SQL Select to return one line multiple times based on a number within the dataset - sql

So I've tried many other attempts at answers around this topic from here and so far everything has either outright failed or not given me the result I'm after:
I have a select statement to use for a report that brings through delivery information. The result set is from a main table that only has one line per delivery number (the delivery header record) and within the dataset there is also a field called palletspaces which we use to indicate (you guessed it) how many pallets are needed for the delivery
What I now need to do is the following:
find that palletspaces number
return the single delivery record the same number of times as that palletspaces number
include a new column in the results that counts up to that palletspaces number
so for instance, my SQL will return every record from the deliveries table and would look something like this
id traderid toaddressid county postcode palletspaces
D-124597 2101 2 READING RG6 1AZ 3
D-124600 20060 12 MAGOR, GWENT NP26 3DF 1
D-124601 20060 13 RUGBY CV23 8YH 2
So now, I'd need to see that palletspaces number, then return the particular line that many times and then also have a new column that counts these instances:
id traderid toaddressid county postcode palletspaces LineCount
D-124597 2101 2 READING RG6 1AZ 3 1
D-124597 2101 2 READING RG6 1AZ 3 2
D-124597 2101 2 READING RG6 1AZ 3 3
D-124600 20060 12 MAGOR, GWENT NP26 3DF 1 1
D-124601 20060 13 RUGBY CV23 8YH 2 1
D-124601 20060 13 RUGBY CV23 8YH 2 2
The other thing to mention is that naturally I'll have hundreds of different delivery records (all returned as one line each) and all will have differing palletspaces numbers. And of course stating the obvious I need the line to only replicate and count based on it's own palletspaces number
The SQL in use is as below
from deliveries
INNER JOIN customers ON
deliveries.traderid = customers.id
INNER JOIN delivery_custom ON
deliveries.id = delivery_custom.id
INNER JOIN ectransport ON
deliveries.eutransportid = ectransport.ectranspcode

Try like this:
select deliveries.id,
INTO #MyTemp
from deliveries
INNER JOIN customers ON
deliveries.traderid = customers.id
INNER JOIN delivery_custom ON
deliveries.id = delivery_custom.id
INNER JOIN ectransport ON
deliveries.eutransportid = ectransport.ectranspcode
SELECT id,traderid,toaddressid,county,postcode,palletspaces,1 AS LineCount
FROM #MyTemp
SELECT id,traderid,toaddressid,county,postcode,palletspaces,LineCount+1
WHERE LineCount<palletspaces
ORDER BY id, LineCount;
Hope this time you get it.

Using Recursive CTE, we can achieve this:
DECLARE #TAB TABLE ([D Number] VARCHAR(20) ,customer INT, postcode VARCHAR(20), palletspaces INT)
INSERT INTO #TAB VALUES('D-123456' ,19114, 'DA12 1TF' , 4)
INSERT INTO #TAB VALUES('D-111111' ,19114, 'DDDD 1TF' , 3)
SELECT [D Number],customer,postcode,palletspaces,1 AS A
SELECT [D Number],customer,postcode,palletspaces,A+1
WHERE A<palletspaces
ORDER BY [D Number], LineCount;
D Number customer postcode palletspaces LineCount
D-123456 19114 DA12 1TF 4 1
D-123456 19114 DA12 1TF 4 2
D-123456 19114 DA12 1TF 4 3
D-123456 19114 DA12 1TF 4 4


GROUP BY in a temp table

I'm working on a stored procedure and altering a temp table to spit out data depending on a specific condition. This stored procedure is quite complex and has like 40 columns, however for this specific issue I simply need to group the records by the DESCR column. The other 37 columns all have the same value so it shouldn't be an issue but in this case how can I group them by their DESCR and consolidate the LATEFEE and CHG values?
The query essentially looks like this:
SELECT [columns1], [column38], t.descr t.chg, t.lateFee, (t.chg + t.lateFee) as Total
FROM #tmpStatement t
INNER JOIN dbo.Association a ON t.AssocID = a.AssocID
INNER JOIN dbo.Company c ON a.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
[all columns]
If I remove the t.chg or the t.lateFee columns from the GROUP BY clause then SQL tells me that they are invalid in the SELECT list since they're not included in the GROUP BY, however I still want those values in my table.
Currently this is the outcome of the table:
Assessment 1 0 1
Spec 0 2 2
Spec 3 0 3
Assessment 0 5 5
Res 3 0 3
What I want the expected result to look like:
Assessment 1 5 6
Spec 3 2 5
Res 3 0 3
Looking at the sample data, you probably need something as simple as:
select descr, other, sum(chg) as chg, sum(latefee) as latefee, sum(chg) + sum(latefee) as total
from t
group by descr, other

