add href hyperlinks to excel range programmatically - vba

This has got to be a common problem with a simple answer but I can't seem to turn up a solution. Using an Excel macro, I examine a website home page for links and put those links into a range in Excel.
Now I want to make those values into hyperlinks.
Set allLinks = objIE.document.GetElementsByTagName("A")
For Each link In allLinks
If InStr(link.href, inspectOneCat) Then
inspectLink(linkCount) = link
linkCount = linkCount + 1
End If
In the next step, the one-dimensional array is converted to a two-dimensional array with a descriptive column in inspectLink(i,0) and the link values in inspectLink(i,1). Then the array loaded into a range, like this:
Sheets("Awesomepova").Range("a2:b300").Value = inspectLink
This works. But these links appear as values, not as hyperlinks. I want to do something like this:
'Sheets("Awesomepova").Hyperlinks.Add Sheets("Awesomepova").Range("a2:b300"), Sheets("Awesomepova").Range("a2:b300").Value
This doesn't work. But I went into the worksheet manually and changed the first cell so it was hyperlinked and I noticed that even when I reload the entire range programmatically, the hyperlink remains, so I'm thinking this is a characteristic of the cell format, not the actual data in the cell.
Maybe the problem can be fixed by applying the same formatting to all the cells in the column where the rule is to use the cell value as the hyperlink value.

This is the equivalent using a For i... loop
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim i As Long
myArr = Array("", "")
For i = 0 To UBound(myArr)
Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, 1).Hyperlinks.Add Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, 1), myArr(i)
Next i
End Sub

Considering that you already have crawled the websites in the array inspectLink, something like this works:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim myUnit As Variant
Dim myCell As Range
myArr = Array("", "")
Set myCell = Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
For Each myUnit In myArr
myCell.Hyperlinks.Add myCell, myUnit
Set myCell = myCell.Offset(1, 0)
Next myUnit
End Sub
It prints working hyperlinks on the first worksheet:

Try looping through a2:b300 one hyperlink at a time using Hyperlinks.add instead of trying to force Hyperlinks.Add to apply to an entire range in one command:
For Row = 2 To 300
URL = Sheets("Awesomepova").Range("B" & Row).Value
Text = Sheets("Awesomepova").Range("A" & Row).Value
If URL <> "" Then
Set result = Sheets("Awesomepova").Hyperlinks.Add(Range("C" & Row), URL, "", TextToDisplay:=Text)
End If

Several ways you can do the same. How about this?
Sub Demo()
Dim storage As Variant, cel As Variant, r&
storage = [{"", "",""}]
For Each cel In storage
r = r + 1: Cells(r, 1).Hyperlinks.Add Cells(r, 1), cel
Next cel
End Sub


Replace cell values in specific sheets with defined name

I am trying to run some code that replaces the cell values in a specific column with a defined name. In addition, I have a condition that the replacement should only take place if the first 9 characters of the values are xxxxxxxxx.
More precisely, it should change the values in C:C in 2 specific worksheets (I don't want to loop through the whole workbook).
I am not sure why nothing happens in the code (no error messages, nothing).
I presume, however, that I should not use With if I want the code to work in these 2 specific worksheets. I am also aware that my use of Range is probably not totally correct.
Sub ChangeMe()
Dim cl As Range
For Each cl In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C:C").End(xlUp)
With Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C:C").End(xlUp)
If Left(cl.Value, 9) = "XXXXXXXXX" Then
cl.Value = ThisWorkbook.Names("MyDefinedName").RefersToRange
End If
End With
Next cl
End Sub
In answer your original questions:
I am not sure why nothing happens in the code (no error messages, nothing).
Nothing happens because your worksheet values are lowercase xxxxxxxxx, whilst your code checks for uppercase XXXXXXXXX.
I presume, however, that I should not use With if I want the code to work in these 2 specific worksheets.
Actually, you can use With with multiple sheets, as I will demonstrate below.
I am also aware that my use of Range is probably not totally correct.
That is true. If you were to fix the uppercase issue, only C1 would be changed. This is because .End() works on a single cell. If you supply a multi-cell range, it uses the top left most cell. So .Range("C:C").End(xlUp) is equivalent to .Range("C1").End(xlUp) which evaluates to just C1.
The following will answer your updated question:
Option Explicit
Public Sub ChangeMe()
Const l_xxxxxxxxx As String = "xxxxxxxxx"
Const l_MyDefinedName As String = "MyDefinedName"
Const s_Delimiter As String = ","
Const s_WorkSheetNames As String = "Sheet1,Sheet2"
Const s_ColumnToChange As String = "C:C"
Dim varWorkSheetName As Variant
For Each varWorkSheetName In Split(s_WorkSheetNames, s_Delimiter)
With Worksheets(varWorkSheetName).Range(s_ColumnToChange)
Dim rngCell As Range
For Each rngCell In .Resize(.Cells(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
With rngCell
Dim strCellValue As String: strCellValue = .Value2
If Left(strCellValue, Len(l_xxxxxxxxx)) = l_xxxxxxxxx Then
.Value2 _
= Names(l_MyDefinedName).RefersToRange.Value2 _
& Right$(strCellValue, Len(strCellValue) - Len(l_xxxxxxxxx))
End If
End With
Next rngCell
End With
Next varWorkSheetName
End Sub
It is a good idea to use constants so all literal values are typed once only and kept grouped together.
Using .Value2, instead of .Value, is the recommended way to access a cell's value as it avoids implicit casting and is therefore faster. (Using .Value can also sometimes cause issues.)
Surprisingly, in VBA there are good reasons to put a variable declaration as close as possible to the first use of the variable. Two such reasons are 1) it improves readability, and 2) it simplifies future refactoring. Just remember that the variable is not reinitialised every time the Dim is encountered. Initialisation only occurs the first time.
If I understood your post correctly (which I doubt it), I think you want to loop through column "C" in both "Sheet1" and "Sheet2". Every cell that starts with 9 "XXXXXXXXX", should be replaced with the value in "MyDefinedName" Named Range.
Option Explicit
Sub ChangeMe()
Dim cl As Range
Dim sht As Worksheet
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With sht
If .Name = "Sheet1" Or .Name = "Sheet2" Then
For Each cl In .Range("C1:C" & .Cells(.rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row)
If Left(cl.Value, 9) = "XXXXXXXXX" Then
cl.Value = ThisWorkbook.Names("MyDefinedName").RefersToRange
End If
Next cl
End If
End With
Next sht
End Sub
Let's imagine that this is your input:
In this case, you want to change the values in range A1:A2 to the value in C1 (named range xxxx123), because it starts with xxxx123. This is the code to achieve it:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myNamedRange As String
myNamedRange = "xxxx123"
For Each myCell In Range("A1:A2")
If Left(myCell, Len(myNamedRange)) = myNamedRange Then
myCell.Value = Range(myNamedRange)
End If
Next myCell
End Sub

Replace cell references with string from a corresponding cell

I have cells with calculations.
Here is one simple example, which is in row 11.
I'm trying to get this:
=[EAD: On Balance Sheet]*[PD Low]*[Collateral LGD High]
These 3 strings all come from row 10, in Column V, AB, and AF.
Here is another example:
Change this:
To this:
'[EAD: On Balance Sheet]*VLOOKUP([Proposed Risk Rating],Rates!AQ:AU,5,FALSE)*[Collateral LGD Low]
All formulas are on row 11, and I want to get the corresponding headers, which are all strings, from row 10.
I'm thinking that there must be a way to do this, since Excel knows all the relevant cell references, and keeps track of everything.
I can't figure out how to replace the reference with the string (in this case the corresponding header in row 10).
I'm pretty new to this so don't have enough 'reputation' to comment and clarify your question.
If the cells V11, AB11 and AF11 have the text "EAD: On Balance Sheet", "PD Low " and "Collateral LGD High" and you want this cell to show those words.
Then the following code could work:
sub combine_words()
dim i as string
dim j as string
dim k as string
i = range("V11").value
j = range("AB11").value
k = range("AF11").value
range("A11").value = "[" & i & "]*[" & j & "]*[" & k & "]"
end sub
replace the cell A11 with whichever cell you wanted the text inputed into.
Let me know if I understood your question incorrectly and I will change the code to match your needs if I can.
Perhaps a simple find and replace in the formula would work well enough. I'm sure there are lots of edge cases I'm not thinking about. Hopefully this steers the conversation in the right direction.
Sub SOExample()
Dim mySheet As Worksheet: Set mySheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim headerRng As Range: Set headerRng = mySheet.Range("A1:J1") 'Specify where to do replacements
Dim mycell As Range
Dim vkey As Variant
Dim myDict As Object: Set myDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Iterate each header row add the address as the key, and the NEXT row's Text as the value
For Each mycell In headerRng
If Not myDict.exists(mycell.Offset(1, 0).Address) Then
myDict.Add mycell.Offset(1, 0).Address, mycell.Text
End If
'Iterate each cells formula and replace it
For Each mycell In headerRng
For Each vkey In myDict.keys
mycell.Offset(1, 0).Formula = Replace(mycell.Offset(1, 0).Formula, vkey, myDict(vkey), , , vbTextCompare)
End Sub

