I am attempting to create a link in an APEX (Oracle) chart which will open an interactive report page by using the "Link Builder -Target" wizard.
Link Builder -Target Dialog]1
Unfortunately the link is passing the column name (bob) rather than it's value:
If I substitute a value for #BOB#, the interactive page opens properly.
How do I get APEX to pass the column value rather than the column name to the linked page?
Is BOB a chart column?
If not in the Link Builder, use the selector on 'Value' to select the corresponding column from the chart, such as #NAME#.
Page Designer vs Legacy Component View
Apex 5.0 still using anychart charts, but using Page Designer the query of the chart is not validate. If you change to Legacy Component View you must see a error on save the chart with this query.
The selects in anychart charts need a query following these terms:
*BOB column is not valid to use on Link Builder Target
Try to put the value of the BOB column in the LINK column, like:
bob AS LINK,
or use APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL, in this case it's not necessary to use Link Builder Target.
The query needs only three columns called LINK, LABEL and VALUE. Use alias to make this.
('f?p=&APP_ID.:14:&APP_SESSION.::::P14_RECIEVER,P14_VALUE:' || bob || ',' || quantity) AS LINK,
month AS LABEL,
quantity AS VALUE
FROM mytable
User: test
Password: test
Issue page: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=145797:10
There is a table with a list of users and their email on a webpage. At the top of the page, is a search/filter input field that allows the user to type an email or username and filter for the result as he/she is typing.
The problem: However, when I use the send_keys() method instead of doing this manually, nothing is filtered in the table view.
This is happening on the Safari browser on the iPhone 7 Plus (real device, not simulator). Some other information:
iOS version: 12.2
Appium version: 1.13.0-beta.3
Selenium version: 2.53.1
Programming language: Python 2.7.15
In addition to send_keys(), i've tried to use set_value(), i've also tried to execute JS and setting the attribute value, and also tried to send key for each character (in a for loop with a delay between each character).
I'm expecting for example, element.send_keys("test1000#test.com) to filter the table view on the web page so that the only user that is displayed has the associated test1000#test.com email as it does when I go through the site manually.
In actuality, send_keys() does not do that and nothing in the table view gets filtered.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated!
Explicit wait for table to get populate in DOM
sendKeys search String and additional key Tab
Explicit Wait for filter to get applied and table to get refreshed.
find elements for the newly populated table with applied filters.
I have a Pentaho cde dashboard with a popup component to show a table. This popup works ok if I load the table when the dashboard is generated. However, I want to change the query called depending on which figure is clicked on the main dashboard page. The table consists of detail records retrieved from a database using a cda query.
When I change a parameter containing the dataAccessId when calling the popup it does not work. The popup fails to appear.
Anyone have any ideas how to get around this?
This works:
function f(e){
This doesn't work:
function f(e){
Dashboards.fireChange('flag_popup', 'flag_10');
Did you try updating the table before activating the popup?
function f(e){
Dashboards.fireChange('flag_popup', 'flag_10');
If you're using RequireJS, then:
function f(e){
this.dashboard.setParameter('flag_popup', 'flag_10');
I was curious if anyone else had an idea how to get a select box options of the custom field in JIRA using soap api, if you have have custom field id.
You can reference select list values by their id. To get id go to Custom Field configuration -> Edit Options. Hover over the option's 'Edit' operation (or click on Edit) and check link address. It will be something like 'secure/admin/EditCustomFieldOptions!edit.jspa?fieldConfigId=10480&selectedValue=10030'
selectedValue is the id of select list option.
I m new to struts.
I Want to add drop down in web page.That drop down should contain four values. The default and first value will be (Select).
I want to persist the selected value, when that form is opened again and while submitting, if user doesn't select any value from drop down (meaning the default value is present) I want to give an alert to the user and then not to allow a submit until till the user selects an option from the dropdown.
There is one action.java, form.java, javascript file and jsp file. In action.java, I m suppose to use ArrayList to hold different drop down values. How this can be done. please help me.
<s:select list="#{'':'Select', 'key1':'Value 1', 'key2':'Value 2'}" key="selectedValue"></s:select>
or you have a list object(id, value)
<s:select key="selectedValue" list="yourlists" headerKey="" headerValue="Select" listKey="id" listValue="value"/>
Firstly, you need to show your code here. If you are interested in tutorials then I'd suggest - VaanNila, a great place to learn struts framework. (Here is a link of select tag.)
this is my second time using ORACLE xe and Apex. Here is what I'm trying to do .. I'm trying to execute the following query SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE JOB_TITLE = 'CLERK'
but not from sql command prompt but from gui/apex and here is how- I have created page one with one textfield and one submit button.
Now of course I'd type in the text field value CLERK and I'd like onclick on submit button that I be taken to page2 let say, and on that page2 to receive argument for the query. The query will be located at page2 of course.
I believe that this is fairly simple for someone who knows oracle, I know of course how I'd do this with PHP/Mysql its simple as it can be all I need is this :
#1 Get value from input
#2 Pass it to the next page using javascript or whatever
#3 Execute query on the next page using the value passed in where
Thank you, explanation tips hints link .. anything is welcome
You can refer to any item in an Apex application from any other page. For example, on page 1 you have an item P1_JOB_TITLE, then on page 2 you write a query like:
(warning: make sure that page 1 doesn't have a "reset" process which would clear the value of the item when the page is submitted)
Note, however, that the item doesn't have to be on a different page if you don't want it to - you could have it on the same page as the report.