pdfView react native ios cant zoom - react-native

In react native,installed react-native-pdf and react-native-fetch-blob.The PDF can view.The problem is while zooming (double tap or pinch), the iOS screen move to left top corner part and showing the empty space,android zoom working fine.Please assist me on this.Thanks


How to fix White Screen after Splash Screen in React Native for iOS

For Android, I made the color of the white screen the same as the Splash Screen color. So how do I change the color of the white screen on iOS?
use react-native-bootsplash or implement splash screen by your own.
you can change the bg color of splash screen using xCode, find and select the .storyboard that is currently used in your project.
from the right side of your x code controls, you will see background prop, from there you can change it.

React Navigation unwanted Bottom Border Radius in Modal

I use a Bottom Tab Navigator with several different stacks in my React Native app. I have created a screen that opens like a modal using this in the screen options:
{ presentation: "modal" }
On iOS, phones with no physical home button (e.g. iPhone 12) get a strange unwanted bottom radius when the screen has been navigated to:
When the screen is being dismissed, the border radius gets even larger for a couple of seconds until it disappears completely:
I've tried changing the border radius on the screen's view but no luck. How do I get rid of this unwanted border radius? Thanks.

React Native Vertical Sticky Sliding Tab Bar/Panel

I need a way to create a tab bar that will vertically bump up the upper text and stick to the top of the page.
I currently am using createMaterialTopTabNavigator and it sits in the vertical center of the screen. I would like such that when a person scrolls on the subpages from the tab navigator for the whole page to scroll with it until the topTabNavigator sticks to the top of the screen.
I am currently using React Native + Expo.
I am open to different options as well. I have tried using a panel and embedding the tab bar in that but it caused weird scrolling issues on Android devices.

React native reanimated

I am trying to create a toggle player animation in react native, the same like Spotify, where when you press the miniPlayer , the full size player will show, my problem is that the fullSize Player View is transparent, and I can't seem to get the background of that view to render the proper color.
I created a snack since the original Project is huge and to better understand the issue:
Full Size Player

Zooming in image using scrollview Xcode

I am trying an iPad application using Xcode. I am just a beginner so there are things I don't know how to do. In my app, I have some images showing one by one by scrollview. Now, I want them to zoom in when double tap and zoom out when double tap again. Can anyone tell me how to zoom in and out using the same scrollview which is used to display all the images?
Thanks. :)
Please Refer the Apple Documents... Scroll View Programming Guide for iOS