VBA Replace is Ignoring Column/Sheet Restrictions

I'm trying to use VBA for a find/replace. The goal is to iterate through a "Data_Pairs" sheet which contains all the pairs to find/replace, and to find/replace those pairs only in Column A and only in a specified range of sheets in the workbook (which does not include "Data_Pairs").
For some reason, every matching value is replaced, regardless of which column it's in. Values are also replaced in sheets whose index falls outside the defined range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using the following code:
Sub Replace_Names()
Dim row As Integer
Dim row2 As Integer
Dim sheet As Integer
Dim findThisValue As String
Dim replaceWithThisValue As String
For row = 1 To 10
findThisValue = Cells(row, "A").Value
replaceWithThisValue = Cells(row, "B").Value
For sheet = 2 To 10
Worksheets(sheet).Columns("A").Replace What:= findThisValue, Replacement:=replaceWithThisValue
Next sheet
Next row
End Sub
To give a concrete example of the issue: if Data_Pairs A1 = A and Data_Pairs B1 = 1, every single value of 1 in the entire workbook is replaced with A.
I observe this works as-expected in Excel 2010, echoing Greg and chancea's comments above.
HOWEVER, I also observe that if you have previously opened the FIND dialog (for example you were doing some manual find/replace operations) and changed scope to WORKBOOK, then the observed discrepancies will occur, as discussed here:
This may be an oversight, because it does not appear to have ever been addressed. While the Replace dialog allows you to specify Workbook versus Worksheet, there is no corresponding argument you can pass to the Replace method (documentation).
Implement the hack from the Ozgrid thread -- for some reason, executing the .Find method seems to reset that. This appears to work:
Sub Replace_Names()
Dim row As Integer
Dim row2 As Integer
Dim sheet As Integer
Dim findThisValue As String
Dim replaceWithThisValue As String
Dim rng As Range
For row = 1 To 10
findThisValue = Cells(row, "A").Value
replaceWithThisValue = Cells(row, "B").Value
For sheet = 2 To 3
Set rng = Worksheets(sheet).Range("A:A")
rng.Find ("*") '### HACK
rng.Replace What:=findThisValue, Replacement:=replaceWithThisValue
Next sheet
Next row
End Sub
You have a Worksheets("Data_Pairs").Activate inside your For ... Next loop. That would seem to indicate that the command is called 9× more that it has to be. Better not to reply on .Activate to provide the default parent of Cells.
Sub Replace_Names()
Dim rw As long, ws As long
Dim findThis As String, replaceWith As String
with Worksheets(1)
For rw = 1 To 10
findThis = .Cells(rw , "A").Value
replaceWith = .Cells(rw , "B").Value
For ws = 2 To 10 ' or sheets.count ?
with Worksheets(ws)
.Columns("A").Replace What:= findThis, Replacement:=replaceWith
end with
Next ws
Next rw
end with
End Sub
See How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros for more on getting away from Select and Acticate.

