calculating percentage in postgresql with conditions - sql

I have one table and I want to calculate the percentage of one column
I tried to do so in two ways.
but I am actually face with error.
The error is 'syntax error at or near "select"'
This is my code in below:
WITH total AS
select krs_name,count(fclass) as cluster
FROM residentioal
GROUP BY krs_name
SELECT total.cluster,
(select count(fclass)
FROM residentioal
where fclass='village'
or fclass='hamlet'
or fclass='suburb'
or fclass='island'
AND krs_name = total.krs_name
)::float / count(fclass) * 100 as percentageofonline
FROM residentioal, total
WHERE residentioal.krs_name = total.krs_name
GROUP BY total.krs_name total.krs_name
My table has 5437 rows in which there is 8 group of krs_name and in the other column namely fclass, there is 6 group. Therefore I want to calculate the percentage of 4 groups from fclass for each krs_name . thus, i have to first query the count(fclass) group by krs_name and then query the count of fclass where fclass is equal to my condition group by krs_name and finally count(fclass) "with condition" / count(fclass) "total fclass" * 100 goup by krs_name?
I'm using Postgresql 9.1.

The problem is in this line:
SELECT total.cluster, total.krs_name (
The open paren makes no sense.
But, this seems to do what you want and it is much simpler:
SELECT r.krs_name, COUNT(*) as total,
AVG( (fclass in ('village', 'hamlet', 'suburb', 'island'))::int ) * 100 as percentageofonline
FROM residentioal r
GROUP BY r.krs_name


How to calculate metrics between two tables

How to calculate metrics between two tables? In addition, I noticed that when using FROM tbl1, tbl2, there are noises, the WHERE filters did not work, a total count(*) was returned
count(*) filter(WHERE tb_get_gap.system in ('LINUX','UNIX')) as gaps,
SUM(CAST(srvs AS INT)) filter(WHERE tb_getcountsrvs.type = 'LZ') as total,
100 - (( gaps / total ) * 100)
FROM tb_get_gap, tb_getcountsrvs
SQL Error [42703]: ERROR: column "gaps" does not exist
I need to count in the tb_get_gap table by fields = ('LINUX', 'UNIX'), then a SUM ()in thesrvs field in the
tb_getcountsrvs table by fields = 'LZ' in type, right after
making this formula 100 - ((gaps / total) * 100)
It would seem that you cannot define gaps and also use it in the same query. In SQL Server you would have to use the logic twice. Maybe a subquery would work better.
select 100 - (t.gaps / * 100)
count(*) filter(WHERE tb_get_gap.system in ('LINUX','UNIX')) as gaps,
SUM(CAST(srvs AS INT)) filter(WHERE tb_getcountsrvs.type = 'LZ') as total
FROM tb_get_gap, tb_getcountsrvs
) t

SQL - Group by with having Result

For the following table i need to fetch user who did min 2 distinct transactions and have sum of net sale equal to or more than 20,
But, everything need to be in same select cant use temp table, i am using the below query, but getting ambiguity in result,
select z.customer_nbr, transaction_nbr
from sales_transaction,
(select customer_nbr
from sales_transaction
group by customer_nbr
having count(transaction_nbr) >=2) z
group by z.customer_nbr, transaction_nbr
having sum(net_sales_rtl)>20
Below is the result
Result ambiguity - customer_numer have no transaction with no 16
By "user", I assume you mean the entity referred to by customer_nbr.
Your query is only looking at the net sales for a single transaction, not for the entire customer.
You seem to want aggregation and having:
select st.customer_nbr
from sales_transaction st
group by st.customer_nbr
having count(distinct st.transaction_nbr) >= 2 and
sum(st.net_sales) > 20;
If you wanted all transactions to follow the 20 minimum, then two levels of aggregation would be appropriate:
select ct.customer_nbr
from (select st.customer_nbr, st.transaction_nbr,
sum(st.net_sales) as transaction_net_sales
from sales_transaction st
group by st.customer_nbr, st.transaction_nbr
) ct
group by ct.customer_nbr
having count(*) >= 2 and
min(ct.transaction_net_sales) > 20;
I think what is missing here is a join between the results from sales_transaction and the subquery z.
Considering both your tables share column transaction_nbr, you could have something like this:
select z.customer_nbr, s.transaction_nbr
from sales_transaction s,
(select customer_nbr, transaction_nbr
from sales_transaction
group by customer_nbr, transaction_nbr
having count(transaction_nbr) >=2) z
where z.transaction_nbr = s.transaction_nbr
group by z.customer_nbr, transaction_nbr
having sum(net_sales_rtl)>20

