Access dynamic child component - vue.js

How do I access my subcomponent? For example my parent component has the following 'dynamic' component (the component changes all the time at runtime).
<!-- The below component count be Component1 or Component2, etc. -->
<component id="my-cmp" v-if="templateComponent" :is="templateComponent"></component>
How can I access myCmp to call a function...this.myCmp.doSomething() doesn't work. Please note using emit here isn't a solution because emit will call doSomething() on all 'dynamic' components not just the current one.
Below is an example of my usage:
<!-- The below component count be Component1 or Component2, etc. -->
<component id="my-cmp" v-if="templateComponent" :is="templateComponent"></component>
<script type="text/javascript">
export default {
components: {
'cmp1': Component1,
'cmp2': Component1,
computed: {
templateComponent() {
// ...some logic that will determine if to use/chage to Component1 or Component2
return 'cmp1'
methods: {
someTrigger() {
// how can I reference #my-cmp?
// For the purpose of; myCmp.doSomething()
// I have tried the below technique BUT this will call doSomething
// on BOTH components not just the current/visible one
this.$emit('doSomethingNow') // Component1 and Component2 register using this.$parent.$on('doSomethingNow', this.doSomething)

use ref property,give you an example:
template: '<div>component com1</div>',
methods: {
fn () {
alert('method called')
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
computed: {
whichCom () {
return 'com1'
methods: {
btnClick () {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<component ref="myCom" v-if="whichCom" :is="whichCom"></component>
<button #click="btnClick">call method of com1</button>


How to fire an event from child component in vuex to any parent

So I have Component "X" as Parent Component Or Component "Y" as
Parent Component, "a" as child component fire one or many events
Any child sibling or parent of "a" or "a" Itself can use that event
I want to use "a" as an independent component
So I Have "X" component with its own
And I have "a" component with its own
"a" a.vue file looks like this
v-model="$" label="Select Id"
import AppSelect from "../AppSelect.vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
components: {
So I want to fire change event from child "a"
"X" and "Y" any parent get that event and do something with that event
I know how to do it with VUE
Fist : Don't use $state to get properties, use mapState
v-model="explicitPropertyName" label="Select Id"
import AppSelect from "../AppSelect.vue";
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed : {
data() {
return {
components: {
Second : Use bus event, see an example
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.config.devtools = false
Vue.prototype.$eventBus = new Vue()
const componentA = {
template : `<button #click="emitMethod">Component A emit</button>`,
methods: {
emitMethod () {
this.$eventBus.$emit('EVENT_NAME_FROM_A', { id: 12, pseudo: "Unicorn power A"});
mounted () {
this.$eventBus.$on('EVENT_NAME_FROM_B', function (payload) {
console.log('Emitted from component B, received in Component A', payload);
const componentB = {
template : `<button #click="emitMethod">Component B emit</button>`,
methods: {
emitMethod () {
this.$eventBus.$emit('EVENT_NAME_FROM_B', { id: 12, pseudo: "Unicorn power"});
mounted () {
this.$eventBus.$on('EVENT_NAME_FROM_A', function (payload) {
console.log('Emitted from component A, received in Component B', payload);
const vm = new Vue({
el: "#app",
components : {
mounted () {
this.$eventBus.$on('EVENT_NAME_FROM_B', function (payload) {
console.log('Emitted from component B, received in Parent', payload);
this.$eventBus.$on('EVENT_NAME_FROM_A', function (payload) {
console.log('Emitted from component A, received in Parent', payload);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="app">
<script src=""></script>

