Festival unit selection voice Missing diphone: # hash - text-to-speech

Some background: In trying to build a unit selection voice I followed the steps here: https://github.com/CSTR-Edinburgh/CSTR-Edinburgh.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2016-8-21-Multisyn_unit_selection.md and used a voice definition from here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSTR-Edinburgh/merlin/master/egs/hybrid_synthesis/s1/voice_definition_files/unit_selection/cstr_us_awb_arctic_multisyn.scm. Unfortunately, the wavs were too noisy so I ended up hand-labelling them and skipping the automatic labelling process.
The voice is ok now but still needs some work. One error that occurs constantly is that festival reports "Missing diphone" for any pause to phone transition, e.g.:
festival> (utt.relation.print (SayText "I can say anything I want.") 'Unit)
Missing diphone: #_ay
diphone still missing, backing off: #_ay
backed off: #_ay -> #_ax
diphone still missing, backing off: #_ax
backed off: #_ay -> #_#
diphone still missing, backing off: #_#
backed off: #_ay ->
Missing diphone: ey_eh
Interword so inserting silence.
diphone still missing, backing off: ey_#
backed off: ey_eh -> ax_#
diphone still missing, backing off: ax_#
backed off: ey_eh -> #_#
diphone still missing, backing off: #_#
backed off: ey_eh ->
Missing diphone: #_eh
diphone still missing, backing off: #_eh
backed off: #_eh -> #_ax
diphone still missing, backing off: #_ax
backed off: #_eh -> #_#
diphone still missing, backing off: #_#
backed off: #_eh ->
Missing diphone: t_#
diphone still missing, backing off: t_#
backed off: t_# -> #_#
diphone still missing, backing off: #_#
backed off: t_# ->
I tried replacing sil and sp (from the automatic process) in the labels with pau and h# (in order to correspond with the silences used in festival/lib/radio_phones.scm), and I also tried replacing them with just # but this didn't change anything. The source wav/labs definitely contain the transitions above (e.g. several start with "I can") but festival never seems to use these.
How can I get festival to use the pause to phone transitions in the source data?

What was happening was when I was running a script based on the Multisyn unit selection the build_utts part was failing and skipping because the hand-labelled labels didn't match exactly what Festival would have predicted. For example, if the speaker had said "extreme" as eh k s ... but Festival would calculate ih k s ... the build_utts script would fail with an error like:
align missmatch at ih (0.000000) eh (2.810566)
I manually ran the build_utts script for each utterance and adjusted the label accordingly. If, like me, you are foolish enough to try hand-labelling yourself a couple of tips that helped me:
Consider removing any phone closures such as t_cl or d_cl as these can really mess it up when it's trying to match
Make sure there is a pause (i.e. #) at the start and end of each utterance as the build_utts script won't complain about it but when running the voice in Festival you will get an error like:
-=-=-=-=-=- EST Error -=-=-=-=-=-
{FND} Feature end not defined
Thanks to #NikolayShmyrev for pointing me in the right direction. He also recommended using Ossian instead of Festival which uses python rather than Festival's fairly difficult code.


Roblox tds game

Im making a tower defense game in roblox and im wondering how to script towers having special effects when they hit a zombie, for example, freeze, slowness, poison etc. And how to make specific zombies immune to some of these effects.
What you could do is put a script in the zombie that can interpret what tower hit it and decide if it should deal damage or effects or something like that.
i would just have some numvalues inside the zombie and when u hit it change the value up 1 point and have another script in the value which will activate the effect and once the effect has been activated it removes 1 from the value.
u can change this around to fit the different effects so for a bleed effect you can name the value bleed and in the damage script when you hit a enemy it will findfirstchild for bleed and add 1 to the value and have another script within the value doing the bleed damage which would be something like
local bleedvalue = script.parent.value
local enemytype = script.parent.parent:waitforchild("humanoid")
while wait(tick speed) do
if script.parent.value < 0 then
bleedvalue = bleedvalue - (ammount you want removed per tick)
enemytype.health = enemytype.health - (damage ammount and health can be changed out for speed or can straight up just anchor the zombie for a freeze)
this was just off the top of my head so sorry if its wrong but i hope i helped anyone who may be seeking a alternative

