NServiceBus Send-Only endpoints not generating heartbeats - nservicebus

I'm using NServiceBus.Core v6.4.3 and NServiceBus.Heartbeat v2.0.0
I have a console application running as a Scheduled Task, it extracts data and send commands to an endpoint for processing.
The console application is configured as a SendOnly endpoint.
My code is as follows:
// Local NServiceBus Configuration
var endpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration();
// Global NServiceBus & Ninject configuration
var conventions = new NServiceBusConventions();
// Create and start endpoint
var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static EndpointConfiguration EndpointConfiguration()
var configuration = new EndpointConfiguration("EndpointName");
// To ensure OctopusDeploy doesn't cause ServicePulse to think multiple services have been deployed
// http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/hosting/override-hostid
.UsingNames("EndpointName", Environment.MachineName);
return configuration;
public class NServiceBusConventions
public IKernel Kernel;
public void Customize(EndpointConfiguration configuration)
// Custom Logging Factory implementation
LogManager.UseFactory(new NServiceBusTraceLoggerFactory());
Kernel = NinjectCommon.Start();
configuration.UseContainer<NinjectBuilder>(b => b.ExistingKernel(Kernel));
var transport = configuration.UseTransport<MsmqTransport>();
// Enabled by default in MsmqTransport, but to ensure we have it
.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.Equals("Contracts.Commands"))
.DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.Equals("Contracts.Interfaces.Events"));
var scanner = configuration.AssemblyScanner();
var excludeRegexs = new List<string>
var baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(baseDirectory, "*.dll").Select(Path.GetFileName))
foreach (var pattern in excludeRegexs)
if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
Removing the configuration.SendOnly(); line in EndpointConfiguration makes the endpoint appear in ServicePulse, but it doesn't appear otherwise.
I knew this was an issue in previous versions, but I thought this had been fixed in NServiceBus V5.
I don't have to configure the endpoint as Send-Only, but I was just for completeness.

The reason behind the missing heartbeats was:
I have a console application running as a Scheduled Task, it extracts
data and send commands to an endpoint for processing.
The process would start fresh each time and the time taken to extract data, process and send the commands was too short for NServiceBus to get the heartbeat messages sent.
Putting an await Task.Delay(10000) at the end of the application was enough to allow NServiceBus to complete its necessary bootstrapping and didn't impact our SLA.
Thanks to Sean Farmar for his help in diagnosing


NServiceBus with RabbitMQ Simple event

I want to be able to used NServiceBus to add a message on a queue in RabbitMQ. I dont want to handle it yet so just want to see an item on the queue, my code is as follows, but I get this error when I run it?
I have been trying to look at the documentation but is seems overly confusing. I am familar with RabbitMq and using it as is or with the Rabbit client library, but NService bus seems to complicate and confuse the situation!
using Shared;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NServiceBus.RabbitMqTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("UserChanged");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<RabbitMQTransport>();
//transport.Routing().RouteToEndpoint(typeof(MyCommand), "Samples.RabbitMQ.SimpleReceiver");
var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).ConfigureAwait(false);
await SendMessages(endpointInstance);
//await endpointInstance.Publish(new UserChanged { UserId = 76 });
await endpointInstance.Stop().ConfigureAwait(false);
static async Task SendMessages(IMessageSession messageSession)
Console.WriteLine("Press [e] to publish an event. Press [Esc] to exit.");
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadKey();
switch (input.Key)
//case ConsoleKey.C:
// await messageSession.Send(new MyCommand());
// break;
case ConsoleKey.E:
await messageSession.Publish(new UserChanged { UserId = 87 });
case ConsoleKey.Escape:
Your endpoint is publishing the message as well as receiving it. Since there's no handler defined to handle the UserChanged messages (events), NServiceBus recoverability kicks in. Your options are
Declare the endpoint as send-only to avoid handling the messages when there are no handlers defined
Define a handler for UserChanged

