Sum in subquery - sql

My Query is
select count(*) as cnt,
EXTRACT(day FROM current_date - min(txdate))::int as days,
sum (Select opening from acledgerbal l
where acname='Arv'
union all
Select sum( as opening from acvoucher2 v2 where
txdate<='05/03/2014') as opening
from acduebills acb,acledger l
where ( > 0
and acb.unitname='Sales'
and l.acname='Arv'
and l.acno=acb.acno
Here it show more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression Error.
How do using sum for the subquery.
I'm using postgresql 9.1
I want to get count of rows in acduebills tables which is ( > 0 and acb.unitname='Sales'. After that I want to get difference of day which is minimum date in same condition. After that I want to get opening, which comes from two tables: acledgerbal and acvoucher2. acvoucher is table checked by the txdate condition.
How to get those detail in single query?. How to get Same details in multiple schema's?

Something like this:
SELECT count(*) AS cnt
, current_date - min(txdate)::date AS days -- subtract dates directly
, (SELECT round(sum(opening)::numeric, 2)
SELECT opening
FROM acledgerbal
WHERE acname = 'Arv'
SELECT debit - credit
FROM acvoucher2
WHERE txdate <= '2014-05-03'
) sub
) AS opening
FROM acduebills b
JOIN acledger l USING (acno)
WHERE ((b.opening + b.debit) - > 0
AND b.unitname ='Sales'
AND l.acname = 'Arv';
round() to decimal places only works with type numeric, so I cast the sum.

The problem here in the following statement:
sum ( Select opening from acledgerbal l
where acname='Arv'
union all
Select sum( as opening from acvoucher2 v2,
txdate<='05/03/2014' )
You use UNION so this subquery returns at least 2 rows. So you get an error that subquery can't return more than one row: "more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression"
Try to change it to:
(Select SUM(opening) from acledgerbal l WHERE acname='Arv')
(Select SUM( as opening from acvoucher2 v2
WHERE txdate<='05/03/2014')


calculating percentage in postgresql with conditions

I have one table and I want to calculate the percentage of one column
I tried to do so in two ways.
but I am actually face with error.
The error is 'syntax error at or near "select"'
This is my code in below:
WITH total AS
select krs_name,count(fclass) as cluster
FROM residentioal
GROUP BY krs_name
SELECT total.cluster,
(select count(fclass)
FROM residentioal
where fclass='village'
or fclass='hamlet'
or fclass='suburb'
or fclass='island'
AND krs_name = total.krs_name
)::float / count(fclass) * 100 as percentageofonline
FROM residentioal, total
WHERE residentioal.krs_name = total.krs_name
GROUP BY total.krs_name total.krs_name
My table has 5437 rows in which there is 8 group of krs_name and in the other column namely fclass, there is 6 group. Therefore I want to calculate the percentage of 4 groups from fclass for each krs_name . thus, i have to first query the count(fclass) group by krs_name and then query the count of fclass where fclass is equal to my condition group by krs_name and finally count(fclass) "with condition" / count(fclass) "total fclass" * 100 goup by krs_name?
I'm using Postgresql 9.1.
The problem is in this line:
SELECT total.cluster, total.krs_name (
The open paren makes no sense.
But, this seems to do what you want and it is much simpler:
SELECT r.krs_name, COUNT(*) as total,
AVG( (fclass in ('village', 'hamlet', 'suburb', 'island'))::int ) * 100 as percentageofonline
FROM residentioal r
GROUP BY r.krs_name

Get sum of previous 6 values including the group

I need to sum up the values for the last 7 days,so it should be the current plus the previous 6. This should happen for each row i.e. in each row the column value would be current + previous 6.
The case :-
(Note:- I will calculate the hours,by suming up the seconds).
I tried using the below query :-
from [f.DriverHseCan]
The problem I face is I have to do grouping on driver,asset for a date
In the above case,the driving time should be sumed up and then,its previous 6 rows should be taken,
I cant do this using rank() because I need these rows as well as I have to show it in the report.
I tried doing this in SSRS and SQL both.
In short it is adding total driving time for current+ 6 previous days
Try the following query
, s.driverid
, s.assetid
, s.drivingtime
, SUM(s2.drivingtime) AS total_drivingtime
FROM f.DriverHseCan s
SELECT date,driverid, SUM(drivingtime) drivingtime
FROM f.DriverHseCan
GROUP BY date,driverid
) AS s2
ON s.driverid = s2.driverid AND BETWEEN DATEADD(d,-6, AND
, s.driverid
, s.assetid
, s.drivingtime
If you have week start/end dates, there could be better performing alternatives to solve your problem, e.g. use the week number in SSRS expressions rather than do the self join on SQL server
I think aggregation does what you want:
select sum(sum([drivingTime])) over (partition by driverid
from [f.DriverHseCan]
group by driverid, date
I guess you need to use CROSS APPLY.
Something like following? :
SELECT driverID,
FROM YourTable YT
SELECT SUM(drivingTime) AS Last6DayDrivingTime
FROM YourTable CA ON CA.driverID=YT.driverID
) CA
As you commented that cross apply slow down the performance, other option is to pre calculate the week values in temp table or using CTE and then use them in your main query.

