Decoupling ion.rangeSlider grid / tooltip values - ion-range-slider

This seems like a simple enough thing to do. I have a simple slider which goes from 0 to 100 in steps on 25. When using the slider I would like to change the number returned by a string:
0 - Novice
25 - Beginner
50 - Intermediate
75 - Advance
100 - Expert
However, I can't seem to find a way to decouple the grid value (0 - 100) from the tooltip value returned.
Thanks in advance.

From Denis himself, this jsfiddle provides a great starting point to get to a working solutions:
not sure why SO wants to see the code here ...


How do I display the output of a function of multiple qualtrics sliders in real time?

My colleague and I am designing a survey using Qualtrics. On one page respondents must move a series of sliders.
We need to display the output of a function of the values of the sliders on the same page, ideally also in the form of another slider.
All of this must be done while the respondent moves the sliders.
Concretely, suppose the following:
value of slider 1 = 30;
value of slider 2 = 10;
value of slider 3 = 0
Output to be displayed = 30 x 20 + 10 x 5 + 0 x 15 = 650
where the 20, 5 and 15 are just arbitrary constants in the background.
If the user were to move slider 1 to 31, the displayed output should automatically update in real time to 670.
Any tip on how this is done? We're newbies to qualtrics and completely inexperienced with Java, so we'd be very grateful to anyone willing to provide us with working code. Thanks!
An update on my question, and a clarification after a comment received.
We were of course not asking for someone else to do our job. Just for a pointer in the right direction.
Based on an answer to a different question, I've managed to put this javascript together. It works, which is encouraging..
Code follows.
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
var that=this.questionId;
jQuery("<p style='width:100%'><br><strong> Output <span id='OUT'>0</span></strong>").insertAfter("table.sliderGrid");
jQuery(document).on('change', function(){
var firstslider=parseInt(jQuery("[id='"+that+"~1~result']").val());
var secondslider=parseInt(jQuery("[id='"+that+"~2~result']").val());
var N=firstlider+secondslider*2;

#MPAndroidChart How to bypass empty data on StackedBar chart

I am a newbie of android developer and it’s 1st post on stackoverflow.
Thanks for your consideration for any inconvenience caused.
I am using MPAndroidChat for StackedBar Chart.
But StackedBar show empty thing on the some position which no entry data. I like to show only 7 data that I provide. Please refer to below screen shoot. It should be show 7 data on 2018/10/12,2018/10/11....2018/10/6, but it show empty chart many times.
The 7 BarEntry data as below
And I also follow below issue for timestamp label.
[issue screen shot]
screen shot
[BarEntry data]
float x=1050,float[] vals={6.0,5.3333335,6.0}
float x=2490,float[] vals={7.3333335,10.0,6.5}
float x=3930,float[] vals={8.5,7.3333335,8.0}
float x=5370,float[] vals={8.333333,7.6666665,7.8333335}
float x=6810,float[] vals={6.6666665,7.6666665,9.5}
float x=8250,float[] vals={8.833333,6.5,8.5}
float x=9690,float[] vals={8.666667,9.0,6.1666665}
So far I try to workaround by change x is increment by 1 day and use referenceTimestamp and IAxisValueFormatter to correct time by value*24*60*60*1000
`this.sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");`
`return sdf.format(referenceTimestamp + value*24*60*60*1000);`
BTW, I ever try to add setGranularity(1f), setGranularityEnabled(true), it could hidden labels, but still show empty chart.

Xbox One Right Trigger Not Working

I have an Xbox One controller setup with Unity3d, and when I try to use the RT button nothing happens.
With the following setup, the RB button works fine:
I have looked at this but setting that up doesn't make sense to me. I have tried 3rd Axis 0_10th and I have tried 3rd Axis 0_1 but those are not valid. What is the proper settings for this to work?
To the get the result I was looking for, I needed to set it up the following way:
Then to get the button to work we need to use:
if(Mathf.Round(Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire1")) < 0){
// Firing code here
instead of:
// Firing code here
Yes, thanks for posting. I was having the same problem using a 360 wired controller in Unity3d. It looks like the Left and Right triggers now both use the 3rd axis (Joystick) with the Left generating positive (0 to +1) values and the Right trigger generating negative (0 to -1) values. This differs from all the documentation I was finding.

SSRS print stickers with horizontal layout .NET

I have 2 or 3 days I frustratingly tried to print a list of items in the form of stickers filling all the space that becomes available.
This is the result I get:
And this is the result I want, I need to use the horizontal space.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or examples of how to do that.
Thank you!
I solved my problem following this tutorial:

Dojo spider chart with one series

Having trouble spider charting with only one series.
I tried working off this example:
And set that up here:
Firebug is throwing:
Unexpected value NaN parsing cy attribute.
I'm completely new to the dojo toolkit. I know I need to addAxis, but it doesn't look like the code from the top URL is working. The axis is starting and ending at the same number despite my trying to set min/max.
Any help is appreciated!
Problem has to do with spider charts figuring out the min/max of the axis on it's own. Even when I was using:
chart1.addAxis("Answer 3", { type: "Base", min: 0, max: 250 });
to set the min and max, the spider chart still bombed with only one series.
After playing around with the information in this ticket:
I still wasn't able to get this working, I stumbled onto an answer here that basically said as a workaround add series for min and max then remove them after render. So thats exactly what I ended up doing.
Demonstrated here: