could not execute command lessc in odoo 10 Windows - odoo

I want to ask about odoo 10 installation on windows.
I have error like this "could not execute command 'lessc' "
I have seen in another post about this problem, but their post just discussing about mac and ubuntu server not in windows.
Anyone can help me about this for windows? Thank you

You need NodeJS:
Less CSS via nodejs
on Windows, install nodejs, reboot (to update the PATH) and install less:
C:\> npm install -g less
From odoo website:


Linux Subsystem can't install and recognize packages

I am using windows and didn't wanted to switch to linux. I still wanted to learn it so I downloaded ubuntu subsystem for windows. It works fine and I can also execute linux commands on it. But the problem is I can't check my pip version using "pip --version" command also I can't access nodejs . It says that node isn't recognized. But it is working fine on my cmd windows terminal. How can I make it work ? Do I really have to download all these packages again after running "sudo apt update" command.
Yes, you have to download all these packages again for Ubuntu-WSL. That is because WSL is not compatible with windows executable, just like Ubuntu is supposed to be.

Stencil - is not recognized as an internal or external command

I just got a new machine from IT and tried to install all the requirements on this page.
Windows 7 | Git for Windows | node-v4.6.1 x64 | Python 2.7.13 x64 | Visual Studio Community 2015
I followed the steps. I installed every software (the versions specified in the instruction, 64bit). I ran the command on the page. Everything was smooth except I couldn't run stencil command. It says "stencil" is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I did some research on it and it looks like it has to do with Environment Variables but I don't know where to start with..
What am I missing?
Try a fresh node install and then npm install again. It sounds like a permission or installation issue.
After installing both Python and Node.js, you should configure Python within the Node.js runtime environment by running this npm command:
npm config set python python2.7

Laravel valet linked php error

I got an error.
$ valet install
Unable to determine linked PHP.
'which' command returns:
$ which php
I used Homebrew to instal php7.1 , So I ran this command in terminal
ln -s /usr/local/opt/php71/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php
and everything is done.
if your PHP version 7.x and valet > 2.0.8 update valet
valet stop
valet uninstall
brew install php
composer global require laravel/valet
then valet install
Homebrew creates (or attempts to create) symlinks in /usr/local/bin.
Start by running the following to attempt to create a link.
brew link php70
It'll give you information as to whether or not it was successful. Occasionally permissions are problematic and you can resolve this with
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/bin
Then try running the brew link command again.
Alternately brew link may give you instructions, or you can use brew doctor to get a report on any problems which exist with your Homebrew installation.
When it's set up properly after running ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep bin/php$ you should see something similar to
lrwxr-xr-x 1 YOURUSER admin 29 10 May 21:40 php -> /usr/local/Cellar/php70/7.0.6/bin/php
I was going to update Laravel Valet from version 1.* to 2 and ran same error like this
Unable to determine linked PHP
The solution was to run
composer global update
before I ran
valet install
This happens when your brew php gets Updated.
If you do brew install php this will work but will install php 7.2 by default.
If you want php#7.1 you have to do brew install php#7.1 this will install php7.1 and now when you restart valet valet restart you might get an error. Unable to determine linked PHP.
To make this work with php7.1 you have make brew link
brew link php71
you may have this error
Warning: php#7.1 is keg-only and must be linked with
to fix this
brew link --force php71
now valet should work on php7.1
I tried all of the suggestions here—and several from elsewhere—before I hit on the solution. This applies to PHP 7.2 (no guarantee for other versions). If you are using the original Larvel Valet, open the file:
...or, if you're using Valet+
Locate the supportedPhpVersions method. In some versions, it will return an array right in the method:
return ['php72', 'php71', 'php70', 'php56'];
Change this to:
return ['7.2', 'php72', 'php71', 'php70', 'php56'];
In other cases, it'll reference const SUPPORTED_PHP_VERSIONS, and the change will be similar.
Save the file, restart valet, and Bob's your uncle!

Appium does not start with non sudo installation

Platform: Ubuntu 14.10
Appium - 1.3.7
One similar question I had come across -
How to setup Appium in Ubuntu for android
and following suggestion, I install npm via HomeBrew
And eventually, appium execution fails with error -
error: Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo. Please rerun/install as a non-root user. If you had to install Appium using `sudo npm install -g appium`, the solution is to reinstall Node using a method (Homebrew, for example) that doesn't require sudo to install global npm packages.
Is there anything I missed?
Appium allows to run under sudo since 1.2.3: source
apparently I was on wrong directory when invoking invoking appium. I should be in /node-v0.12.2-linux-x64/bin$ and invoke appium.
even though I was in wrong directory, the error message I received was so descriptive (and misleading) that it made me believe that I installed appium in wrong way.

How to install apxs on xampp

I have a site I'm running off an Apache server, and I want to run a python script using the server and the web browser. I'm using xampp, and I have researched that I have to use modwsgi, and I have downloaded the zip and unpacked it onto my desktop. Now using command prompt I run install
The first time I did this, I didn't have setup tools installed for python (I have python 2.7.8 and I'm on Windows 7 64 bit), so I went ahead and downloaded that, but now when I run the command again I get the following message
RuntimeError: The 'apxs' command appears to not to be installed or is not exectuable.
Please check the list of prerequistes in the documentation for the package and install
any missing Apache httpd server packages.
How exactly do I install apxs because I don't have Apache but xampp?
I was installing apxs on XAMPP in Windows. I wrote a blog post with the complete solution (in Spanish). I basically compiled my own version of apxs. The steps were:
Install ActiveState Perl for Windows
Add C:\xampp\apache\bin to the environment variable Path
Download apxs from here
Unzip tar.gz file in C:\xampp\apache\bin.
ppm install dmake
cd c:\xampp\apache\bin\apxs
perl --with-apache2=C:\xampp\apache