Observe many times from same Observable (RxAndroidBle) - kotlin

I'm using the RxAndroidBle library with RxJava2 to read from a BLE Characteristic. I think this question is just an RxJava question, but including the detail that I'm using RxAndroidBle in case that is useful.
I get connection, and then use it to call readCharacteristic(), which itself returns a Single<ByteArray>. At this point, I don't just want to just get the one ByteArray though. I need to read from this characteristic several times, because the BLE device is set up to let me get a small file back, and characteristics can only send 20 bytes back at a time, hence my need to read repeatedly.
Is it possible to modify this code so that the switchMap() below returns an Observable that will emit many ByteArrays, instead of just the single one?
I'm new to RxJava.
val connection: Observable<RxBleConnection> = selectedDevice.record.bleDevice.establishConnection(false, Timeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
return connection
.switchMap {
// I want to get an Observable that can read multiple times here.
.doOnNext {
Timber.e("Got Certificate bytes")
.map {
String(it as ByteArray)
.doOnNext {
Timber.e("Got certificate: $it")

To repeat a read multiple times until a specific value is emitted one needs to change this part:
// I want to get an Observable that can read multiple times here.
to something like what was suggested by the RxJava author in the first answer that google gives for phrase rxjava single repeat:
// this will repeat until a `checkRepeatIf` returns false
Observable.defer {
val successValue = AtomicReference<ByteArray>()
.doOnSuccess { successValue.lazySet(it) }
.repeatWhen { completes -> completes.takeWhile { checkRepeatIf(successValue.get()) } }

I was able to get this working by sending a signal to stop both the connectionObservable, and the read on the Bluetooth characteristic. Of note is that you need to call toObservable() AFTER repeat() or this doesn't work, although I don't know why exactly.
override fun readMultipartCharacteristic(macAddress: String): Single<String> {
val device = bluetoothService.getBleDevice(macAddress)
if (connectionObservable == null || !device.connectionState.equals(RxBleConnection.RxBleConnectionState.CONNECTED)) {
connectionObservable = device.establishConnection(false, Timeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val stop: PublishSubject<Unit> = PublishSubject.create()
return connectionObservable!!
.switchMap {
.collectInto(ByteArrayOutputStream(), { buffer, byteArray ->
// Watch for the signal of the end of the stream
if (byteArray.size == 1 && byteArray.get(0).equals(CERTIFICATE_TERMINATOR)) {
} else {
.map {

You can use the notification to buffer your data.
.flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(characteristicUuid))
.flatMap(notificationObservable -> notificationObservable) // <-- Notification has been set up, now observe value changes.
bytes -> {
// Given characteristic has been changes, here is the value.
throwable -> {
// Handle an error here.


Processing and aggregating data from multiple servers efficiently

My goal is to process and aggregate data from multiple servers efficiently while handling possible errors. For that, I
have a sequential version that I want to speed up. As I am using Kotlin, coroutines seem the way to go for this
asynchronous task. However, I'm quite new to this, and can't figure out how to do this idiomatic. None of my attempts
satisfied my requirements completely.
Here is the sequential version of the core function that I am currently using:
suspend fun readDataFromServers(): Set<String> = coroutineScope {
// step 1: read data from servers while logging errors
.mapNotNull { url ->
runCatching { makeRequestTo(url) }
.onFailure { println("err while accessing $url: $it") }
// step 2: do some element-wise post-processing
.map { process(it) }
// step 3: aggregate data
In my use case, there are numServers I want to read data from. Each of them usually answers within successDuration,
but the connection attempt may fail after timeoutDuration with probability failProb and throw an IOException. As
downtimes are a common thing in my system, I do not need to retry anything, but only log it for the record. Hence,
the makeRequestTo function can be modelled as follows:
suspend fun makeRequestTo(url: String) =
if (random.nextFloat() > failProb) {
"{Some response from $url}"
} else {
throw IOException("Connection to $url timed out")
All these attempts can be tried out in the Kotlin playground. I don't know how long this link stays alive; maybe I'll need to upload this as a gist, but I liked that people can execute the code directly.
I tried using async {makeRequestTo(it)} after listOfServers and awaiting the results in the following mapNotNull
to this post
. While this collapses the communication time to timeoutDuration, all following processing steps have to wait for that
long before they can continue. Hence, some composition of Deferreds was required here, which is discouraged in
Kotlin (or at least should be avoided in favor of suspending
suspend fun readDataFromServersAsync(): Set<String> = supervisorScope {
.map { async { makeRequestTo(it) } }
.mapNotNull { kotlin.runCatching { it.await() }.onFailure { println("err: $it") }.getOrNull() }
.map { process(it) }
Using normal loops like below fulfills the functional requirements, but feels a bit more complex than it should be.
Especially the part where shared state must be synchronized makes me to not trust this code and any future modifications
to it.
val results = mutableSetOf<String>()
val mutex = Mutex()
val logger = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception -> println("err: $exception") }
for (server in listOfServers) {
launch(logger) {
val response = makeRequestTo(server)
val processed = process(response)
mutex.withLock {
return#supervisorScope results

