Display user specified contour levels in GrADS - grads

I would like to know how to display specific contour levels on the colorbar. For example, as shown in the schematic above taken from pivotalweather, shows a colorbar for precipitation values that are not really equally spaced. I would like to know how to achieve a similar result with GrADS.
PS: I use the cbarn.gs and the xcbar.gs script sometimes.

You need to use the original color set of GRADS for this.
THREE steps:
1). Set the color using the 'set rgb # R G B'. You need the RGB of the colors in your color bar. Since there are 15 default colors in GrADS, you should start the # at 16.
Check this link for details of the colors:
2). You need to set the color level as follows:
set clevs 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.02 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 15
3). You need to specify the colors based on your defined RGBs.
set ccols 16, 17, 18,....etc.


How to use bob.measure.load.split()

I'm a student studying with a focus on machine learning, and I'm interested in authentication.
I am interested in your library because I want to calculate the EER.
Sorry for the basic question, but please tell me about bob.measure.load.split().
Is the file format required by this correct in the perception that the first column is the correct label and the second column is the predicted score of the model?
# file.txt
|label|prob |
| -1 | 0.3 |
| 1 | 0.5 |
| -1 | 0.8 |
In addition, to actually calculate the EER, should I follow the following procedure?
neg, pos = bob.measure.load.split('file.txt')
eer = bob.measure.eer(neg, pos)
You have two options of calculating EER with bob.measure:
Use the Python API to calculate EER using numpy arrays.
Use the command line application to generate error rates (including EER) and plots
Using Python API
First, you need to load the scores into memory and split them into positive and negative scores.
For examples:
import numpy as np
import bob.measure
positives = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.2])
negatives = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.2, 0.2])
eer = bob.measure.eer(negatives, positives)
This will print 0.2. All you need to take care is that your positive comparison scores are higher than negative comparisons. That is your model should score higher for positive samples.
Using command line
bob.measure also comes with a suite of command line commands that can help you get the error rates. To use the command line, you need to save the scores in a text file. This file is made of two columns where columns are separated by space. For example the score file for the same example would be:
$ cat scores.txt
1 0.5
1 0.5
1 0.6
1 0.7
1 0.2
-1 0.0
-1 0.0
-1 0.6
-1 0.2
-1 0.2
and then you would call
$ bob measure metrics scores.txt
[Min. criterion: EER ] Threshold on Development set `scores.txt`: 3.500000e-01
================================ =============
.. Development
================================ =============
False Positive Rate 20.0% (1/5)
False Negative Rate 20.0% (1/5)
Precision 0.8
Recall 0.8
F1-score 0.8
Area Under ROC Curve 0.8
Area Under ROC Curve (log scale) 0.7
================================ =============
Ok it didn't print EER exactly but EER = (FPR+FNR)/2.
Using bob.bio.base command line
If your scores are the results of a biometrics experiment,
then you want to save your scores in the 4 or 5 column formats of bob.bio.base.
See an example in https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.bio.base/-/blob/3efccd3b637ee73ec68ed0ac5fde2667a943bd6e/bob/bio/base/test/data/dev-4col.txt and documentation in https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/docs/bob/bob.bio.base/stable/experiments.html#evaluating-experiments
Then, you would call bob bio metrics scores-4-col.txt to get biometrics related metrics.

Plotting data from two sets with different shapes in the same plot

I am using data collected from two different instruments which have different resolution because of the sampling rate of each instrument. For a specific time, one of the sets have >10k entries while the other has ~2.5k. They however capture data over the same time interval, and I want to plot them on top of each other even though they have different resolution in data. The minimum and maximum x of both sets are the same however one of them have more entries.
Simplified it could look like this:
1st set from instrument with higher sampling rate:
time(s) value
0.0 10
0.2 11
0.4 12
0.6 13
0.8 14
... ..
100 50
2nd set from instrument with lower sampling rate:
time(s) value
0 100
1 120
2 125
3 128
4 130
. ...
100 430
They are measuring different things, but I would like to display them in the same plot. How can I accomplish this?
I found the mistake.. I was trying to plot both datasets using the time data from the first instrument. Of course they need to be plotted with their respective time data and I put the first time data in the second plot by mistake..