Copy/Paste Specific Columns from a Worksheet to another

I want to copy some columns with headers from a worksheet to another one. I've created an array that looks for the different headers needed so I can copy and paste the entire column into the new tab. I know I have an error somewhere because I'm getting a type mismatch error and possibly other types as well. Can someone take a look and see what I'm missing/have wrong?
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim strHeader() As String
Dim intColumnsMax As Integer
Sheets.Add.Name = "Material Master"
Sheets.Add.Name = "BOM"
intColumnsMax = Sheets("HW Zpure Template").UsedRange.Columns.Count
ReDim strHeader(1 To intColumnsMax)
strHeader(1) = "MATERIAL"
strHeader(2) = "MATERIAL TYPE"
For Each rngCell In Rows(4)
For i = 1 To intColumnsMax
If strHeader(i) = rngCell.Value Then
Sheets("Material Master").Select
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Material Master").Cells(1, i)
Sheets("HW Zpure Template").Select
End If
Next i
I prefer to use Application.Match to locate a specific column header label rather than cycling through them trying to find a match. To that end, I've heavily modified your code.
Dim c As Long, v As Long, vHDRs As Variant
Dim s As Long, vNWSs As Variant, wsMM As Worksheet
vNWSs = Array("Material Master", "BOM")
For v = LBound(vNWSs) To UBound(vNWSs)
For s = 1 To Sheets.Count
If Sheets(s).Name = vNWSs(v) Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit For
End If
Next s
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = vNWSs(v)
Next v
Set wsMM = Sheets("Material Master")
With Sheets("HW Zpure Template")
For v = LBound(vHDRs) To UBound(vHDRs)
If CBool(Application.CountIf(.Rows(4), vHDRs(v))) Then
c = Application.Match(vHDRs(v), .Rows(4), 0)
Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(c)).Copy _
Destination:=wsMM.Cells(1, Application.CountA(wsMM.Rows(1)) + 1)
End If
Next v
End With
Set wsMM = Nothing
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your code seemed to be looking for the column labels in row 4. That is what I'm using above but if that assumption is incorrect then the fix should be fairly self-evident. I've also stacked the copied columns into the first available column to the right. Your code may have been putting them in the original position.
When you run the above, please note that it will remove worksheets named Material Master or BOM without asking in favor of inserting its own worksheets of those names. Given that, it's probably best to run on a copy of your original.
Using the Find() method is a very efficient way of finding the data you want. Below are a few suggestions to optimize your existing code.
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim strHeader() As String
Dim intColumnsMax As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Sheets.Add.Name = "Material Master"
Sheets.Add.Name = "BOM"
'Quick way to load a string array
'This example splits a comma delimited string.
'If your headers contain commas, replace the commas in the next line of code
'with a character that does not exist in the headers.
'Only loop through the headers needed
For i = LBound(strHeader) To UBound(strHeader)
Set rngCell = Sheets("HW Zpure Template").UsedRange.Find(What:=strheader(i), LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rngCell Is Nothing Then
'Taking the intersection of the used range and the entire desired column avoids
'copying a lot of unnecessary cells.
Set rngCell = Intersect(Sheets("HW Zpure Template").UsedRange, rngCell.EntireColumn)
'This method is more memory consuming, but necessary if you need to copy all formatting
rngCell.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Material Master").Range(rngCell.Address)
'This method is the most efficient if you only need to copy the values
Worksheets("Material Master").Range(rngCell.Address).Value = rngCell.Value
End If
Next i

Excel VBA Get hyperlink address of specific cell

How do I code Excel VBA to retrieve the url/address of a hyperlink in a specific cell?
I am working on sheet2 of my workbook and it contains about 300 rows. Each rows have a unique hyperlink at column "AD". What I'm trying to go for is to loop on each blank cells in column "J" and change it's value from blank to the hyperlink URL of it's column "AD" cell. I am currently using this code:
do while....
NextToFill = Sheet2.Range("J1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Address
On Error Resume Next
GetAddress = Sheet2.Range("AD" & Sheet2.Range(NextToFill).Row).Hyperlinks(1).Address
On Error GoTo 0
Problem with the above code is it always get the address of the first hyperlink because the code is .Hyperlinks(1).Address. Is there anyway to get the hyperlink address by range address like maybe sheet1.range("AD32").Hyperlinks.Address?
This should work:
Dim r As Long, h As Hyperlink
For r = 1 To Range("AD1").End(xlDown).Row
For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
If Cells(r, "AD").Address = h.Range.Address Then
Cells(r, "J") = h.Address
End If
Next h
Next r
It's a bit confusing because Range.Address is totally different than Hyperlink.Address (which is your URL), declaring your types will help a lot. This is another case where putting "Option Explicit" at the top of modules would help.
Not sure why we make a big deal, the code is very simple
Sub ExtractURL()
Dim GetURL As String
For i = 3 To 500
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) = False Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D" & i).Value =
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Hyperlinks(1).Address
End If
Next i
End Sub
My understanding from the comments is that you already have set the column J to a string of the URL. If so this simple script should do the job (It will hyperlink the cell to the address specified inside the cell, You can change the cell text if you wish by changing the textToDisplay option). If i misunderstood this and the string is in column AD simply work out the column number for AD and replace the following line:
fileLink = Cells(i, the number of column AD)
The script:
Sub AddHyperlink()
Dim fileLink As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 4 To lastrow
fileLink = Cells(i, 10)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i, 10), _
Address:=fileLink, _
Next i
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Try to run for each loop as below:
do while....
NextToFill = Sheet2.Range("J1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Address
On Error Resume Next
**for each** lnk in Sheet2.Range("AD" & Sheet2.Range(NextToFill).Row).Hyperlinks
On Error GoTo 0
This IMO should be a function to return a string like so.
Public Sub TestHyperLink()
Dim CellRng As Range
Set CellRng = Range("B3")
Dim HyperLinkURLStr As String
HyperLinkURLStr = HyperLinkURLFromCell(CellRng)
Debug.Print HyperLinkURLStr
End Sub
Public Function HyperLinkURLFromCell(CellRng As Range) As String
HyperLinkURLFromCell = CStr(CellRng.Hyperlinks(1).Address)
End Function