Restrict IntelliJ only to only inspect current file - intellij-idea

IntelliJ IDEA performs a lot of checks while typing code. This is ok so far but I realized that it is doing this for all visible files.
I like to have many files open parallel but this causes my cpu to be high performance heating system. I see a significant difference between having one or ten editor tabs open.
Is there an option that IntelliJ only checks the currently selected file?
Update: Since there is probably no option I raised a ticket:


PhpStorm very slow and sluggish on netbook, optimize IDE for responsiveness?

I recently upgraded from PhpStorm 6 to PhpStorm 7. Delighted to see all the improvements, but it runs awfully slow on my low-powered netbook. The delay between typing and seeing text appear is often 5-6 seconds and gets worse as line count increases. It is unusable at this stage.
How can I improve the general IDE speed and responsiveness?
Edit 2017: You may first want to try experimenting with allocating PhpStorm some more RAM if available. Do this by
Going to Help -> Edit Custom VM Options
Change -Xms and -Xmx to be something reasonable for your hardware. I have -Xms512m and -Xmx2048m on an 8GB RAM laptop.
Restart PhpStorm.
If you want to see how much RAM PhpStorm is currently using, you can go to File -> Settings and search for and enable show memory indicator.
Original answer: I made some changes to increase the responsiveness of the IDE. I'm sure there are more things one could do, but I found these to improve the performance to well within usable margins. From most effective to least:
Disable language injections: File -> Settings -> Language injections. Untick as many boxes as you're comfortable with. HTML was the real killer for me.
Disable inspections: File -> Settings -> Inspections. Untick as many as you don't need.
Disable unused plugins: File -> Settings -> Plugins. Untick unused.
These changes brought down both the startup time and significantly increased responsiveness of the IDE in general.
Add these to your phpstorm.exe.vmoptions or phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions file, at the bottom:
Solid speedup to the point that the editor is now actually usable.
I will for the life of me just never understand why people create editors in Java.
If you need to speed up PhpStorm right away, turn on Power Save mode.
(File > Power Save Mode or using "Hector the Inspector" icon in the IDE status bar). This mode turns off on-the-fly code inspections
This way you can finish what you have started, and later decide what code inspections to deactivate.
The most effective way to speed up new phpstorm version is an experimental feature that is going to be shipped by default in phpstorm 2017.1. Until that you can activate it on jetbrains products (webstorm, phpstorm etc.)
Click on Help => Edit custom properties
Close and open again the application.
For me the change typing is not laggy anymore.
Other tricks didn't helped me or not in a noticeable way.
Try removing unnecessary files from your project.
I had 3k+ *.html log files inside my project and that slowed down typing terribly when the 'Project' tab was open. (Hiding the project tab or turning off the PHP Plugin does also speeds up PHPStorm, but obviously those are not viable trade-offs.) (I'm using PHPStorm 2016)
In my case, PhpStorm wasn't slow at all - a bug in my monitor driver introduced severe lag, and it just happened that I dedicated that monitor to PhpStorm. If you've read this far, try PhpStorm on a different monitor, it would've saved me a lot of time.
It is possible that it will help to increase the maximum memory allocation for PhpStorm beyond its default.
For mine, it was capped at 2GB. I know you asked about a windows machine, but for mac users reading this, you can change this by opening PhpStorm without opening a project. Then hit Configure > Edit Custom Properties and change the xmx value to a higher limit.
Try to exclude the C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2020.1\plugins\ folder to the windows firewall exclude directories, that will make the phpstorm run faster and indexing will be quick.
Windows firewall thinks that malicious software has been installed with lot of jar files. This solution has worked for me. But I have excluded my project laravel folder too
Possible Solutions
Use and older version of phpstorm that your machine fully supports
Disable the unwanted plugins
Disable the unwanted inspections and intentions
Disable the unwanted browser support by pressing ctrl + alt + s then Tools > Web Browsers >