plotting lines between points in gnuplot

I've got next script to plot dots from file "puntos"
set title "recorrido vehiculos"
set term png
set output "rutasVehiculos.png"
plot "puntos" u 2:3:(sprintf("%d",$1)) with labels font ",7" point pt 7 offset char 0.5,0.5 notitle
file "puntos" has next format:
#i x y
1 2.1 3.2
2 0.2 0.3
3 2.9 0.3
in another file called "routes" i have the routes that joins the points, for example:
1 22 33 20 18 14 8 27 1
1 13 2 17 31 1
Route 1 joins points 1, 22, 33, etc.
Route 2 joins points 1, 13, 12, etc.
Is there a way that perform this with gnuplot?
PS: sorry for my English
Welcome to stackoverflow. This is an interesting task. It's pretty clear what to do, however, to my opinion not very obvious how to do this gnuplot.
The following code seems to work, probably with room for improvements. Tested in gnuplot 5.2.5
Tested with the files puntos.dat and routes.dat:
# puntos.dat
#i x y
1 2.1 3.2
2 0.2 0.3
3 2.9 0.3
4 1.3 4.5
5 3.1 2.3
6 1.9 0.7
7 3.6 1.7
8 2.3 1.5
9 1.0 2.0
# routes.dat
1 5 7 3 6 2 9
6 8 5 9 4
and the code:
### plot different routes
reset session
set title "recorrido vehiculos"
set term pngcairo
set output "rutasVehiculos.png"
POINTS = "puntos.dat"
ROUTES = "routes.dat"
# load routes file into datablock
set datafile separator "\n"
set table $Routes
plot ROUTES u (stringcolumn(1)) with table
unset table
# loop routes
set datafile separator whitespace
stats $Routes u 0 nooutput # get the number of routes
RoutesCount = STATS_records-1
set print $RoutesData
do for [i=1:RoutesCount] {
# get the points of a single route
set datafile separator "\n"
set table $Dummy
plot ROUTES u (SingleRoute = stringcolumn(1),$1) every ::i::i with table
unset table
# create a table of the coordinates of the points of a single route
set datafile separator whitespace
do for [j=1:words(SingleRoute)] {
set table $Dummy2
plot POINTS u (a=$2,$2):(b=$3,$3) every ::word(SingleRoute,j)-1::word(SingleRoute,j)-1 with table
print sprintf("%g %s %g %g", j, word(SingleRoute,j), a, b)
unset table
print "" # add empty line
set print
print sprintf("%g different Routes\n", RoutesCount)
print "RoutesData:"
print $RoutesData
set colorsequence classic
plot \
POINTS u 2:3:(sprintf("%d",$1)) with labels font ",7" point pt 7 offset char 0.5,0.5 notitle,\
for [i=1:RoutesCount] $RoutesData u 3:4 every :::i-1::i-1 w lp lt i title sprintf("Route %g",i)
set output
### end code
which results in something like:

How to prevent labels from being cut off in matplotlib .mplstyle

I've been trying for awhile but I haven't found any rcparams that stop my xlabel from getting cut off at the bottom when doing a savefig(). It works fine if I do fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) or plt.tight_layout() before savefig(), but I'd rather the default behavior result in a nice plot.
Maybe I have something wonky in my .mplstyle? But is mostly just copy paste from seaborn. I include it below for reference:
# default seaborn aesthetic
# darkgrid + deep palette + notebook context
axes.axisbelow: True
axes.edgecolor: black
axes.facecolor: 333333
axes.grid: True
axes.labelcolor: white
axes.labelsize: 18
axes.linewidth: 0
axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['30bbff', 'ff6b51', 'ffc851', '7de524', 'dbdbdb', 'ff00f3'])
axes.titlesize: 24
figure.facecolor: black
figure.figsize: 8.0, 5.5
savefig.dpi: 80
font.family: sans-serif
font.sans-serif: Arial, Liberation Sans, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif
text.color: white
grid.color: black
grid.linestyle: -
grid.linewidth: 1
image.cmap: Greys
legend.fontsize: 14
legend.frameon: False
legend.numpoints: 1
legend.scatterpoints: 1
lines.linewidth: 2
lines.markeredgewidth: 0
lines.markersize: 7
lines.solid_capstyle: round
patch.facecolor: 4C72B0
patch.linewidth: .3
xtick.color: white
xtick.direction: out
xtick.labelsize: 16
xtick.major.pad: 7
xtick.major.size: 0
xtick.major.width: 1
xtick.minor.size: 0
xtick.minor.width: .5
ytick.color: white
ytick.direction: out
ytick.labelsize: 16
ytick.major.pad: 7
ytick.major.size: 0
ytick.major.width: 1
ytick.minor.size: 0
ytick.minor.width: .5
Since your labels are somewhat larger than usual, you indeed need to leave more space at the bottom.
Instead of the default figure.subplot.bottom : 0.11 for the bottom you may use
figure.subplot.bottom : 0.15
This should work if fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) works for you. Otherwise increase the number further.

gnuplot to plot histogram with lines

I've two column data as:
9 17.52
11 29.77
7 62.75
11 36.15
7 30.46
7 52.5
9 65.26
9 90.05
14 101.87
12 86.88
15 74.78
And want that first column be plotted as histogram according to index of y2, and second column be plotted as line according to index of y1. Anyone has ideas?
Maybe I didn't understand your question correctly, but are you possibly looking for something like this:
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.4
plot "Data.dat" u 2 w boxes t "boxes", "" u (column(0)):1 t "lines" w l