments"
I have checked through going for the list of items and both items with their item ID's are present in the inventory. So the questions I have are, Why the tax is applied to one item and not to the other? How to resolve it?
From the Square docs:
Note the following when using the Submit Batch endpoint:
You cannot include more than 30 requests in a single batch.
requests to the Submit Batch endpoint are not allowed (i.e., none of
the requests included in a batch can itself be a request to this
There is no guarantee of the order in which batched
requests are performed.
(emphasis mine).
If you want to use the batch API, you will have to create parent entities like items first, then in a separate batch request apply any child entities like fees, discounts, etc... Alternately, you can just make separate requests. There may not be much benefit from using the batch API in this case.

How do i make custom reordering for products in collection in shopify

How do i make custom reorder for products in collection in shopify. i mean for exapmle i have 'test' collection and i want to reorder products in 'test' collection by using product tag i mean i put some tags like 'firstshowup' in some product in 'test' collection so when customer click 'test' collection customer see products which have 'firstshowup' tag first and then see the rest so what iam trying here is reordering using custom reordering not using like order by bestseller or allpabetically or date created s.t
thank you so much guys in advance
Your collection will be made up of Collect objects, which have a position attribute. Assuming you're using a CustomCollection, you can modify the position of the Collects by updating the CustomCollection:
From the examples, to update a collection, you can use:
PUT /admin/custom_collections/#{id}.json
With the following payload:
"custom_collection": {
"body_html": "<p>The best selling ipod ever</p>",
"handle": "ipods",
"id": 841564295,
"published_at": "2008-02-01T19:00:00-05:00",
"sort_order": "manual",
"template_suffix": null,
"title": "IPods",
"updated_at": "2008-02-01T19:00:00-05:00",
"image": {
"created_at": "2012-12-11T12:01:29-05:00",
"src": ""
"collects": [
"product_id": 921728736,
"position": 1
"id": 841564295,
"position": 2