Intellij IDEA 12 deadlock and lost changes

As you are working on the IDE, suddenly it has no reaction, the whole IDE become inactive and can not operate on it, but with high CPU usage, If you kill the process from Windows Task Manager, after it launched, all modified lost since your last edit. This problem occurs every now and then.
My environments:
Windows 7, Intel i7, 16GB RAM, IDEA 12.1.6 with auto save enabled.
Did anyone come across this problem before, it's to bad as my changes lost and i have to rewrite it after restarted.
You'll want to upgrade to v12.1.6 as 12.1.5 had a major bug in it that was fixed in 12.1.6. The bug prevented compiling of code in some circumstances. 12.1.6 was released only a few days after 12.1.5. That may not be the cause of your issue, but is still good advice.
Other than that, the 12.1.x line has been very stable. I think your issue is an isolated case as I have not seen any mention of it in the IntelliJ IDEA forums or here. Often times, such deadlocks are caused by third party plug-ins. Take a look in the logs (Help > Show Log) to see if it has any information that explains the hang. Also, if IDEA becomes non responsive, it automatically logs thread dumps in the log directory. Those may have some information.
If you experience the issue again, you may want to disable any third-party plug-ins to see if that resolves it. If it happens frequently, you can take a CPU Snapshot as described in this document and submit it to the JetBrains.
Lastly, I recommend you tweak the following setting: File > Settings > [IDE Settings] > General > Save files automatically if application is idle for x sec." Set it to 15 or 30 seconds. (You don't want to go too low). This will help reduce any loss of work in the event of a hang (which after 10 years of daily IDEA use I can attest to as being very rare.)

Intellij and Clearcase: Performing VCS refresh takes too long

I am using IntelliJ 12 and am seeing some strange problems around Clearcase.
I am knew to IntelliJ so perhaps I've missed some configuration.
Every time I attempt to check in a file, I get the attached popup which appears on my screen for minutes. I can click Skip to hide it, but I don't understand why it takes so long.
Also, when I have a file that is in Clearcase but not yet checked out, when I click on the Clearcase menu I get the option to Check In even after a refresh. This makes no sense and is quite confusing.
Therefore, I'm wondering if the Clearcase plugin is stable, or if I'm missing some config.
Before advising you to log an issue on that IntelliJ ClearCase plugin, check if you aren't using a dynamic view.
IntelliJ does a lot of code parsing, and that can take times in a dynamic view (network access), as opposed to a snapshot view (local disk access).
See "What are the differences between a snapshot view and a dynamic view?".

IDE, Text Editor, Program that can save "snapshots" of your code? (Auto-save backups of code)

I've been looking for an IDE or Text Editor that can save "snapshots" of my code. I have been coding in a lot of new languages lately using a lot of trial and error. I often find myself wanting to revert a file or multiple files because of a coding/design decisions made in the last couple of hours or even days. It would be nice if I could take a snapshot of my code periodically and reverting to a past snapshot rather than manually making copies of my files on intervals.
I'd imagine that there has to be atleast an editor that shows version-history of a file. ( I realize I could use git or svn or any other versioning solution, but I'd like a more automated process.)
(if not an IDE, does anyone know how to configure Windows-ShadowCopy, OSX-TimeMachine, to make backups of my development folder on 45min intervals... or even a third-party program.)
Eclipse takes a local history on a per file basis... but personally I would strongly suggest using source control for this. If you use something like git or Mercurial, your commits are all local anyway - and it means you'll have a consistent snapshot at moments where you believe you've reached a useful point.
With a bit of experience it only takes a few seconds to commit your current work, and I think it's likely to prove more useful over time than automatically snapshotting either every save or at random intervals.
(It's hard to know whether Eclipse will actually be useful to you, as you haven't specified which language you'll be programming in. Admittedly there are plugins for a fair number of languages in Eclipse...)

QBasic crashes immediately after selecting the "open" menu item

Not sure if this is even an acceptable question, but I figured it's an IDE so...
I'm trying to write a small program in qb4.5, which has happily worked on my computer (XP SP3) for a while now. For some reason though it is now sluggish and error-prone. As the title reads, if I try to open a file then QB crashes out. A virus recently attacked my registry (among other things), and after removing it and fixing many entries there are probably some entries that I haven't corrected that may affect this.
I believe that QuickBasic uses the MSDOS edit command for its IDE. Presumable that program is affected by the virus. If that is the case, you should have problems opening other files in EDIT too.
I believe that QuickBasic uses the MSDOS edit command for its IDE
The QuickBASIC IDE (-> QB.EXE) is a self-contained application. QuickBASIC doesn't use the MS DOS editor (EDIT.COM) as an input screen. The QB IDE offers several features you won't find in EDIT.COM, for example a SUB/FUNCTION browser, live syntax checking, compile+launch menu, ...
The styling of the QB IDE looks very similar to the appearance of EDIT.COM but it's a different application. In fact, one can run QB.EXE in DOSBOX without even having EDIT.COM installed.