Disable newline on assignment

I just started using IntelliJ and my first impression is "what the hell is this ugly-ass formatting?"
For whatever reason, the IntelliJ formatter adds a newline after the equals operator, so I am stuck with this:
fun setTo(
vec: Vec2F) {
x =
y =
I want it to look like this:
fun setTo(vec: Vec2F) {
x = vec.x
y = vec.y
But I can't find the setting for it in the IntelliJ settings. Can someone tell me where it is?
That's bizarre behaviour, which I've never seen…*  It should behave rather better than that, especially when first installed!
The exact setting is probably Preferences → Editor → Code Style → Kotlin → Wrapping and Braces → Assignment statement.
But you might want to try resetting the whole scheme (at the top of that pane), either by reselecting a scheme or clicking on Set from… → Kotlin style guide.
(* I rarely use an automatic formatter, though, because I haven't found one that formats as well as I do :-)

Can't declare constant variable locally Error installing Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach Code on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr - Common Lisp

Im installing the code for the book Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach i got here http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/lisp/doc/install.html its the lisp version im installing btw
I'm on Ubuntu Trusty using Emacs SBCL slime, I placed the code in ~/.emacs.d
so per the instructions at above link i run (load "/home/w/.emacs.d/aima/code/aima.lisp")
which loads fine i get "T" as output
i run (aima-load 'all) that works I get "T" as output
but when i run (aima-compile) I get the error
Can't declare constant variable locally special: +NO-BINDINGS+
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
I'm not sure I understand the error I read the Hyperspec on Declare and Special but that didn't help. I'm not opposed to a hack to make this work so if someone can help me reword the code or figure out if its a emacs setting or sbcl setting i could change to get the aforementioned variable declared that would be great. The error message is referring to this file /home/w/.emacs.d/aima/code/logic/algorithms/tell-ask.lisp
this section
(defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb) query fn)
"For each proof of query, call fn on the substitution that
the proof ends up with."
(declare (special +no-bindings+))
(for each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn +no-bindings+))))
I verified all the permisions of all the files in my aima folder are set to read write for my username with my username as owner as a step to correct....but as far as understanding the error I could use help figuring out the next step one would take to debug this...The code is downloadable here http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/lisp/code.tar.gz and its an easy install for a veteran emacs/lisp user....any help is appreciated.
Using SBCL:
I tried loading the AIMA code as well, with the same problem in SBCL. Just comment out line in ./logic/algorithms/tell-ask.lisp:
(declare (special +no-bindings+))
like so
;;(declare (special +no-bindings+))
, or delete the whole line altogether. Nevertheless, this is what I did:
(defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb) query fn)
"For each proof of query, call fn on the substitution that
the proof ends up with."
;;(declare (special +no-bindings+))
(for each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn +no-bindings+))))
You will still have an issue running (aims-compile) with SBCL. It will complain about some constants being redefined. Just look at the possible restarts and select every time:
0: [CONTINUE] GO ahead and change the value.
Do this as many times (about 6 times that is) as it needs to, and it will load eventually. This is probably happening because of AIMA's code non-standard build/compile system. This can be annoying, but an alternative is to trace the code and see why/where some files are being reloaded.
USING Clozure (CCL):
CCL has a different problem with ./utilities/utilities.lisp. CCL has both true and false functions predefined, therefore you have to make sure that both lines:
#-(or MCL Lispworks)
that directly precede both (defun true ...) and (defun false ...) are changed to:
#-(or MCL Lispworks CCL)
also, in the same source, modify error inside for-each macro to look like so:
(error "~a is an illegal variable in (for each ~a in ~a ...)"
var var list)
With these modifications, CCL seems load AIMA code just fine.
In general:
It's a bad idea to redefine constants or to somehow bypass debugger restarts. Best solution is to have (defconstant ...)s evaluated once only, perhaps by placing them in a separate source file and making sure that the build system picks it up only once.
Another solution found here, which entails wrapping calls to defconstantin a macro like so (borrowed from here):
(defmacro define-constant (name value &optional doc)
(if (boundp name)
(format t
"~&already defined ~A~%old value ~s~%attempted value ~s~%"
name (symbol-value name) value))
`(defconstant ,name (if (boundp ',name) (symbol-value ',name) ,value)
,#(when doc (list doc))))
And then replacing all occurrences of defconstant like so:
(defconstant +no-bindings+ '((nil))
"Indicates unification success, with no variables.")
(define-constant +no-bindings+ '((nil))
"Indicates unification success, with no variables.")
If you opt for define-constant "solution", make sure that define-constant is evaluated first.