How to control log level in ASP.Net core Integration tests

I am trying to limit the amount the log information being printed when running integration tests for asp.net core. Currently, everything down to debug level is being printed and it obscures useful information. I would really like to restrict it to warning and above.
I am running integration tests using the example at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/integration-tests?view=aspnetcore-2.2#customize-webapplicationfactory
public class CustomWebApplicationFactory<TStartup>
: WebApplicationFactory<TStartup> where TStartup: class
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
// Create a new service provider.
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
// Add a database context (ApplicationDbContext) using an in-memory
// database for testing.
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
// Build the service provider.
var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
// Create a scope to obtain a reference to the database
// context (ApplicationDbContext).
using (var scope = sp.CreateScope())
var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
var db = scopedServices.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
var logger = scopedServices
// Ensure the database is created.
// Seed the database with test data.
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred seeding the database. Error: {Message}", ex.Message);
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[4]
Hosting started
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[0]
Loaded hosting startup assembly BackEnd.Api
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
Request starting HTTP/2.0 GET http://localhost/test
dbug: Microsoft.AspNetCore.HostFiltering.HostFilteringMiddleware[0]
Wildcard detected, all requests with hosts will be allowed.
...lots more dbug logs...
Things I have tried in the ConfigureWebHost:
builder.ConfigureLogging(o =>
No effect. I could not come up with any other combination of levels and filters that had any effect.
builder.ConfigureLogging(o =>
Stops all logging, but that's not really what I want.
Try to use AddFilter like
builder.ConfigureLogging(o=> {
o.AddFilter(logLevel => logLevel >= LogLevel.Warning);
I resolved this for my case. In the appsettings.json for the asp.net core app I was testing, was the following config:
"Console": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Debug"
It seems that this would override any of the filtering or level changes I made in the code for the integration tests. Changing this level to Warning resolved my issue.

NServiceBus test client not receiving Messages

I am very new to NService Bus, so I am trying to get it working with a simple test solution using LearningPersistence, obviously this will be changed soon!
So I have 3 projects:
IceDataExtractor - Client which sends a message
IceProcessManager - Processes messages
Messages - Contains a single Message class Messages
I am using the standard code generated by NServiceBus.Bootstrap.WindowsService 2.0.1
Here is page I used as to get sample
I then modified as follows
Ice Data Extractor
private async Task AsyncOnStart()
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("IceDataExtractor");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<LearningTransport>();
transport.Routing().RouteToEndpoint(typeof(TestMessage), "IceProcessManager");
//TODO: optionally choose a different error queue. Perhaps on a remote machine
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/recoverability/
//TODO: optionally choose a different audit queue. Perhaps on a remote machine
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/operations/auditing
//TODO: For production use select a durable persistence.
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/persistence/
//TODO: For production use script the installation.
.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.StartsWith("Messages") &&
endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration)
**var testMessage = new TestMessage {Id = Guid.NewGuid()};
await endpoint.Send(testMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);**
catch (Exception exception)
logger.Fatal("Failed to start", exception);
Environment.FailFast("Failed to start", exception);
Ice Process Manager
private async Task AsyncOnStart()
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("IceDataExtractor");
var transport = **endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<LearningTransport>();
transport.Routing().RouteToEndpoint(typeof(TestMessage), "IceProcessManager");**
//TODO: optionally choose a different error queue. Perhaps on a remote machine
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/recoverability/
//TODO: optionally choose a different audit queue. Perhaps on a remote machine
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/operations/auditing
//TODO: For production use select a durable persistence.
// https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/persistence/
//TODO: For production use script the installation.
.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.StartsWith("Messages") &&
endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration)
var testMessage = new TestMessage {Id = Guid.NewGuid()};
await endpoint.Send(testMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception exception)
logger.Fatal("Failed to start", exception);
Environment.FailFast("Failed to start", exception);
TestMessage class
using System;
namespace Messages.Commands
public class TestMessage
public Guid Id { get; set; }
This all compiles and runs fine, other than performance warnings which I dont think matter
I have a message handler
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Messages.Commands;
using NServiceBus;
namespace IceProcessManager
public class TestMessageHandler : IHandleMessages<TestMessage>
public Task Handle(TestMessage message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
Console.WriteLine("Handled TEst MEssage ID:{0}", message.Id);
return Task.CompletedTask;
As you can see from the screenshot, no message is being received by the IceProcessManager. What am I doing wrong? I was thinking initially that I am sending the message too early, i.e. before the ProcessManager is up and running, but this not the problem because if I leave the ProcessManager running (i.e. run from explorer) then run the extractor, no message is receieved
Ideally I would like to have sent lots of messages to test this but I am not familiar with async stuff yet!
Can someone help please?
If I am not missing something you are using the same endpoint name for both instances?
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("IceDataExtractor");
While you are routing the message to "IceDataManager" which doesn't exist.
I guess you might have pasted the wrong code?

Dealing with Azure staging crazy URL

i'm deploying a webrole in azure that contains a web-site and a wcf service...
The site consumes services from the wcf.
The problem here is that the staging deploy creates a crazy url for the endpoints and i have to keep changing the endpoints in the web.config...
I'm wondering if theres a way to either "predict" what the url will be or to force one or even point to a generic host such as "localhost"???
You should be able to use role discovery to find the WCF endpoint. See this SO answer here and the blog post it links to.
My own abstract base class for connecting to azure services was based on that article. It uses role discovery to crate a channel like this:
#region Channel
protected String roleName;
protected String serviceName;
protected String endpointName;
protected String protocol = #"http";
protected EndpointAddress _endpointAddress;
protected BasicHttpBinding httpBinding;
protected NetTcpBinding tcpBinding;
protected IChannelFactory channelFactory;
protected T client;
protected virtual AddressHeader[] addressHeaders
return null;
protected virtual EndpointAddress endpointAddress
if (_endpointAddress == null)
var endpoints = RoleEnvironment.Roles[roleName].Instances.Select(i => i.InstanceEndpoints[endpointName]).ToArray();
var endpointIP = endpoints.FirstOrDefault().IPEndpoint;
if(addressHeaders != null)
_endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(String.Format("{1}://{0}/{2}", endpointIP, protocol, serviceName)), addressHeaders);
_endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(String.Format("{1}://{0}/{2}", endpointIP, protocol, serviceName));
return _endpointAddress;
protected virtual Binding binding
switch (protocol)
case "tcp.ip":
if (tcpBinding == null) tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();
return tcpBinding;
if (httpBinding == null) httpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
return httpBinding;
public virtual T Client
if (this.client == null)
this.channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(binding, endpointAddress);
this.client = ((ChannelFactory<T>)channelFactory).CreateChannel();
((IContextChannel)client).OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
var scope = new OperationContextScope(((IContextChannel)client));
return this.client;
And in a derived class I pass it the following variables (for example):
this.roleName = "WebServiceRole";
this.endpointName = "HttpInternal";
this.serviceName = "services/Accounts.svc";
I never need to refer to the staging (or production) URLs at all.
See my answer here for more details: Add WCF reference within the same solution without adding a service reference
There is no way to either predict the GUID, control it, or use some constant name.
What you can do, to make things easier, is to move the URL into .CSCFG and update the URL of the WCF service from Azure Management Portal