Vuejs build/render component inside a method and output into template

I have a string (example, because it's an object with many key/values, want to loop and append to htmloutput) with a component name. Is it possible to render/build the component inside a method and display the html output?
Is that possible and how can i achieve that?
<div v-html="htmloutput"></div>
export default {
component: {
data() {
return {
htmloutput: ''
let string = 'component-test';//ComponentTest
//render the ComponentTest directly
You might be looking for dynamic components:
<component :is="changeableComponent">
import FirstComponent from '#/views/first';
import SecondComponent from '#/views/second';
export default {
components: {
FirstComponent, SecondComponent
computed: {
changeableComponent() {
// Return 'first-component' or 'second-component' here which corresponds
// to one of the 2 included components.
return 'first-component';
Maybe this will help -
StarRating is a sample Vue component. You can get it HTML code by run:
new Vue({
parent: this,
propsData: { /* pass props here*/ }
in Your method. Remember about import Vue from 'vue'; and of course import component.
What you're trying to do really isn't best practice for Vue.
It's better to use v-if and v-for to conditionally render your component in the <template> section.
Yes you can use the render function for that here is an example :
Vue.component('CompnentTest', {
data() {
return {
text: 'some text inside the header'
render(createElement) {
return createElement('h1', this.text)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<Compnent-test />
Or :
if you are using Vue-cli :
on your componentTest component :
export default {
render(createElement) {
return createElement('h1', 'sometext')
// Same as
// <template>
// <h1>sometext</h1>
// </template>
and on your root element (App.vue as default) :
export default {
component: {
<Component-test />
example : codesandbox
you can read more about
Render Functions & JSX

VUEJS 2: Events. Parent to trigger an method found in a child component [duplicate]

In Vue 2.0 the documentation and others clearly indicate that communication from parent to child happens via props.
How does a parent tell its child an event has happened via props?
Should I just watch a prop called event? That doesn't feel right, nor do alternatives ($emit/$on is for child to parent, and a hub model is for distant elements).
I have a parent container and it needs to tell its child container that it's okay to engage certain actions on an API. I need to be able to trigger functions.
Vue 3 Composition API
Create a ref for the child component, assign it in the template, and use the <ref>.value to call the child component directly.
<script setup>
import {ref} from 'vue';
const childComponentRef = ref(null);
function click() {
// `childComponentRef.value` accesses the component instance
<child-component ref="childComponentRef" />
<button #click="click">Click me</button>
Couple things to note-
If your child component is using <script setup>, you'll need to declare public methods (e.g. doSomething above) using defineExpose.
If you're using Typescript, details of how to type annotate this are here.
Vue 3 Options API / Vue 2
Give the child component a ref and use $refs to call a method on the child component directly.
<div id="app">
<child-component ref="childComponent"></child-component>
<button #click="click">Click</button>
var ChildComponent = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue: function(value) {
this.value = value;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'child-component': ChildComponent
methods: {
click: function() {
For more info, see Vue 3 docs on component refs or Vue 2 documentation on refs.
What you are describing is a change of state in the parent. You pass that to the child via a prop. As you suggested, you would watch that prop. When the child takes action, it notifies the parent via an emit, and the parent might then change the state again.
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{counter}}</div>',
props: ['canI'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: 0
watch: {
canI: function () {
if (this.canI) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
data: {
childState: false
methods: {
permitChild: function () {
this.childState = true;
lockChild: function () {
this.childState = false;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component :can-I="childState" v-on:increment="lockChild"></my-component>
<button #click="permitChild">Go</button>
If you truly want to pass events to a child, you can do that by creating a bus (which is just a Vue instance) and passing it to the child as a prop.
You can use $emit and $on. Using #RoyJ code:
<div id="app">
<button #click="click">Click</button>
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue: function(value) {
this.value = value;
created: function() {
this.$parent.$on('update', this.setValue);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
methods: {
click: function() {
this.$emit('update', 7);
Running example:
A simple decoupled way to call methods on child components is by emitting a handler from the child and then invoking it from parent.
var Child = {
template: '<div>{{value}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
value: 0
methods: {
setValue(value) {
this.value = value;
created() {
this.$emit('handler', this.setValue);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'my-component': Child
methods: {
setValueHandler(fn) {
this.setter = fn
click() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component #handler="setValueHandler"></my-component>
<button #click="click">Click</button>
The parent keeps track of the child handler functions and calls whenever necessary.
Did not like the event-bus approach using $on bindings in the child during create. Why? Subsequent create calls (I'm using vue-router) bind the message handler more than once--leading to multiple responses per message.
The orthodox solution of passing props down from parent to child and putting a property watcher in the child worked a little better. Only problem being that the child can only act on a value transition. Passing the same message multiple times needs some kind of bookkeeping to force a transition so the child can pick up the change.
I've found that if I wrap the message in an array, it will always trigger the child watcher--even if the value remains the same.
data: function() {
msgChild: null,
methods: {
mMessageDoIt: function() {
this.msgChild = ['doIt'];
props: ['msgChild'],
watch: {
'msgChild': function(arMsg) {
<child v-bind="{ 'msgChild': msgChild }"></child>
The below example is self explainatory. where refs and events can be used to call function from and to parent and child.
<button #click="callChild">Call Method in child</button>
export default {
methods: {
callChild() {
this.$refs.childRef.childMethod('Hi from parent');
childCallBack(message) {
console.log('message from child', message);
<button #click="callParent">Call Parent</button>
export default {
methods: {
callParent() {
this.$emit('onChange', 'hi from child');
childMethod(message) {
console.log('message from parent', message);
If you have time, use Vuex store for watching variables (aka state) or trigger (aka dispatch) an action directly.
Calling child component in parent
<component :is="my_component" ref="my_comp"></component>
<v-btn #click="$refs.my_comp.alertme"></v-btn>
in Child component
I think we should to have a consideration about the necessity of parent to use the child’s methods.In fact,parents needn’t to concern the method of child,but can treat the child component as a FSA(finite state machine).Parents component to control the state of child component.So the solution to watch the status change or just use the compute function is enough
you can use key to reload child component using key
<component :is="child1" :filter="filter" :key="componentKey"></component>
If you want to reload component with new filter, if button click filter the child component
reloadData() {
this.filter = ['filter1','filter2']
this.componentKey += 1;
and use the filter to trigger the function
You can simulate sending event to child by toggling a boolean prop in parent.
Parent code :
<child :event="event">
export default {
data() {
event: false
methods: {
simulateEmitEventToChild() {
this.event = !this.event;
handleExample() {
Child code :
export default {
props: {
event: {
type: Boolean
watch: {
event: function(value) {
console.log("parent event");