Creating robust real-time monitors for variables

We can create a real-time monitor for a variable like this:
CreatePalette#Panel#Row[{"x = ", Dynamic[x]}]
(This is more interesting and useful if x happens to be something like $Assumptions. It's so easy to set a value and then forget about it.)
Unfortunately this stops working if the kernel is re-launched (Quit[], then evaluate something). The palette won't show changes in the value of x any more.
Is there a way to do this so it keeps working even across kernel sessions? I find myself restarting the kernel quite often. (If the resulting palette causes the kernel to be automatically started after Quit that's fine.)
Update: As mentioned in the comments, it turns out that the palette ceases working only if we quit by evaluating Quit[]. When using Evaluation -> Quit Kernel -> Local, it will keep working.
Link to same question on MathGroup.
I can only guess, because on my Ubuntu here the situations seems buggy. The trick with the Quit from the menu like Leonid suggested did not work here. Another one is: on a fresh Mathematica session with only one notebook open:
x = 1
x = 2
gives as expected
Typing in the next line Quit, evaluating and typing then x=3 updates only the first of the Dynamic[x].
Nevertheless, have you checked the command
This gives not only the tracked symbols but additionally some kind of ID where the dynamic content belongs. If you can find out, what exactly these numbers are and investigate in the other functions you find in the Internal context, you may be able to add your palette Dynamic-content manually after restarting the kernel.
I thought I had something like that with
but I'm currently not able to reproduce the behavior.
#halirutan's answer jarred my memory...
Have you ever come across: Experimental/ref/ValueFunction? (documentation address)
Although the documentation contains no examples, the 'more information' section provides the following tidbit:
The assignment ValueFunction[symb] = f specifies that whenever
symb gets a new value val, the expression f[symb,val] should be

How to really trap all errors with $etrap in Intersystems Caché?

I've been banging my head a lot because of this. In the way that $etrap (error handling special variable) was conceived you must be careful to really trap all errors. I've been partially successful in doing this. But I'm still missing something, because when run in user mode (application mode) there are internal Cache library errors that are still halting the application.
What I did was:
set sc=$$ProcessXProtected(var)
w !,"after routine call"
quit sc
new $etrap
;This stops Cache from processing the error before this context. Code
; will resume at the line [w !,"after routine call"] above
set $etrap="set $ECODE = """" quit:$quit 0 quit"
set sc=1
set sc=$$ProcessHelper(var)
quit sc
new $etrap
; this code tells Cache to keep unwindind error handling context up
; to the previous error handling.
set $etrap="quit:$quit 0 quit"
do AnyStuff^Anyplace(var)
quit 1
; Call anything, which might in turn call many sub routines
; The important point is that we don't know how many contexts
; will be created from now on. So we must trap all errors, in any
; case.
;Call internal Cache library
After all this, I can see that when I call the program from a prompt it works! But when I call from Cache Terminal Script (application mode, I was told) it fails and aborts the program (the error trapping mechanism doesn't work as expected).
Is is possible that an old-style error trap ($ZTRAP) is being set only in Usermode?
The documentation on this is pretty good, so I won't repeat it all here, but a key point is that $ZTRAP isn't New-ed in the same way as $ETRAP. In a way, it is "implicitly new-ed", in that its value only applies to the current stack level and subsequent calls. It reverts to any previous value once you Quit up past the level it was set in.
Also, I'm not sure if there's a defined order of precedence between $ETRAP and $ZTRAP handlers, but if $ZTRAP is of higher precedence, that would override your $ETRAPs.
You could try setting $ZTRAP yourself right before you call the library function. Set it to something different than $ETRAP so you can be sure which one was triggered.
Even that might not help though. If $ZTRAP is being set within the library function, the new value will be in effect, so this won't make a difference. This would only help you if the value of $ZTRAP came from somewhere further up the stack.
You didn't mention what library function caused this. My company has source code for some library functions, so if you can tell me the function name I'll see what I can find. Please give me the value of $ZVersion too so I can be sure we're talking about the same version of Cache.