suddenly not working after upgrade - rally

I have some custom Rally apps deployed in Agile Central. After upgrading to version 2017.1, the method is no longer working. The app still works without problems in the environment using version 2016.2-1.
Here's one of the functions calling the save(), that has stopped working:
_addCost: function(){
var team = this.down('#cb-team') && this.down('#cb-team').getRecord(),
cost = this.down('#nb-cost') && this.down('#nb-cost').getValue(),
asOfDate = this.down('#dt-asOfDate') && this.down('#dt-asOfDate').getValue() || new Date(),
userName = this.getContext().getUser().UserName;
this.logger.log('_addCost', team, cost, asOfDate, userName);
var grid = this.down('rallygrid');
if (grid){
var newPref = Ext.create('ProjectCostModel',{
Project: team.get('_ref'),
Workspace: this.getContext().getWorkspace()._ref
newPref.setCostForProject(cost, asOfDate, userName);
if (this._validate(grid.getStore(), newPref)){;
The full source code for the app is here:
Does anyone have any solutions? I'm new to rally apps, so I appreciate the help!!


How to check if a user device is using fingerprint/face as unlock method. [ReactNative] [Expo]

I'm using ReactNative based on Expo Toolkit to develop a App and I want know how I can check if the user is using the fingerprint (TouchID on iPhone) or face detection (FaceID on iPhone X>) to unlock the device.
I already know how to check if device has the required hardware using Expo SDK, as follow:
let hasFPSupport = await Expo.Fingerprint.hasHardwareAsync();
But I need check if the user choose the fingerprint/face as unlock method on your device, instead pattern or pin.
Here's an update to Donald's answer that takes into account Expo's empty string for the model name of the new iPhone XS. It also takes into account the Simulator.
const hasHardwareSupport =
(await Expo.LocalAuthentication.hasHardwareAsync()) &&
(await Expo.LocalAuthentication.isEnrolledAsync());
let hasTouchIDSupport
let hasFaceIDSupport
if (hasHardwareSupport) {
if (Constants.platform.ios) {
if (
Constants.platform.ios.model === '' ||
) {
hasFaceIDSupport = true;
} else {
if (
Constants.platform.ios.model === 'Simulator' &&
) {
hasFaceIDSupport = true;
hasTouchIDSupport = !hasFaceIDSupport;
EDIT: Expo released an update that fixes the blank model string. However you might want to keep a check for that just in case the next iPhone release cycle causes the same issue.
Currently, you could determine that a user has Face ID by checking Expo.Fingerprint.hasHardwareAsync() and Expo.Fingerprint.isEnrolledAsync(), and then also checking that they have an iPhone X using Expo.Constants.platform (docs here).
const hasHardwareSupport = await Expo.Fingerprint.hasHardwareAsync() && await Expo.Fingerprint.isEnrolledAsync();`
if (hasHardwareSupport) {
const hasFaceIDSupport = Expo.Constants.platform.ios && Expo.Constants.platform.ios.model === 'iPhone X';
const hasTouchIDSupport = !hasFaceIDSupport;
Incase you tried the above answer and it's not working please note as at the time of my post expo's documentation has changed
- import * as LocalAuthentication from 'expo-local-authentication';
- let compatible = await LocalAuthentication.hasHardwareAsync()
We can check if device has scanned fingerprints:
await Expo.Fingerprint.isEnrolledAsync()
So, this can be used to reach the objective as follow:
let hasFPSupport = await Expo.Fingerprint.hasHardwareAsync() && await Expo.Fingerprint.isEnrolledAsync();

