The Fabric Audience Map is Broken - crashlytics

Not sure why, but it appears the Audience Geographic Map stopped working for both our Android and iOS projects. Figure this is a service wide issue.

Fabric has acknowledged the issue and is working to resolve asap.


Connecting to libswift-p2p with WebRTC

I'm trying to port a video player Android App to a Web App. The app uses a library called "".
From looking at the code of the app, all I managed to figure out is that it connects to a STUN server and uses libSwift for Peer-To-Peer connections.
There isn't much information about libSwift online. The only somewhat useful results I found was this GitHub repository, and the website, neither of which have been updated in the last 5 years.
I understand that there is a high chance that what I am trying to do is near to impossible. Although both technologies utilize P2P, WebRTC and libSwift might be completely incompatible with one another.
Another option I considered was compiling libSwift's C++ code into WebAssembly, and using that to connect.
However, I haven't ever done anything with WASM and it is probably a way more complicated process than I am putting it.
I would be very grateful if someone could shed some light on this, or if you just tell me that it's not possible, and to give up. Thank you.

Best push service option for React Native Android/IOS?

I have been following many projects which demonstrate the push service.
But there are many problems specially when the app is closed/kill (IOS too).
My first preference would be using FCM with react-native and followed This project on git. But it too have issues with notifications.
Is there any full proof source showing the push with android/IOS even when closed/kill?Anything is deeply appreciated :)
I have tried Firebase Notification:
- Easy Implementation
- Works really well
- No inbox messaging (as far as i saw - correct me if I am wrong)
At the moment I am using Urban Airship. Wich is not free to use but has a larger SDK to use.
- Also has Inbox messaging
- Deep Linking
Both are working fine if the app is closed.
I wrote a pretty long chapter in my book on Android push messaging. Here is the flowchart I present on choosing a technology:
You should be able to get a good implemention using GCM/FCM with respect to power off and app close, but the bottom line is, GCM/FCM does not provide quaranteed delivery Quality of Serivce. They also will not quarantee order of message delivery. If you use MQTT, you can get this by setting QOS mode = 2.
MQTT is not hard to implement for Android. You can use the open source Mosquitto broker on the server side. It only take me 15 minutes to set this up on AWS or any unix server.
In your Android app, you then implement your own long lived service, and the Paho Android library is very stable and supports the 3 QoS levels, including QoS=2 which is the guananteed delievery mode.
Anyway, something else to think about. I use MQTT a lot. FCM is great, and it even supports topic messaging now, which is how the MQTT pub/sub model works. You just will never get guanarteed delivery QoS level with FCM.

RabbitMQ configuration for Wildfly

Does anyone successfully replace HornetQ by RabbitMQ in Wildfly 8?
I'm trying to use our enterprise messaging system and extract the logic of messaging from our base app server to separate the concern between messaging and our core product.
I looked on the web and did not find anything useful as how to change the standalone.xml
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Thank you
My bounty is about to expire and I don't see help until now. So, I am answering as per my experience.
From question:
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Don't know, but we don't need to do that. I have found a work around for that.
I followed this link to install it on ubuntu server. Then I read these awesome and simple tutorials. Those six tutorials were great base to start with.
I am now integrating the project with my Java EE project which runs on Wildfly 9 server.
Best of luck to anyone who ends up here. Any constructive edits and answers are welcomed.

IBM Mobile Quality Assurance REST API Available?

Now I am working on the IBM MQA (Mobile Quality Assurance). But I want to get some informations from MQA Service such as device's information , session, bugs, .... The IBM have the rest API to support it ? Can anyone give some suggestion about this problem ?
Thank you.
We are working to improve the MQA filtering features however at this time we don't have a way to filter crashes by devices. We recently announced that MQA in Bluemix now supports integration with the following bug tracking systems: Jira, TFS, HP Quality Center, GitHub, FogBugz.
If you use one of these BTS's, its possible to use their sorting or filtering process, if any however unfortunately at this time there are no MQA APIs available.

ActiveMQ (MQTT) maxes CPU on first client connect

I'm running ActiveMQ (a very recent version) on LinuxMint 15 using oracle 1.7 java. I've only enabled a single transport "mqtt+nio+ssl". It boots up fine, ssl is all working, easy!
However, when I make a (mqtt) connection from the same host (different java process), the activemq process starts to consume a whole core. It keeps the core at 100% until I stop it (it stops normally). This sounds like abnormal behaviour to me, but when I turned on debug logging I got nothing that seemed to suggest massive CPU consumption.
Has anyone else seen or resolved this problem?
Can anyone suggest how I should go about analyzing this problem?
Many Thanks!
Obviously this is some sort of bug in ActiveMQ. There's been a lot of work done on the MQTT and AMQP side for the upcoming release of v5.9.0. You can download snapshots builds or the release candidate of 5.9 and test that to see if it still does this. If it still acts like this then you need to create an issue in the Jira tracker so the team can work on it, preferably with a test case to reproduce it.