SQL - Join with multiple condition - sql

I'm trying to join my users table with my jobs table based on a mapping table users_jobs:
Here is what the users table looks like:
| id | name |
|--------|----------------- |
| 1 | Ozzy Osbourne |
| 2 | Lemmy Kilmister |
| 3 | Ronnie James Dio |
| 4 | Jimmy Page |
jobs table looks like this:
| id | title |
| 1 | Singer |
| 2 | Guitar Player |
And users_jobs table looks like this:
| id | user_id | job_id | column3 | column4 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
| 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
For example, let's say the ozzy does a query.
Here is what should expect:
|--------|------------------|------------|--------- |
| id | name | column3 | column4 |
|--------|----------------- |------------|----------|
| 1 | Ozzy Osbourne | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | Lemmy Kilmister | 1 | 0 |
| 3 | Ronnie James Dio | 0 | 1 |
Basically, he can only see the job in which he is registered (role) and the users included.
I tried to do this:
SELECT u1.*, uj1.colum3, uj1.column4
FROM users AS u1
JOIN users_jobs AS uj1 ON uj1.user_id = 1
JOIN jobs AS j1 ON j1.id = up1.job_id
WHERE uj1.job_id = 1
Any help would be great!

Looks like you need INNER JOIN Try this :
select u.id, u.column3 , u.column4 from users u
inner join user_jobs uj on u.id=uj.user_id
inner join jobs j on j.id=uj.job_id
where uj.job_id=1;
If you need by certain user_id
select u.id, u.column3 , u.column4 from users u
inner join user_jobs uj on u.id=uj.user_id
inner join jobs j on j.id=uj.job_id
where uj.job_id=1
and u.id=1;

I found a solution.
Using #stackFan approach adding an EXISTS clause to make sure that the user is in.
SELECT u.id, u.column3 , u.column4
FROM users u
INNER JOIN user_jobs uj on u.id = uj.user_id
INNER JOIN jobs j on j.id = uj.job_id
WHERE uj.job_id = <job-ID>
FROM users_jobs AS uj
WHERE uj.job_id = <job-ID>
AND uj.user_id = <user-ID>

Try LEFT JOIN. It will display all users, whether they have job or not.
SELECT u.id, u.name, uj.colum3, uj.column4
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN users_jobs uj ON uj.user_id = u.id
LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.id = uj.job_id


Issue with SQL join and group

I have 4 tables I am trying to join and then group data. The data consists of jobs, invoices and accounts. I want to generate a total of each account in each job.
I have the following tables:
| ID | JobNumber |
| 1 | J200 |
| 2 | J201 |
| ID | InvoiceNumber | JobID |
| 10 | I300 | 1 |
| 11 | I301 | 2 |
| ID | InvoiceId | AccountID | Amount |
| 23 | 10 | 40 | 200 |
| 24 | 10 | 40 | 300 |
| 25 | 10 | 41 | 100 |
| 26 | 11 | 40 | 100 |
| ID | Name |
| 40 | Sales|
| 41 | EXP |
I am trying the following:
A.Name AS "Account",
SUM(JA.Amount) AS 'Total'
Job J
Job_Invoices JI ON JI.JobID = J.JobID
Invoice_Accounts JA ON JA.InvoiceId = JI.ID
Accounts A ON A.ID = JA.AccountID
J.JobNumber, A.Name, JA.Amount
What I expect:
| JobNumber | Account | Total |
| J200 | EXP | 100 |
| J200 | Sales | 500 |
| J201 | Sales | 100 |
What I get:
| JobNumber | Account | Total |
| J200 | EXP | 100 |
| J200 | Sales | 200 |
| J200 | Sales | 300 |
| J201 | Sales | 100 |
You don't need the Job table in the query. The INNER JOINs are to the Job_Invoices table, so the outer join is turned into an inner join anyway.
So, you can simplify this to:
SELECT JI.JobNumber, A.Name AS Account, SUM(JA.Amount) AS Total
FROM Job_Invoices JI JOIN
Invoice_Accounts JA
ON JA.InvoiceId = JI.ID JOIN
Accounts A
ON A.ID = JA.AccountID
GROUP BY JI.JobNumber, A.Name
ORDER BY JI.JobNumber;
Also note that you don't need to escape the column aliases. The just makes the query harder to type.
The problem is you have the JA.Amount in your GROUP BY clause. Try taking it out:
SELECT J.JobNumber, A.Name AS "Account", SUM(JA.Amount) AS 'Total'
LEFT JOIN Job_Invoices JI ON JI.JobID = J.JobID
INNER JOIN Invoice_Accounts JA ON JA.InvoiceId = JI.ID
INNER JOIN Accounts A ON A.ID = JA.AccountID
GROUP BY J.JobNumber, A.Name
ORDER BY J.JobNumber
You can write a query as:
select sum (IA.Amount) as Amount, J.JobNumber,A.Name
from #Invoice_Accounts IA --as it holds the base data
join #Job_Invoices JI on IA.InvoiceId = JI.ID
join #Jobs J on J.id = JI.JobID
join #Accounts A on A.ID = IA.AccountID
group by J.JobNumber,A.Name
Included the Jobs table as it has the JobNumber column. Sample code here..

SQL count referrals for each user

My query:
SELECT COUNT(referrer) as refs, SUM(amount) as total, contracts.id, userid, fine
FROM contracts
JOIN users ON contracts.userid = users.id
WHERE active = 1
GROUP BY userid
my users table :
id | username | referrer (int)
1 | test | 2
2 | drekorig |
3 | maximili | 2
my contracts table:
id ! userid | amount | fine | active
1 | 1 | 50 | 23/10/2018 | 1
2 ! 2 | 120 | 24/10/2018 | 1
3 | 2 | 150 | 24/10/2018 | 1
How do I get the count of referrals for each User? My query actually gets the number of contracts instead...
Expected result:
refs | total | id | userid | fine
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 23/10/2018
2 | 270 | 2 | 2 | 24/10/2018
SELECT r.count as refs,
SUM(amount) as total,
FROM users u
(SELECT referrer, COUNT(*) `count`
FROM users
GROUP BY referrer
) r
ON u.id = r.referrer
JOIN contracts c
ON c.userid = u.id
WHERE active = 1

JOIN the table if records exist

is it possible if i want to do INNER JOIN only if the record exist on the 2nd table if not then dont join?
this is my table
User table
| id | name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Josh |
House table
| id | owner_id | house_no |
| 1 | 1 | 991 |
this is my INNER JOIN query
SELECT h.owner_id, u.name, h.house_no FROM user u
INNER JOIN house h on u.id = h.owner_id
WHERE u.id = :id
it will return this result if id = 1
| id | name | house_no |
| 1 | John | 991 |
but if i run with id = 2 no result returned.
what i want to do right now is it still return the result even when no data exist for id = 2 in table house
Use a left outer join instead.
SELECT u.id, u.name, h.house_no FROM user u
LEFT OUTER JOIN house h on u.id = h.owner_id
WHERE u.id = :id
The resulting record will be:
| id | name | house_no |
| 2 | Josh | null |

Using inner join twice

Trying to select the Match Table and convert the ID's into the Schools name, but right now I can only get one row to work at a time. What would my select look like instead?
select Match.ID, School, GuestTeamID from Match
inner join Team on team.id = match.HomeTeamID
Match Table
| ID | HomeTeamID | GuestTeamID |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 | 4 |
Team Table:
| ID | School |
| 1 | School A |
| 2 | School B |
| 3 | School C |
| 4 | School D |
Join Team table twice with Match table to fetch school name.
Try this:
SELECT M.ID, t1.School AS HomeSchool, t2.School AS GuestSchool
INNER JOIN Team t1 ON t1.id = m.HomeTeamID
INNER JOIN Team t2 ON t2.id = m.GuestTeamID;

Decode more than on ID with two tables

id_name | ID_cabimento | ID_direction
1 | 4 | 5
2 | 3 | 6
3 | 4 | 5
id_name | name
1 | João
2 | Maria
3 | António
4 | Manuel
name | cabimento | direction
João | Manuel | Tozé
Maria | António | Joaquim
António | Manuel | Tozé
I tried UNION and JOIN but did not get the desired result... because I only can decode 1 ID.
you can join n times on same table, just using n aliases
select n.name as name, c.name as cabimento, d.name as direction
from pedido p
inner join user n on p.id_name = n.id_name
inner join user c on p.id_name = c.id_cabimento
inner join user d on p.id_name = d.id_direction