WCF ChannelFactory and channels - caching, reusing, closing and recovery

I have the following planned architecture for my WCF client library:
using ChannelFactory instead of svcutil generated proxies because
I need more control and also I want to keep the client in a separate
assembly and avoid regenerating when my WCF service changes
need to apply a behavior with a message inspector to my WCF
endpoint, so each channel is able to send its
own authentication token
my client library will be used from a MVC front-end, so I'll have to think about possible threading issues
I'm using .NET 4.5 (maybe it has some helpers or new approaches to implement WCF clients in some better way?)
I have read many articles about various separate bits but I'm still confused about how to put it all together the right way. I have the following questions:
as I understand, it is recommended to cache ChannelFactory in a static variable and then get channels out of it, right?
is endpoint behavior specific to the entire ChannelFactory or I can apply my authentication behavior for each channel separately? If the behavior is specific to the entire factory, this means that I cannot keep any state information in my endpoint behavior objects because the same auth token will get reused for every channel, but obviously I want each channel to have its own auth token for the current user. This means, that I'll have to calculate the token inside of my endpoint behavior (I can keep it in HttpContext, and my message inspector behavior will just add it to the outgoing messages).
my client class is disposable (implements IDispose). How do I dispose the channel correctly, knowing that it might be in any possible state (not opened, opened, failed ...)? Do I just dispose it? Do I abort it and then dispose? Do I close it (but it might be not opened yet at all) and then dispose?
what do I do if I get some fault when working with the channel? Is only the channel broken or entire ChannelFactory is broken?
I guess, a line of code speaks more than a thousand words, so here is my idea in code form. I have marked all my questions above with "???" in the code.
public class MyServiceClient : IDisposable
// channel factory cache
private static ChannelFactory<IMyService> _factory;
private static object _lock = new object();
private IMyService _client = null;
private bool _isDisposed = false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a channel for the service
/// </summary>
public MyServiceClient()
lock (_lock)
if (_factory == null)
// ... set up custom bindings here and get some config values
var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(myServiceUrl);
_factory = new ChannelFactory<IMyService>(binding, endpoint);
// ???? do I add my auth behavior for entire ChannelFactory
// or I can apply it for individual channels when I create them?
_client = _factory.CreateChannel();
public string MyMethod()
return _client.MyMethod();
private void RequireClientInWorkingState()
if (_isDisposed)
throw new InvalidOperationException("This client was disposed. Create a new one.");
// ??? is it enough to check for CommunicationState.Opened && Created?
if (state != CommunicationState.Created && state != CommunicationState.Opened)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The client channel is not ready to work. Create a new one.");
private void RecoverFromChannelFailure()
// ??? is it the best way to check if there was a problem with the channel?
if (((IChannel)_client).State != CommunicationState.Opened)
// ??? is it safe to call Abort? won't it throw?
// ??? and what about ChannelFactory?
// will it still be able to create channels or it also might be broken and must be thrown away?
// In that case, how do I clean up ChannelFactory correctly before creating a new one?
#region IDisposable
public void Dispose()
// ??? is it how to free the channel correctly?
// I've heard, broken channels might throw when closing
// ??? what if it is not opened yet?
// ??? what if it is in fault state?
_client = null;
_isDisposed = true;
I guess better late then never... and looks like author has it working, this might help future WCF users.
1) ChannelFactory arranges the channel which includes all behaviors for the channel. Creating the channel via CreateChannel method "activates" the channel. Channel factories can be cached.
2) You shape the channel factory with bindings and behaviors. This shape is shared with everyone who creates this channel. As you noted in your comment you can attach message inspectors but more common case is to use Header to send custom state information to the service. You can attach headers via OperationContext.Current
using (var op = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)proxy))
var header = new MessageHeader<string>("Some State");
var hout = header.GetUntypedHeader("message", "urn:someNamespace");
3) This is my general way of disposing the client channel and factory (this method is part of my ProxyBase class)
public virtual void Dispose()
protected void CloseChannel()
if (((IChannel)_client).State == CommunicationState.Opened)
catch (TimeoutException /* timeout */)
// Handle the timeout exception
catch (CommunicationException /* communicationException */)
// Handle the communication exception
protected void CloseFactory()
if (Factory.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
catch (TimeoutException /* timeout */)
// Handle the timeout exception
catch (CommunicationException /* communicationException */)
// Handle the communication exception
4) WCF will fault the channel not the factory. You can implement a re-connect logic but that would require that you create and derive your clients from some custom ProxyBase e.g.
protected I Channel
lock (_channelLock)
if (! object.Equals(innerChannel, default(I)))
ICommunicationObject channelObject = innerChannel as ICommunicationObject;
if ((channelObject.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) || (channelObject.State == CommunicationState.Closed))
// Channel is faulted or closing for some reason, attempt to recreate channel
innerChannel = default(I);
if (object.Equals(innerChannel, default(I)))
Debug.Assert(Factory != null);
innerChannel = Factory.CreateChannel();
((ICommunicationObject)innerChannel).Faulted += new EventHandler(Channel_Faulted);
return innerChannel;
5) Do not re-use channels. Open, do something, close is the normal usage pattern.
6) Create common proxy base class and derive all your clients from it. This can be helpful, like re-connecting, using pre-invoke/post invoke logic, consuming events from factory (e.g. Faulted, Opening)
7) Create your own CustomChannelFactory this gives you further control how factory behaves e.g. Set default timeouts, enforce various binding settings (MaxMessageSizes) etc.
public static void SetTimeouts(Binding binding, TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? debugTimeout = null)
if (timeout == null)
timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 0);
if (debugTimeout == null)
debugTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0);
if (Debugger.IsAttached)
binding.ReceiveTimeout = debugTimeout.Value;
binding.SendTimeout = debugTimeout.Value;
binding.ReceiveTimeout = timeout.Value;
binding.SendTimeout = timeout.Value;