Gulp error - EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory - npm

I would like to expose my problem here because I have been struggling for several weeks to configure Gulp stably on my Raspberry server.
When I run Gulp within my project, I always have the following error lines that appear :
enter image description here
The research I conducted with this concern did not lead me to anything. I was confronted with this problem three times: the first two times, I completely reinstalled the NPM extensions by having to use the --unsafe-perm prefix. This solution worked on the moment but when I had to restart Gulp, the problem reappeared. Today, even by reinstalling Gulp and NPM modules that I use, I always get these lines of errors, no matter what solutions I try, nothing is conclusive: changing permissions etc ...
Do you have any leads to tell me?
Thanks in advance (and sorry for my English, I'm French!)


Using "force=true" in .npmrc triggers warning message: how to disable it?

In my project we have some dependencies that work well together but their versions have some conflicts, and this forces us to use --force whenever we want to run npm i.
To avoid confusions and errors between developers, I've created an .npmrc file with the force=true parameter so it runs with --force by default:
However, this does not only affect the install script, but also others like start and test, which makes an annoying warning message to appear over and over again:
This message appears in the middle of other printed messages in console, and it appears many times. When executing tests, it also appears in between console.log and other traces, making them hard to read as it just replaces the content. This is the trace of a failed test:
Is there any way I can disable this warning message (or make it appear just once, as it should be)?
Although this does not solve exactly the problem, it gets rid of it. Add --loglevel=error as a parameter or, if you're using an .npmrc file, just add:
This will get rid of the WARN messages.
However, this does not solve the initial problem, as those WARN messages should not interfere with other log traces in the console in the first place, and that they should be squashed to be shown just once and not so many times as they offer no valuable information and just add noise to the traces.

Understanding NPM vulnerability - tunnel-agent

So I have a vulnerability in a package named tunnel-agent. After running npm audit the packages which depend on this package are listed:
OK great, I update this and everything is fine? NO.. Still listing as vulnerable, so now I start on the rabbit hole of looking where this leads.
Running npm list tunnel-agent I get to find out who's depending on this package.
So now the vulnerability is fixed in tunnel-agent#0.6.0but I've got one thing saying it's using tunnel-agent#0.4.3. But this is in the same package gatsby-plugin-sharp so why's it not fixed?
I head off to github issues and find that because gatsby-plugin-sharp uses imagemin-mozjpeg > caw#1.2.0 > tunnel-agent#0.4.3 I'm still stuck right?
So what I'm asking is, without relying on plugin authors to update their dependencies, how would you go about using caw#2.0.1 which then uses tunnel-agent#0.6.0 to remove this vulnerability once and for all?
This is all environment variables.
But you could fork the open pull request that have not been merged published. Then create your on npm packages that have the fixes.
yarn negates these errors.
And ‘yarn’ doesn’t have these issue. Since it is designed for local scope.

Using blogdown with Windows

Everything looks successful with loading blogdown and installing Hugo, but when I go to generate a new site in an empty folder, I get the following warning message:
running command '"C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\Hugo\hugo.exe" new site "." --force -f toml' had status 127
It's a particularly unhelpful message because it doesn't even turn up answers on google. Any ideas where the problem might be? Everything I am running (R, RStudio, packages) is up to date.

JHipster Run Again But Failed

Yeserday I was creating jhipster and create entity (Author and Book) same as tutorial and run perfectly, but however today I run again (using gradlew bootRun) but the result is blank, the command is run without error, but the page is blank (only shows footer) . Please somebody help me to resolve my problem?
the first looking command, could not find specific ehcache for Books, Author, Author Books
after adding ehcache.xml for Book, Author, and Author.books but the result still remain blank page
Make sure that you've started grunt using grunt serve, or the equivalent command for gulp if you're using that.
Open up your web console using F12 and check for any "resource not found" errors. If you see a lot of errors, try deleting your bower_components folder then rerunning bower install.
The ehcache warnings can be safely ignored.

Simpless not compiling automatically

My simpLESS stylesheets have stopped compiling automatically. If I open the actual simpLESS program and click the refresh icon it builds them without a problem.
But it's stopped listening to when I save them. Anyone know how to make simpLESS listen again?
Well I got in touch with the SimpLESS technical support guys at, they said "I noticed that from time to time, too. When I remove the indexed LESS files from SimpLESS and restart the App, it seems to be working again."
I tried that, it failed, so I uninstalled and reinstalled SimpLESS, then reindexed files, now it's working again.
Simpless will not warn you if you're missing a variable declaration... it just won't compile, which is really confusing since in will warn you for other errors. It appears as if Simpless just stopped working.
What you should do is paste your code here: to find what variables you aren't declaring, then fix it in the original LESS file, then SimpLESS will continue working fine.