Intellij and Clearcase: Performing VCS refresh takes too long - intellij-idea

I am using IntelliJ 12 and am seeing some strange problems around Clearcase.
I am knew to IntelliJ so perhaps I've missed some configuration.
Every time I attempt to check in a file, I get the attached popup which appears on my screen for minutes. I can click Skip to hide it, but I don't understand why it takes so long.
Also, when I have a file that is in Clearcase but not yet checked out, when I click on the Clearcase menu I get the option to Check In even after a refresh. This makes no sense and is quite confusing.
Therefore, I'm wondering if the Clearcase plugin is stable, or if I'm missing some config.

Before advising you to log an issue on that IntelliJ ClearCase plugin, check if you aren't using a dynamic view.
IntelliJ does a lot of code parsing, and that can take times in a dynamic view (network access), as opposed to a snapshot view (local disk access).
See "What are the differences between a snapshot view and a dynamic view?".


Restrict IntelliJ only to only inspect current file

IntelliJ IDEA performs a lot of checks while typing code. This is ok so far but I realized that it is doing this for all visible files.
I like to have many files open parallel but this causes my cpu to be high performance heating system. I see a significant difference between having one or ten editor tabs open.
Is there an option that IntelliJ only checks the currently selected file?
Update: Since there is probably no option I raised a ticket:

Turn off Database Navigator suggestions that my sql is bad

I'm using this plugin for intelliJ
Database Navigator
I just wanted a simple tool to check my sqlite database, now that the firefox plugin I use is no longer working with the latest firefox update.
Anyway, the plugin is good... except it seems to have added it's own "clever" sql checker, that finds all the sql in my java files, and then tells me if there are problems with the sql.
All well and good, but this
slows down editing those java files
doesn't work, finding phantom errors
isn't needed. Who struggles with writing sql?
So right now I have a bunch of red "tick" marks down the side of any java file with sql in it, as the plugin imagines up issues where there are none. I'd like these to just go away, I don't need code telling me if my code works - any ideas
Here is an example of this thing:
I don't want the sql "string" to be treated as special, I don't want "analysis" performed on it, I can write working SQL.
Every time i load this class, the ... whatever it is takes up time looking at all the strings, and then makes EVERYTHING red on the sidebar. I don't want to disable all inspections on this page, as I do like to see when my java code has an error.
I know it is possible to tell intellij to stop looking at strings, I had this setting before - and then my laptop was stolen, thank you thieves - and now I have setup my environment again, I don't have my notes on how to resolve this issue.
The strings are "analyzed" when they are used in some methods of the package java.sql.
Click on a string and press Alt+Enter to expand the suggestion list
Select "Language Injection Settings" to open the configuration dialog for "SQL"
Uncheck all the checkboxes, press "OK" and all errors must be gone
Technical note: Settings are stored in <USER>/<.IDE_VERSION>/config/options/IntelliLang.xml

Is there a way to view Dart pub serve output in WebStorm in a more 'build-error-list' way?

I'm experimenting with Dart/Angular/WebStorm for the first time. One thing which I've found a little jarring has been the build->error cycle. In Visual Studio, I am used to this work flow:
Write some code
Running a build
Having a fresh list of errors being created
Fixing a subset of them (some or all)
Go to 1.
I'm wondering what is the workflow with Dart?
I have the following issues:
I can't figure out a way to just run pub/transformer/whatever-it-is-that-roughly-equates-to-a-build. The only way I can do this is by attempting to run a configuration
When the transformer is run, it just dumps a gigantic error output to the Pub Serve window. It does not clear the existing output, so I end up with duplicate error or errors I've already fixed. So I'm left manually scrolling through the list but taking care not to So I must manually right-click and clear the output window and rerun it.
The transformer only runs when it detects a file change. This makes sense, but when coupled with 1 and 2, I've often cleared the output and I am running the transformer just to see a fresh list of errors. Which I don't get.
So my workflow becomes:
Write some code.
Close dartium browser window (I'm not actually interested in running it, just seeing my errors)
See a bunch of errors. Realise that I didn't clear the errors from the previous run.
Right click and clear the pub serve output window.
Run again
Close dartium browser window again
Realise that the transformer has not run because it already ran in steps 1-3 and I haven't changed a file.
Change a file
Run again
Close dartium browser window again
Scroll through error list to find errors to fix
I find this a little cumbersome. Perhaps there is a philosophical point here on relying too much on my tooling to identify and fix errors (although I thought that was the entire point) but I'm just wondering what other people do to simplify this - I'm faintly surprised I appear to be alone in this.
You may run 'Pub Build' (available in the right-click menu of pubspec.yaml file and also right in the editor when pubspec is open). It is not incremental, so it runs longer (i.e. runs from scratch each time) but it gives you the list of errors just as if you've cleared Pub Serve output, edited each file in the project, started run configuration and closed a browser.
Sometimes errors are only shown when pub serve generates output the first time. For reloads some errors aren't shown anymore.
I'm not sure if this is a limitation of pub serve or a bug in the transformers.
pub serve is going to be replaced a new build system that builds to disk instead of in-memory only.
DDC isn't perfect yet either, but it's the future and I'd suggest to try this instead. There are known performance problems with Angular, but they are working on it.
See also

How to disable autosave feature on IDEA?

env: IDEA-14.0.2, kubuntu14.10 x64
Yesterday I use IDEA to learn source from Spark. When discussing with my partner, I write serval lines directly to the source, then I closed the IDEA without ctrl+S
Today when I open the project I found that those little changes still exist and make the source very dirty (and bit hard to remove them since they are everywhere). I assume that there's a autosave feature the avoid close without saving by incident.
how to close that on certain project? or do it globally?
Currently it can't be disabled. There are a few open issues in the IntelliJ's YouTrack, for instance IDEABKL-6460. There is a long discussion in this issue, but from comments like this:
Auto-saving is built in very deeply and many IDE features just won't
work without it (e.g. compilation, running, etc). For reverting
unwanted changes there's VCS, Local History and Undo.
Currently we don't plan to add a possibility to disable auto-save.
it seems that implementing this feature isn't planned and even if it was it would be probably difficult. But you can leave a comment and vote for the issue because the more people request this feature the more probable it is that it will get actually implemented sometime in the future.

IDE, Text Editor, Program that can save "snapshots" of your code? (Auto-save backups of code)

I've been looking for an IDE or Text Editor that can save "snapshots" of my code. I have been coding in a lot of new languages lately using a lot of trial and error. I often find myself wanting to revert a file or multiple files because of a coding/design decisions made in the last couple of hours or even days. It would be nice if I could take a snapshot of my code periodically and reverting to a past snapshot rather than manually making copies of my files on intervals.
I'd imagine that there has to be atleast an editor that shows version-history of a file. ( I realize I could use git or svn or any other versioning solution, but I'd like a more automated process.)
(if not an IDE, does anyone know how to configure Windows-ShadowCopy, OSX-TimeMachine, to make backups of my development folder on 45min intervals... or even a third-party program.)
Eclipse takes a local history on a per file basis... but personally I would strongly suggest using source control for this. If you use something like git or Mercurial, your commits are all local anyway - and it means you'll have a consistent snapshot at moments where you believe you've reached a useful point.
With a bit of experience it only takes a few seconds to commit your current work, and I think it's likely to prove more useful over time than automatically snapshotting either every save or at random intervals.
(It's hard to know whether Eclipse will actually be useful to you, as you haven't specified which language you'll be programming in. Admittedly there are plugins for a fair number of languages in Eclipse...)