SQL Server select max date per ID

I am trying to select max date record for each service_user_id for each finance_charge_id and the amount that is linked the highest date
select distinct
s.Finance_Charge_ID, MAX(s.start_date), s.Amount
Service_User_Finance_Charges s
s.Service_User_ID = '156'
group by
s.Finance_Charge_ID, s.Amount
The issue is that I receive multiple entries where the amount is different. I only want to receive the amount on the latest date for each finance_charge_id
At the moment I receive the below which is incorrect (the third line should not appear as the 1st line has a higher date)
Finance_Charge_ID (No column name) Amount
2 2014-10-19 1.00
3 2014-10-16 500.00
2 2014-10-01 1000.00
Remove the Amount column from the group by to get the correct rows. You can then join that query onto the table again to get all the data you need. Here is an example using a CTE to get the max dates:
WITH MaxDates_CTE (Finance_Charge_ID, MaxDate) AS
select s.Finance_Charge_ID,
MAX(s.start_date) MaxDate
from Service_User_Finance_Charges s
where s.Service_User_ID = '156'
group by s.Finance_Charge_ID
FROM Service_User_Finance_Charges
ON MaxDates_CTE.Finance_Charge_ID = Service_User_Finance_Charges.Finance_Charge_ID
AND MaxDates_CTE.MaxDate = Service_User_Finance_Charges.start_date
This can be done using a window function which removes the need for a self join on the grouped data:
select Finance_Charge_ID,
from (
select s.Finance_Charge_ID,
max(s.start_date) over (partition by s.Finance_Charge_ID) as max_date,
from Service_User_Finance_Charges s
where s.Service_User_ID = 156
) t
where start_date = max_date;
As the window function does not require you to use group by you can add any additional column you need in the output.

How to pass value to and join correlated query having WITH clause?

I need to pass from one select value to another one to get the calculation done and join the results but having problem with this "with" clause sub query.
This one calculates balance from supplied number loan_id from the second query
WITH my_select (balance, type) As
select sum(amount_o-amount_h) as balance, type
from decret d
where d.idnumber = **loan_id**
and d.DATE_D <= '2013-10-31'
and type in (1,2,3,4,11,12,13,18,20,25)
group by type
having sum(amount_o-amount_h) <> 0
select sum(balance) FROM my_select //just returns client balance
And this one selects clients data and I want for every client add the balance also to the result calculated in first query.
SELECT *, /*balance*/ from clients
where **loan_id** in (select LoanNum
from NumsFromEx)
How to join them together? (I have simplified a little bit queries to show it cleaner)
Given the sample queries, the following should work:
WITH cteBalances AS
SELECT loan_id, SUM(amount_o-amount_h) AS balance
FROM decret d
WHERE d.DATE_D <= '2013-10-31'
AND type IN (1,2,3,4,11,12,13,18,20,25)
GROUP BY loan_id
SELECT c.*, b.balance
FROM clients c
LEFT JOIN cteBalances b ON b.loan_id = c.loan_id
WHERE loan_id IN (SELECT LoanNum
FROM NumsFromEx)

How do I get the top 10 results of a query?

I have a postgresql query like this:
with r as (
1 as reason_type_id,
rarreason as reason_id,
count(*) over() count_all
rarreason != 0
and finalinsdate >= '2012-12-01'
count(r.reason_id) as num,
round((count(r.reason_id)::float / (select count(*) as total from r) * 100.0)::numeric, 2) as pct
from r
left outer join
rtreasons as rt
r.reason_id = rt.rtreason
and r.reason_type_id = rt.rtreasontype
group by
order by r.reason_id asc
This returns a table of results with 4 columns: the reason id, the description associated with that reason id, the number of entries having that reason id, and the percent of the total that number represents.
This table looks like this:
What I would like to do is only display the top 10 results based off the total number of entries having a reason id. However, whatever is leftover, I would like to compile into another row with a description called "Other". How would I do this?
with r2 as (
...everything before the select list...
dense_rank() over(order by pct) cause_rank
...the rest of your query...
select * from r2 where cause_rank < 11
NULL as reason_id,
'Other' as desc,
sum(r2.num) over() as num,
sum(r2.pct) over() as pct,
11 as cause_rank
from r2
where cause_rank >= 11
As said above Limit and for the skipping and getting the rest use offset... Try This Site
Not sure about Postgre but SELECT TOP 10... should do the trick if you sort correctly
However about the second part: You might use a Right Join for this. Join the TOP 10 Result with the whole table data and use only the records not appearing on the left side. If you calculate the sum of those you should get your "Sum of the rest" result.
I assume that vw_my_top_10 is the view showing you the top 10 records. vw_all_records shows all records (including the top 10).
Like this:
SELECT SUM(a_field)
FROM vw_my_top_10
RIGHT JOIN vw_all_records
ON (vw_my_top_10.Key = vw_all_records.Key)
WHERE vw_my_top_10.Key IS NULL