Sum in subquery

My Query is
select count(*) as cnt,
EXTRACT(day FROM current_date - min(txdate))::int as days,
sum (Select opening from acledgerbal l
where acname='Arv'
union all
Select sum( as opening from acvoucher2 v2 where
txdate<='05/03/2014') as opening
from acduebills acb,acledger l
where ( > 0
and acb.unitname='Sales'
and l.acname='Arv'
and l.acno=acb.acno
Here it show more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression Error.
How do using sum for the subquery.
I'm using postgresql 9.1
I want to get count of rows in acduebills tables which is ( > 0 and acb.unitname='Sales'. After that I want to get difference of day which is minimum date in same condition. After that I want to get opening, which comes from two tables: acledgerbal and acvoucher2. acvoucher is table checked by the txdate condition.
How to get those detail in single query?. How to get Same details in multiple schema's?
Something like this:
SELECT count(*) AS cnt
, current_date - min(txdate)::date AS days -- subtract dates directly
, (SELECT round(sum(opening)::numeric, 2)
SELECT opening
FROM acledgerbal
WHERE acname = 'Arv'
SELECT debit - credit
FROM acvoucher2
WHERE txdate <= '2014-05-03'
) sub
) AS opening
FROM acduebills b
JOIN acledger l USING (acno)
WHERE ((b.opening + b.debit) - > 0
AND b.unitname ='Sales'
AND l.acname = 'Arv';
round() to decimal places only works with type numeric, so I cast the sum.
The problem here in the following statement:
sum ( Select opening from acledgerbal l
where acname='Arv'
union all
Select sum( as opening from acvoucher2 v2,
txdate<='05/03/2014' )
You use UNION so this subquery returns at least 2 rows. So you get an error that subquery can't return more than one row: "more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression"
Try to change it to:
(Select SUM(opening) from acledgerbal l WHERE acname='Arv')
(Select SUM( as opening from acvoucher2 v2
WHERE txdate<='05/03/2014')

How do I get the top 10 results of a query?

I have a postgresql query like this:
with r as (
1 as reason_type_id,
rarreason as reason_id,
count(*) over() count_all
rarreason != 0
and finalinsdate >= '2012-12-01'
count(r.reason_id) as num,
round((count(r.reason_id)::float / (select count(*) as total from r) * 100.0)::numeric, 2) as pct
from r
left outer join
rtreasons as rt
r.reason_id = rt.rtreason
and r.reason_type_id = rt.rtreasontype
group by
order by r.reason_id asc
This returns a table of results with 4 columns: the reason id, the description associated with that reason id, the number of entries having that reason id, and the percent of the total that number represents.
This table looks like this:
What I would like to do is only display the top 10 results based off the total number of entries having a reason id. However, whatever is leftover, I would like to compile into another row with a description called "Other". How would I do this?
with r2 as (
...everything before the select list...
dense_rank() over(order by pct) cause_rank
...the rest of your query...
select * from r2 where cause_rank < 11
NULL as reason_id,
'Other' as desc,
sum(r2.num) over() as num,
sum(r2.pct) over() as pct,
11 as cause_rank
from r2
where cause_rank >= 11
As said above Limit and for the skipping and getting the rest use offset... Try This Site
Not sure about Postgre but SELECT TOP 10... should do the trick if you sort correctly
However about the second part: You might use a Right Join for this. Join the TOP 10 Result with the whole table data and use only the records not appearing on the left side. If you calculate the sum of those you should get your "Sum of the rest" result.
I assume that vw_my_top_10 is the view showing you the top 10 records. vw_all_records shows all records (including the top 10).
Like this:
SELECT SUM(a_field)
FROM vw_my_top_10
RIGHT JOIN vw_all_records
ON (vw_my_top_10.Key = vw_all_records.Key)
WHERE vw_my_top_10.Key IS NULL

sql query constructing formula

i have a table with two column:
Name Values
Target 20
v1 10
v2 20
v3 10
Total 30
percent ?
i want to calculate the percentage with the single column value to get the formula as
--> Target/Total * 100.
i.e for ex: Total = SUM (Values) in that way......
by using two rows in the column in sql query, how to do calculation in single column with diff row values by implementing a formula in it.
i dont want to calculate total. i want to calculate percent:
formula:Target/Total * 100 . that gives me the value in percent row?
how? to query it?
You want an additional record to show up in your query output? That seems like you're trying to make it look & work like an Excel spreadsheet, but anyways, here's how you'd go about doing it:
SELECT Name, Values FROM table
UNION (Select function(inputs) AS Name, function(inputs) AS Values FROM table)
If you want to this in SQL...
cTarget AS (SELECT Values AS Target FROM MyTable WHERE name = 'Target'),
cTotals AS (SELECT SUM(Values) AS Total FROM MyTable WHERE name <> 'Target')
SELECT 'Total', Total FROM cTotals
'Percentage', 1.0 * Target / Total * 100