Inner join + group by - select common columns and aggregate functions

Let's say i have two tables
Id Name
1 Foo
2 Bar
CustomerId, Amount, AmountVAT, Accountable(bit)
1 10 11 1
1 20 22 0
2 5 6 0
2 2 3 0
I need a single record for every joined and grouped Customer and CustomerPurchase group.
Every record would contain
columns from table Customer
some aggregation functions like SUM
a 'calculated' column. For example difference of other columns
result of subquery to CustomerPurchase table
An example of result i would like to get
Name Total TotalVAT VAT TotalAccountable
Foo 30 33 3 10
Bar 7 9 2 0
I was able to get a single row only by grouping by all the common columns, which i dont think is the right way to do. Plus i have no idea how to do the 'VAT' column and 'TotalAccountable' column, which filters out only certain rows of CustomerPurchase, and then runs some kind of aggregate function on the result. Following example doesn't work ofc but i wanted to show what i would like to achieve
select C.Name,
SUM(CP.Amount) as 'Total',
SUM(CP.AmountVAT) as 'TotalVAT',
diff? as 'VAT',
subquery? as 'TotalAccountable'
from Customer C
inner join CustomerPurchase CR
on C.Id = CR.CustomerId
group by C.Id
I would suggest you just need the follow slight changes to your query. I would also consider for clarity, if you can, to use the terms net and gross which is typical for prices excluding and including VAT.
select c.[Name],
Sum(cp.Amount) as Total,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) as TotalVAT,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) - Sum(CP.Amount) as VAT,
Sum(case when cp.Accountable = 1 then cp.Amount end) as TotalAccountable
from Customer c
join CustomerPurchase cp on cp.CustomerId = c.Id
group by c.[Name];

How to create a Select statement which contains a SUM on a different table

I currently have a select statement that is causing me issues, i have two tables:
Customer table
ID Month4Value Month5Value
1 24 5
Orders table
ID Year Month Value Quantity
1 2018 8 10 2
1 2018 4 2 1
1 2018 6 10 4
1 2018 4 7 3
I currently have the below view:
Create View Values as
Select ID, Year, Month, ROUND(SUM(Value*Quantity),2) as NewQuantity
FROM Orders
GROUP BY ID, Year, Month
The below select statement is what i am trying to run
Select Customer.ID, Customer.Month5Value, NewQuantity
from Customer inner join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID
where ROUND(Customer.Month5Value, 2) <> ROUND(NewQuantity,2)
AND Values.Year = 2018
AND Values.Month = 5
What i am trying to achieve is to find any mismatches between the Orders table and the Customer table. In the above example, what i am expecting is to highlight that the value in Customer.Month5Value does not match the total of the (Quantity*Value) from the Orders table.
As there are 0 orders for Month 5 in the Orders Table, the Month5Value should be 0. However, it returns no entrys.
Any thoughts about what i have missed?
I have updated my query to this:
Select Customer.ID, Customer.Month5Value, NewQuantity
from Customer left join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID
where ROUND(Customer.Month5Value, 2) <> ISNULL((Select NewQuantity from Customer left join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID where Values.Month = 5 and Values.Year = 2018),0)
This has given me a list of IDs which have an incorrect amount in Month5Value on the Customer table, but displays lines for each month entry
ID Month5Value NewQuantity
1 5 24
1 5 40
1 5 20
How can i adjust this so that I get one line per ID with the correct value for NewQuantity (either 0 or NULL in this case)?
I think the INNER JOIN is removing any records which are missing from VALUES. Replacing the INNER JOIN with LEFT JOIN may give the result you are looking for.