Implement backoff strategy in flow

I'm trying to implement a backoff strategy just using kotlin flow.
I need to fetch data from timeA to timeB
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB)
if the result is empty then I want to increase the end time window using exponential backoff
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB + exponentialBackOffInDays)
I was following this article which is explaining how to approach this in rxjava2.
But got stuck at a point where flow does not have takeUntil operator yet.
You can see my implementation below.
fun main() {
runBlocking {
.flatMapConcat { input ->
// To simulate a data source which fetches data based on a time-window start-date to end-date
// available with in that time frame.
flow {
println("Input: $input")
if (input < 5) {
} else { // After emitting this once the flow should complete
}.retryWhenThrow(DummyException(), predicate = {
}.collect {
class DummyException : Exception("Collected size is empty")
private inline fun <T> Flow<T>.retryWhenThrow(
throwable: Throwable,
crossinline predicate: suspend (T) -> Boolean
): Flow<T> {
return flow {
collect { value ->
if (!predicate(value)) {
throw throwable // informing the upstream to keep emitting since the condition is met
println("Value: $value")
}.catch { e ->
if (e::class != throwable::class) throw e
It's working fine except even after the flow has a successful value the flow continue to collect till 8 from the upstream flow but ideally, it should have stopped when it reaches 5 itself.
Any help on how I should approach this would be helpful.
Maybe this does not match your exact setup but instead of calling collect, you might as well just use first{...} or firstOrNull{...}
This will automatically stop the upstream flows after an element has been found.
For example:
.flatMapConcat {
println("creating list with $it elements")
flow {
val listWithElementCount = MutableList(it){ "" } // just a list of n empty strings
}.first { it.isNotEmpty() }
On a side note, your problem sounds like a regular suspend function would be a better fit.
Something like
suspend fun getFirstNonEmptyList(initialFrom: Long, initialTo: Long): List<Any> {
var from = initialFrom
var to = initialTo
while (coroutineContext.isActive) {
val elements = getElementsInRange(from, to) // your "dataBetween"
if (elements.isNotEmpty()) return elements
val (newFrom, newTo) = nextBackoff(from, to)
from = newFrom
to = newTo
throw CancellationException()