Why this.$listeners is undefined in Vue JS?

Vue.js version: 2.4.2
Below component always print this.$listeners as undefined.
module.exports = {
template: `<h1>My Component</h1>`,
mounted() {
I register the component and put it inside a parent component.
Can someone tell me why?
You have to understand what $listeners are.
this.$listeners will be populated once there are components that listen to events that your components is emitting.
let's assume 2 components:
child.vue - emits an event each time something is written to input field.
<input #input="emitEvent">
export default {
methods: {
emitEvent() {
parent.vue - listen to the events from child component.
<div class="foo">
<child #important-event="doSomething"></child>
import child from './child.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
newcomment: {
post_id: 'this is default value'
components: { child },
methods: {
doSomething() {
// do something
With this setup, when you type something to the input field, this object should be written to the console:
`important-event`: function () { // some native vue.js code}
I added the following alias to my webpack.config.js file and this resolved the issue for me:-
resolve: {
alias: {
'vue$': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js')

I can not passing data by vue.js

I am new in vue.js..
I use webpack + vue-cli .
But I can't pass the data from parent to child
code like this..
<template lang="html">
<input v-model="parentMsg"></input>
<child v-bind:msg="parentMsg"></child>
import child from './components/lists'
export default {
data: function () {
return {
parentMsg: ''
computed: {},
ready: function () {},
attached: function () {},
methods: {},
components: {
export default {
data: function () {
return {
msg: ''
By the way ...
How to bind child components to the parent array..
parent: data: array[...],
I want to bind the first of children's data to arr[0]
second to array[1]..
Is this possible?? or use v-for??
In your child component use the props property to receive parent data like:
export default {
props: ['msg'],
data: function () {
return {
Read more about this here