Update live tile at fixed interval without having the app running

How can I update my app's live tile at a fixed interval, for example half a day, using JavaScript?
Moreover, it has to be able to update even though the app itself is not running (like the weather app for example)
EDIT: I want to update it locally without having to connect to the internet. And please give some example in JavaScript, not C# please!
To be more specific, for example, how can I set the tile to update once per day, showing the current date?
If the content on the tile is going to be the date, scheduled tile updates are a good option (see ScheduledTileNotification and the JavaScript Scheduled notifications sample on MSDN). You can schedule a notification to occur once a day with the date as the content.
If you can stand up a web service, periodic updates would be a good option. Using this approach, a tile will be updated on a fixed interval whether or not the app is running. Alternatively, you could use push, or update the tile using a background task.
MSDN has a good article on choosing the right notification delivery mechanism, and links to related code samples:
You can use a background task on a schedule for an interval for anything greater than 15 mins. The tasks are designed to be run by the OS separate to your application, so will be executed if it is not active or open.
Here is a detailed blog post on getting started with background tasks:
Register a Background Task that executes ever 12 hours and Updates your Tile.
var RegisterBackgroundTask = function (taskEntryPoint, taskName, trigger, condition) {
var TaskBuilder = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskBuilder(); = taskName;
TaskBuilder.taskEntryPoint = taskEntryPoint;
if (condition !== null) {
// If the condition changes while the background task is executing then it will be canceled.
TaskBuilder.cancelOnConditionLoss = true;
var task = TaskBuilder.register();
// Remove previous completion status from local settings.
var settings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localSettings;
var UnregisterBackgroundTask = function (sTaskName) {
var iter = Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskRegistration.allTasks.first();
var hascur = iter.hasCurrent;
while (hascur) {
var cur = iter.current.value;
if ( === sTaskName) {
hascur = iter.moveNext();
Register Task like this:
new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.TimeTrigger(15, false),
new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemCondition(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemConditionType.internetAvailable)); // 15 min are minimum
In a dedicated File "LiveTileTask.js" you write the Code of your Live Tile Updater:
(function () {
"use strict";
var backgroundTaskInstance = Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIBackgroundTaskInstance.current;
var Notifications = Windows.UI.Notifications;
var tileUpdateManager = Notifications.TileUpdateManager.createTileUpdaterForApplication();
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var tileWideXml = Notifications.TileUpdateManager.getTemplateContent(Notifications.TileTemplateType.tileSquare150x150Text04),
tileAttributes = tileWideXml.getElementsByTagName("text");
tileAttributes[0].appendChild(tileWideXml.createTextNode("My Live Tile Text No. " + i));
var currentTime = new Date(),
dueTime = new Date(currentTime.getTime() + 30),
tileNotification = new Notifications.ScheduledTileNotification(xmlTile, dueTime),
tileUpdater = Notifications.TileUpdateManager.createTileUpdaterForApplication();
backgroundTaskInstance.succeeded = true;
Finally do not forget to register the backgroundtask in your appxmanifest. Under "declarations" select "Background Task" and activate "Timer" and set "Start Page" to "App_JS\LiveTileTask.js". This way you should be able to update your Tile.
You use Azure and Push Notifications to send out notifications to all your app users:
I recommend you create an Azure Mobile Service. It's really easy and cheap and means you get all of the advantages of a separate push service (instead of a scheduled tile notification on the device) to send your push notifications but without all the work. You can sign up for a free trial if you'd like and create up to 10 mobile services for free. You just create a mobile services and then create a scheduled script that runs every 12 hours and in the script you write a little bit of server-side JavaScript code that does your push. That's just one of the things the Mobile Services gives you. You also get data, authentication, and more.