Kotlin Flow: How to unsubscribe/stop

Update Coroutines 1.3.0-RC
Working version:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = channelFlow {
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!isClosedForSend) {
awaitClose {
Also checkout this Medium article by Roman Elizarov: Callbacks and Kotlin Flows
Original Question
I have a Flow emitting multiple Strings:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = flowViaChannel { channel ->
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!channel.isClosedForSend) {
After some time I want to unsubscribe from the stream. Currently I do the following:
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
If the coroutine gets canceled, the stream is still executed. There is just no subscriber listening to new values. How can I unsubscribe and stop the stream function?
A solution is not to cancel the flow, but the scope it's launched in.
val job = scope.launch { flow.cancellable().collect { } }
NOTE: You should call cancellable() before collect if you want your collector stop when Job is canceled.
You could use the takeWhile operator on Flow.
flow.takeWhile { it != "someString" }.collect { emittedValue ->
//Do stuff until predicate is false
For those willing to unsubscribe from the Flow within the Coroutine scope itself, this approach worked for me :
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
//Do something then
With the current version of coroutines / Flows (1.2.x) I don't now a good solution. With onCompletion you will get informed when the flow stops, but you are then outside of the streamTest function and it will be hard to stop listening of new events.
beaconService.streamTest().onCompletion {
}.collect {
With the next version of coroutines (1.3.x) it will be really easy. The function flowViaChannel is deprecated in favor for channelFlow. This function allows you to wait for closing of the flow and do something in this moment, eg. remove listener:
channelFlow<String> {
println("Subscribe to listener")
awaitClose {
println("Unsubscribe from listener")
When a flow runs in couroutin scope, you can get a job from it to controls stop subscribe.
// Make member variable if you want.
var jobForCancel : Job? = null
// Begin collecting
jobForCancel = viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
// this.cancel() // Don't
// Call whenever to canceled
For completeness, there is a newer version of the accepted answer. Instead of explicitly using the launch coroutine builder, we can use the launchIn method directly on the flow:
val job = flow.cancellable().launchIn(scope)
Based on #Ronald answer this works great for testing when you need to make your Flow emits again.
val flow = MutableStateFlow(initialValue)
flow.take(n).collectIndexed { index, _ ->
if (index == something) {
flow.value = update
//your assertions
We have to know how many emissions in total we expect n and then we can use the index to know when to update the Flow so we can receive more emissions.
If you want to cancel only the subscription being inside it, you can do it like this:
viewModelScope.launch {
testScope.collect {
return#collect cancel()
There are two ways to do this that are by design from the Kotlin team:
As #Ronald pointed out in another comment:
Option 1: takeWhile { //predicate }
Cancel collection when the predicate is false. Final value will not be collected.
flow.takeWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will never hit this
Option 2: transformWhile { //predicate }
When predicate is false, collect that value, then cancel
flow.transformWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will be the last value

Simplify the statement using rxkotlin

I've wanted to try RxJava with kotlin to make coding easier, so I've produced this:
fun postAnswers() {
disposable = getToken.execute().subscribe({ token ->
questions.forEach { form ->
val answers = form.answers?.filter { it.isChecked }?.map { it.answer_id }
disposable = postAnswer.execute(token?.token!!, SavedAnswer(form.form_id, answers)).subscribe({
//Post live data about success
}, {
//Post live data failure
}, {
//Post live data failure
But I have an impression it can be done better, but I do not know how. Basically what I am trying to achieve is getting a Token object from database, that returns Flowable Token? and then use it to call postAnswer in a for cycle, because I need to post each answer separately (That's how the API is designed). After that, postAnswer only returns Completable, but I need to let the Activity know (this is from ViewModel code) how many answers were posted
I've thought about using .flatMap or .concat functions, but I am not sure if it will be helpful in this case. Also, do I need to assign getToken.execute() to disposable?
Thank you for your answers
Here is my questions list:
private var questions: List<Form> = emptyList()
It gets filled by viewModel functions
Try to think with nesting :) This here will probably do: for each saved answer, post a request.
disposable = getToken.execute()
.switchMap { token -> // switchMap because your old token is probably invalidated
val savedAnswers = questions
.map { form->
val formId = form.form_id
?.filter { it.isChecked }
?.map { it.answer_id }
?.let { SavedAnswer(formId, answersIds) }
?: SavedAnswer(formId, emptyList() ) // if no checked answer, then return empty list of ids
.concatMap { savedAnswer -> // concatMap because you want the whole list to be executed once per time, use flatMap if you want it to be in parallel.
postAnswer.execute(token?.token!!, savedAnswer) // FYI: !! is bad practice in Kotlin, try make it less anbiguous
.subscribe({ listOfResultsFromPostings : List<SomeResultHere> ->
//Post live data about success
}, {
//Post live data failure

Removing variable mutation from reactive stream processing

The following works, but I think it can be better i.e. more idiomatic rx/functional/less mutable.
var total = 0
var published = 0
.doOnNext { total++ }
.flatMap { shouldPublish(it) } // Returns empty() or just(it)
.doOnNext { published++ }
.subscribe { publishToSqs(it) }
println("Published $publish out of $total")
Any ideas?
I normally use '.scan()' operator upon a '.merge()' d stream of events. That way there is always a valid snapshot of the latest state.
More about it here - Reactive Aggregate State Pipeline