C# SendKeys sending other keys aswell - sendkeys

When I use SendKeys inside my software to send a key to a game. It also send other buttons like Enter, Tab, V. I just want to Send "Q" and "E" keys but it keep sending other ones.


Reply Markup Keyboard To Enter Text In Field Not Send

I am reading about telegram keyboards for bots (see picture)
From as far i can gather pressing of these button will instantly send the text in the chat.
What i want is the keyboards send the text to the message field.
For example -
if i press 1 ,the message field shows 1 then pressing * and 1 will result in 1*1 which will be sent to bot
What you want is not allowed by Telegram Bot APIs, because as soon as you press a button, it instantly sends a message with the same text.
The only thing you can do is receive every message and put them together. you have also to define a workflow using states, for example

How to send keystrokes to application in Blue Prism?

In a HTML application I need to put text and press Enter key in order to perform search task. There is no alternate of pressing Enter key to search text. In Blue prism I couldn't find way of sending Enter key (or any other hotkey) after writing text to search element.
Use Navigate stage in business object/process
Double click on navigate stage
Select root app element and drag & drop element to his position and Actions combobox , select Global Send Keys
Type {ENTER} in right hand side
Reset business object
Run application
Navigate Stage, use the main app element in the given list, drag and drop in his position, and in Actions comboBox, select Global Send Keys.
Go down, in Text input, write "{ENTER}" and Done.
Use NAVIGATE, in it use your Element(field, where you put your text) and in Action dropbox you will have "Send Key" or "Global Send Key". Choose one of those and at the bottom of Navigate window there will be Input section where you can type in(as a text) button which you need: "Enter"

Press/simulate keyboard keys in access vba

I am automating a process in my office, and saving a pdf file is part of it. So how can I save it? I need to press Ctr+Shift+s ..
I see solutions here but its in java. Looking for anyone who can share ways on how to simulate this. Also tried SendKeys but I can't pull Ctr and Shift.
SendKeys "S"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
this types "S", tab, well its tabs to the next control. But {CONTROL} , {SHIFT} does not work.
Is this possible? Or are there other ways to do this?
The keyboard modifiers have a special syntax, see the documentation.
Ctrl + Shift + s = SendKeys "^+s"

Microsoft VB.NET 2010 - Assigning a Key to start a process when the window is minimized

This is an auto talker that i created, but it isn't very convenient to click on start and stop when the text is being typed at 10 milliseconds. So i wanted to create a key that when pressed starts the auto typer, and also stops it. I have a box where the user can press a key to assign to start and stop the auto typing. What code would i put for clicking on assign? I want assign to: get key from textbox5.text and use it as the shortcut key to start spamming. The key would be pressed when the Interface for the spam bot is minimized, so i can't use "&Spambot" for S to be the shortcut key.
Any help would be appreciated.
Please click on the link below to see image
I successfully used some methods to read the numkey state, started my stuff when it is turned on, and stop it when it is turned off again, maybe you will like that solution.
If Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.NumLock) Then ...
your alternative would be to 1. use an keyDown event (i think it gave more information about pressed keys than key pressed event), then store it in a local variable
And finally using an external dll to figure out if any key is pressed anywhere in windows. And if, then compare if it is the correct key, and then trigger whatever you want to trigger.

VB.NET sendkey function - cant Minimize the application

i know that sendkeys function is not the right way to change text of text box
i just want to try the function although that this function is not Effective
lets say that i got form with textbox and timer
Timer1.Interval = 1000
now evrey second the timer send keys into my textbox.
if i Minimize My Application the application send keys to EvreyWhere
lets say that i open NotePad And Then Run My Application the application send the keys into notepad and not my application
how can i send keys only to my application?
The problem is once your application is minimized it is no longer the active application. SendKeys sends to the Active Application. Take a look at this Forum Link for possible options
From above link:
Use SendKeys to send keystrokes and keystroke combinations to the
active application. This class cannot be instantiated. To send a
keystroke to a class and immediately continue with the flow of your
program, use Send. To wait for any processes started by the keystroke,
use SendWait.