open layer GetFeatureInfo proxy setting

I have problems with this line,
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "proxy.cgi?url=";
What should do other than writing above line in open layer code set?
My information
I try to get feature information of WMS image using WMSGetFeatureInfo command.I am using openlayer 2.10 ,geoserver and apache-tomcat-6.0.35.I can run tomcat using localhost:8080 and geoserver using localhost:8080/geoserver.
I am new to open layer and i see Frequently Asked Questions about the OpenLayers project but still can't figure out the answer.Yours any answers are very help full for me?
Thanks for your valuable time.
This link could be useful: Openlayers Proxy path usage
Some of the tasks that OpenLayers performs (including WFS requests) require the use of a proxy script because of restrictions in JavaScript on the use of XMLHTTPRequest making requests to remote servers.
Add that specific declaration before setting the map.
Start from here:
Example of code:
* Fix for OpenLayers using 900913 for web mercator and AGS using 102113 (it must run before map init)
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.prototype.getFullRequestString = function(newParams,altUrl) {
try {
var projectionCode=typeof this.options.projection == 'undefined' ? : this.options.projection;
} catch(err){
this.params.SRS = projectionCode=="none" ? null : projectionCode;
return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.getFullRequestString.apply(this,arguments);
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = proxyPath;
var options = {
projection: mercator, //EPSG:3785/900913
displayProjection: geographic, //EPSG:4326
theme: null,
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34),
maxResolution: 156543.0339,
units: 'm',
controls: [],
numZoomLevels: MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL,
allOverlays: true
OpenLayers.Util.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 18;
mp = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
mp.addLayers([googlePhysical, googleSatellite, googleStreets, googleHybrid]);
//Enabling the preferred layers with a delay of 450 to be able to load the external backgrounds
setTimeout(setInitialLayersDiv, 450);
if (!mp.getCenter()) {
if (document.getElementById('userMapExtent').value != '') {
var sExtent = document.getElementById('userMapExtent').value.split(',');
mp.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(sExtent[0], sExtent[1], sExtent[2], sExtent[3]), true);
} else {

navigateToURL failed open up browser on iPad (Adobe Air)

Quick question, I am using Adobe AIR to develop an app under iPad. Why navigateToURL not open up the Safari under iPad? it works under Android.
if(e == 'pdf')
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e)
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
var url:String = '' + variables.roomid + '&userid=0';
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank'); // second argument is target
trace("Error occurred!");
Just wondering is it Adobe Air can't open browsers on Mobiles Devices at all?
I don't think you can expect that PDFs load like regular webpages on iOS. This is untested, but the idea is to create a StageWebView instance, using it to load the PDF:
var swv:StageWebView = new StageWebView();
swv.viewPort = new Rectangle(0,0,wid,ht);
swv.stage = stage;
swv.loadURL( someUrl );
See the Adobe docs on StageWebView as well.

InAppPurchases not working on PhoneGap App

I'm having some problems trying to get running inAppPurchases inside my iPhone phoneGap-based app.
I got the inAppPurchase-plugin on gitHub
Then i created my developer account, purchased de u$d 99, and made my inAppPurchase Catalog
Created my iTunes Connect account to get a Test User for this.
I placed all the plugins file where it says... And, if i try to run "alert(typeof window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager)" it shows "object" so, plugins are being loaded correctly!
The problem appears when i try to do my purchase..
I logout my itunes account, run my binary inside my iphone, and when i make the purchase i should see a prompt asking me for my test account information in order to make a symbolic purchase! But it never happens!
The javascript code (very basic) im trying to run is the following
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady(event) {
window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager.onPurchased = function(transactionIdentifier, productId, transactionReceipt) {
window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager.onRestored = function(originalTransactionIdentifier, productId, originalTransactionReceipt) {
window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager.onFailed = function(errorCode, errorText) {
function(productId, title, description, price) {
alert("data retrieved");
window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager.makePurchase(productId, 1);
function(id) {
alert("Invalid product id: " + id);
Hope you can help me! thank you!
You need to call js functions like window.plugins.inAppPurchaseManager.onPurchased in html.index for these functions to work.i.e these functions call onPurchased in js and correspondingly it will call obj-C functions.
(js function in index.html)->(js function in js file)->(objective-C function) the sequence.
Are you getting any invalid product ID's back? There are a lot of gotchas on Apple's end. Try reading through this guide to find what you need to get the product info request to return valid products.