shock wave jump conditions - optimization

from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def eqn(x): #three jump condition equations
y=[10,11,12] #initial guess
print fsolve(eqn,y)
`I have to solve three non-linear system of equations also called the jump conditions in shock waves numerically. I have been asked to do so using scipy.optimize where we take three known parameters and use them to find the rest three parameters.
However I'm not getting the correct result and it varies heavily based on the initial guess value.
Following are the relations. I am taking the value of P1, rho1 and V1 from the user and trying the find out the rest three

Your equations seem to be correct apart from a small Python-specific detail. The solution turns out to be very simple: convert all inputs to floats.
The problem was that x1/y1 in the expression for f3 was evaluated with integer division (which truncates the result) instead of floating-point division.
This means you probably tested with integer values. Giving the original code float-format inputs (e.g. 5.0, 14.0, 3.0) also worked as expected.


Can't correctly factorize a polinomial whose coefficients have decimals (non-integer), how can maxima do it?

how are you?.
I'm trying to create a function that calculates the z-transform of a transfer function using the residues method but for that, I need the factors of the characteristic equation and the powers of the factors, so, in order to do that I tried to factorize polynomials with non-integer coefficients but after trying everything that I read I couldn't factorize make maxima to factorize those polynomials the way I need it.
For giving an example, I have this characteristic equation: "s·(s^2+0.1·s)", the factors should be "s^2" and "s + 0.1" but maxima allways gives me "(s^2·(10·s + 1))/10".
Why I'm signalling this?, well, as I learned that maxima treates the outputs equation as list so I can have its dimension and separate the factos by its positions in the list to measure the powers of the factors and do what I need, but like maxima gives me the result that is shown above then the dimension of the list is different and it will make my function to work differently and possibly have errors.
The result that is shown is given by maxima no matter if I use factor, gfactor, or expand or whatever other function that I found and I know that result is because maxima are rationalizing the polynomial before working with it but I don't need that behavior, I only need the pure factors, so, how can I have the result that I want?.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Pseudo-inverse via signular value decomposition in numpy.linalg.lstsq

at the risk of using the wrong SE...
My question concerns the rcond parameter in numpy.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond). I know it's used to define the cutoff for small singular values in the singular value decomposition when numpy computed the pseudo-inverse of a.
But why is it advantageous to set "small" singular values (values below the cutoff) to zero rather than just keeping them as small numbers?
PS: Admittedly, I don't know exactly how the pseudo-inverse is computed and exactly what role SVD plays in that.
To determine the rank of a system, you could need compare against zero, but as always with floating point arithmetic we should compare against some finite range. Hitting exactly 0 never happens when adding and subtracting messy numbers.
The (reciprocal) condition number allows you to specify such a limit in a way that is independent of units and scale in your matrix.
You may also opt of of this feature in lstsq by specifying rcond=None if you know for sure your problem can't run the risk of being under-determined.
The future default sounds like a wise choice from numpy
FutureWarning: rcond parameter will change to the default of machine precision times max(M, N) where M and N are the input matrix dimensions
because if you hit this limit, you are just fitting against rounding errors of floating point arithmetic instead of the "true" mathematical system that you hope to model.

Errors to fit parameters of scipy.optimize

I use the scipy.optimize.minimize ( ) function with method='L-BFGS-B.
An example of what it returns is here above:
fun: 32.372210618549758
hess_inv: <6x6 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
jac: array([ -2.14583906e-04, 4.09272616e-04, -2.55795385e-05,
3.76587650e-05, 1.49213975e-04, -8.38440428e-05])
nfev: 420
nit: 51
status: 0
success: True
x: array([ 0.75739412, -0.0927572 , 0.11986434, 1.19911266, 0.27866406,
The x value correctly contains the fitted parameters. How do I compute the errors associated to those parameters?
TL;DR: You can actually place an upper bound on how precisely the minimization routine has found the optimal values of your parameters. See the snippet at the end of this answer that shows how to do it directly, without resorting to calling additional minimization routines.
The documentation for this method says
The iteration stops when (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= ftol.
Roughly speaking, the minimization stops when the value of the function f that you're minimizing is minimized to within ftol of the optimum. (This is a relative error if f is greater than 1, and absolute otherwise; for simplicity I'll assume it's an absolute error.) In more standard language, you'll probably think of your function f as a chi-squared value. So this roughly suggests that you would expect
Of course, just the fact that you're applying a minimization routine like this assumes that your function is well behaved, in the sense that it's reasonably smooth and the optimum being found is well approximated near the optimum by a quadratic function of the parameters xi:
where Δxi is the difference between the found value of parameter xi and its optimal value, and Hij is the Hessian matrix. A little (surprisingly nontrivial) linear algebra gets you to a pretty standard result for an estimate of the uncertainty in any quantity X that's a function of your parameters xi:
which lets us write
That's the most useful formula in general, but for the specific question here, we just have X = xi, so this simplifies to
Finally, to be totally explicit, let's say you've stored the optimization result in a variable called res. The inverse Hessian is available as res.hess_inv, which is a function that takes a vector and returns the product of the inverse Hessian with that vector. So, for example, we can display the optimized parameters along with the uncertainty estimates with a snippet like this:
ftol = 2.220446049250313e-09
tmp_i = np.zeros(len(res.x))
for i in range(len(res.x)):
tmp_i[i] = 1.0
hess_inv_i = res.hess_inv(tmp_i)[i]
uncertainty_i = np.sqrt(max(1, abs( * ftol * hess_inv_i)
tmp_i[i] = 0.0
print('x^{0} = {1:12.4e} ± {2:.1e}'.format(i, res.x[i], uncertainty_i))
Note that I've incorporated the max behavior from the documentation, assuming that f^k and f^{k+1} are basically just the same as the final output value,, which really ought to be a good approximation. Also, for small problems, you can just use np.diag(res.hess_inv.todense()) to get the full inverse and extract the diagonal all at once. But for large numbers of variables, I've found that to be a much slower option. Finally, I've added the default value of ftol, but if you change it in an argument to minimize, you would obviously need to change it here.
One approach to this common problem is to use scipy.optimize.leastsq after using minimize with 'L-BFGS-B' starting from the solution found with 'L-BFGS-B'. That is, leastsq will (normally) include and estimate of the 1-sigma errors as well as the solution.
Of course, that approach makes several assumption, including that leastsq can be used and may be appropriate for solving the problem. From a practical view, this requires the objective function return an array of residual values with at least as many elements as variables, not a cost function.
You may find lmfit ( useful here: It supports both 'L-BFGS-B' and 'leastsq' and gives a uniform wrapper around these and other minimization methods, so that you can use the same objective function for both methods (and specify how to convert the residual array into the cost function). In addition, parameter bounds can be used for both methods. This makes it very easy to first do a fit with 'L-BFGS-B' and then with 'leastsq', using the values from 'L-BFGS-B' as starting values.
Lmfit also provides methods to more explicitly explore confidence limits on parameter values in more detail, in case you suspect the simple but fast approach used by leastsq might be insufficient.
It really depends what you mean by "errors". There is no general answer to your question, because it depends on what you're fitting and what assumptions you're making.
The easiest case is one of the most common: when the function you are minimizing is a negative log-likelihood. In that case the inverse of the hessian matrix returned by the fit (hess_inv) is the covariance matrix describing the Gaussian approximation to the maximum likelihood.The parameter errors are the square root of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.
Beware that if you are fitting a different kind of function or are making different assumptions, then that doesn't apply.

Emulating fixed precision in python

For a university course in numerical analysis we are transitioning from Maple to a combination of Numpy and Sympy for various illustrations of the course material. This is because the students already learn Python the semester before.
One of the difficulties we have is in emulating fixed precision in Python. Maple allows the user to specify a decimal precision (say 10 or 20 digits) and from then on every calculation is made with that precision so you can see the effect of rounding errors. In Python we tried some ways to achieve this:
Sympy has a rounding function to a specified number of digits.
Mpmath supports custom precision.
This is however not what we're looking for. These options calculate the exact result and round the exact result to the specified number of digits. We are looking for a solution that does every intermediate calculation in the specified precision. Something that can show, for example, the rounding errors that can happen when dividing two very small numbers.
The best solution so far seems to be the custom data types in Numpy. Using float16, float32 and float64 we were able to al least give an indication of what could go wrong. The problem here is that we always need to use arrays of one element and that we are limited to these three data types.
Does anything more flexible exist for our purpose? Or is the very thing we're looking for hidden somewhere in the mpmath documentation? Of course there are workarounds by wrapping every element of a calculation in a rounding function but this obscures the code to the students.
You can use decimal. There are several ways of usage, for example, localcontext or getcontext.
Example with getcontext from documentation:
>>> from decimal import *
>>> getcontext().prec = 6
>>> Decimal(1) / Decimal(7)
Example of localcontext usage:
>>> from decimal import Decimal, localcontext
>>> with localcontext() as ctx:
... ctx.prec = 4
... print Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)
To reduce typing you can abbreviate the constructor (example from documentation):
>>> D = decimal.Decimal
>>> D('1.23') + D('3.45')

What should I do, in material calibration, when Abaqus model fails to converge and etc.?

A common practice that I do when building models in Abaqus, is to fit the material property. For example, I try out all the possible material properties and look at the surface deflection given by the model, and then find out the one that matches our experimental observation the best. Practically, I compare the value with model output and experimental data, get an R-squared value and try to minimize the value of -1. * R2.
I have been using the scipy optimization toolbox to do this in Abaqus. However, there is one question: there are cases where the model would not converge with certain given parameters that the optimizer try. In these cases, what values should I set to R2? Should I set it to -1. * numpy.inf, or -1. * numpy.nan (assuming import numpy as np)?
Moreover, there are situations where I use optimization functions that does not support general constraints, for example modulus_1 > modulus_2; if it asks me to submit a job where modulus_1 <= modulus_2, can I just return a -1. * np.inf or -1. * np.nan as penalty?
The problem happens because there is no way to know where the model would fail to converge in the parameter space apriori. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you so much!