SQL Server 2008 - need help on a antithetical query

I want to find out meter reading for given transaction day. In some cases there won’t be any meter reading and would like to see a meter reading for previous day.
Sample data set follows. I am using SQL Server 2008
declare #meter table (UnitID int, reading_Date date,reading int)
declare #Transactions table (Transactions_ID int,UnitID int,Transactions_date date)
insert into #meter (UnitID,reading_Date,reading ) values
insert into #Transactions(Transactions_ID,UnitID,Transactions_date) values
select * from #meter;
select * from #Transactions;
I expect to get following output
Transactions_ID UnitID Transactions_date reading
1 1 1/1/2014 1000
2 1 2/1/2014 1010
3 1 3/1/2014 1020
4 1 4/1/2014 1020
5 2 1/1/2014 1001
6 2 3/1/2014 1001
7 3 4/1/2014 1002
Your SQL Query to get your desired out put will as following:
SELECT Transactions_ID, T.UnitID, Transactions_date
, (CASE WHEN ISNULL(M.reading,'') = '' THEN
SELECT MAX(Reading) FROM #meter AS A
JOIN #Transactions AS B ON A.UnitID=B.UnitID AND A.UnitID=T.UnitID
ELSE M.reading END) AS Reading
FROM #meter AS M
RIGHT OUTER JOIN #Transactions AS T ON T.UnitID=M.UnitID
AND T.Transactions_date=M.reading_Date
I can think of two ways to approach this - neither of them are ideal.
The first (and slightly better) way would be to create a SQL Function that took the Transactions_date as a parameter and returned the reading for Max(Reading_date) where reading_date <= transactions_date. You could then use this function in a select statement against the Transactions table.
The other approach would be to use a cursor to iterate through the transactions table and use the same logic as above where you return the reading for Max(Reading_date) where reading_date <= transactions_date.
Try the below query:
Please find the result of the same in SQLFiddle
select a.Transactions_ID, a.UnitID, a.Transactions_date,
case when b.reading IS NULL then c.rd else b.reading end as reading
Transactions a
left outer join
meter b
on a.UnitID = b.UnitID
and a.Transactions_date = b.reading_Date
inner join
select UnitID,max(reading) as rd
from meter
group by UnitID
) as C
on a.UnitID = c.UnitID

SQL Server - tsql join/filtering issue

Probably the wrong title, but I can't summarise what I'm trying to do nicely. Which is probably why my googling hasn't helped.
I have a list of Discounts, and a list of TeamExclusiveDiscounts (DiscountId, TeamId)
I call a stored procedure passing in #TeamID (int).
What I want is all Discounts except if they're in TeamExclusiveDiscounts and don't have TeamID matching #TeamId.
So the data is something like
Table Discount:
DiscountID Name
1 Test 1
2 Test 2
3 Test 3
4 Test 4
5 Test 5
Table TeamExclusiveDiscount:
DiscountID TeamID
1 10
2 10
2 4
3 8
Expected results:
searching for TeamID = 10 I should get discounts 1,2,4,5
searching for TeamID = 5 I should get discounts 4, 5
searching for TeamID = 8 I should get discounts 3, 4, 5
I've tried a variety of joins, or trying to update a temp table to set whether the discount is allowed or not, but I just can't seem to get my head around this issue.
So I'm after the T-SQL for my stored procedure that will select the correct discounts (SQL Server). Thanks!
SELECT D.DiscountID FROM Discounts D
LEFT JOIN TeamExclusiveDiscount T
ON D.DiscountID=T.DiscountID
Can you try this - it only selects records where there is a teamdiscount record with the team or no teamdiscount record at all.
SELECT * FROM Discounts D
FROM TeamExclusiveDiscount T
WHERE T.DiscountID = D.DiscountID
AND TeamID = #TeamID
FROM TeamExclusiveDiscount T
WHERE T.DiscountID = D.DiscountID
I like to translate the English description directly into SQL (atleast as a first pass):
"All Discounts except if they're in TeamExclusiveDiscounts and don't have TeamID matching #TeamId."
FROM Discounts D -- All Discounts
WHERE D.DiscountID NOT IN -- except if they're in TeamExclusiveDiscounts
(SELECT T.DiscountID
FROM TeamExclusiveDiscount T
WHERE T.DiscountID NOT IN -- and don't have TeamID matching #TeamId.
(SELECT Match.DiscountID
FROM TeamExclusiveDiscount Match
WHERE Match.TeamID = #TeamID)