After updating Fody from 2.0.0 (sample solution) to 2.3.1, assembly does not get built with debug information. - fody

Update from 2.0.0 to 2.3.1 in Fody, causes VS2015 to not build the assembly with debug information, meaning it's impossible to put a break point. If I revert back to 2.0.0, it builds with debug info and break points come back. The same Debug build configuration is used. I also NuGet PropertyChanged.Fody but this problem occurs if I update Fody. I used PropertyChanged.Fody 2.2.0 for both cases.

try updating to version 2.3.2
and in the future it is better to raise issues here


Leiningen > 2.8.1 and Cursive?

Does Cursive support Leiningen at versions above 2.8.1? If so, how do I make Cursive aware of a newer version? I am currently on 2.8.3 - with no standalone.jar.
Thank you.
I've just released a 1.8.1-eap3 which includes support for recent lein versions. They haven't received the extensive testing that I like to give new lein versions though (the integration is very brittle), so please report any issues in the tracker. Assuming there are no serious problems I'll try to get this into a stable build soon.
If you're not currently set up to use EAP versions, instructions for how to do so are here.
Thanks for posting because it helped me discover an issue with my own installation of Leiningen.
Version 2.8.2 of Leiningen has a breaking change to use 0.5.0 of nREPL instead of tools.nrepl 0.2.13 previously. I’m guessing this requires a code change that the author of Cursive is not yet ready to release. This also affects other libraries that have a dependency on nREPL such as piggieback.
I ended up downloading a local copy of 2.8.1 into my project because I couldn’t downgrade my brew installed version from 2.9.0.

How to resolve error "Failed to resolve: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7..." when building in Android Studio

I've created a new project by checking the "include kotlin" box in Android Studio 3 and out of the box I get an error while compiling
"Failed to resolve: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7..."
I have made sure all plugins are up to date and that the Android SDK is properly installed.
How can I solve for this error?
kotlin-stdlib-jre[7/8] was deprecated a while ago, and has since been removed. The deprecation note was kept until 1.2.71, which was the last version to release those artifacts. The official deprecation notice can be found here. Using any of the deprecated versions (before it was removed) should also produce a warning in (at least) Android Studio and IntelliJ.
Use kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 instead. It's the same dependency as kotlin-stdlib-jre7 (except newer), but it was re-named to kotlin-stdlib-jdk. kotlin-stdlib-jre is now no longer maintained as a separate dependency.
Both IntelliJ and Android Studio currently generate new projects using kotlin-stdlib-jre7; this likely is a bug. They have probably not updated the project generators. Therefore, you have to manually replace the dependencies with working ones until they fix this. This is dependent on the Kotlin plugin. Update it if you haven't. I haven't checked whether it's been patched or not - if it has, that only fixes the creation of new projects. For updating from older versions, the rest of the answer still applies
You naturally have to do this if you're on 1.2.71 or lower, and you're upgrading to 1.3.0 or higher.
These are the new valid dependencies as of Kotlin 1.3.0:
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
Where $kotlinVersion is either a variable containing the version, or a hard-coded version (i.e. 1.3.0)
Alternatively, you can use the "plain" stdlib (kotlin-stdlib) instead of the JDK-specific versions. But you have to change your dependency either way, so I recommend you go with kotlin-stdlib-jdk7, or if you plan on using Java 8, kotlin-stdlib-jdk8
The newest versions of the dependencies can also be found here. jdk7, jdk8, and the version-unspecific stdlib all follow the same versions (as per this edit - this could change in the future, but there'll likely be notices before that change happens), so whether you check jdk8, jdk7 or the regular one, all the versions should be universally available across the stdlib artifacts.
Note for other build systems
The same actual solution applies to other build systems as well, but the code is different. As there are a lot of build systems, I'm not going to include all of them, but the point is changing the artifact from kotlin-stdlib-jre[num] to kotlin-stdlib-jdk[num] (without brackets of course). Or, as mentioned earlier, kotlin-stdlib.
Independently of the build system, this bases itself on access to Maven Central and similar repositories. If your build system doesn't support this, and/or breaks with Maven-style conventions and repositories, you'll have to find what works for your build system.
Use org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version or org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version (depending on which version you originally used) instead.
Remove this line from the build.gradle:
Add this line in the build.gradle:
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
Update the version build.gradle in project level:
kotlin version='1.3.0'

RazorJS - Could not load type 'System.Web.Razor.Parser.MarkupParser'

When I try to use #Html.RazorJSInline() function I get
Could not load type 'System.Web.Razor.Parser.MarkupParser'
When I try to use #Html.RazorJSInclude() RazorJs is generating path to JS file but then I get the same error when trying to open the file with browser.
I think it is caused by that the RazorJS was designed for Razor 1...
Does anybody find out some nice workaround?
Got here a bit late, but I hit a similar problem when trying to call RazorEngine's Razor.Parse(). I also got this message:
Could not load type 'System.Web.Razor.Parser.MarkupParser'
I was at the time using RazorEngine version 3.0.8. This issue was apparently resolved in a later version of RazorEngine (3.1.0)
So upgrading the package to this version fixed it for me.
I used the following command in the NuGet Package Manager Console to upgrade to the fixed version:
PM> Update-Package RazorEngine -Version 3.1.0
At the moment, RazorEngine is already a bunch of versions further (I think currently 3.7.2) but upgrading all the way to this version wasn't really an option for us, as this would've required quite a bit of refactoring in existing code. If this isn't an issue for you, you could always try the latest version.

Ant Script (qnx.xml) fails while packaging BB10 build

I have created an application for BB10 using IBM Worklight. The application version currently on production in v1.0. The application descriptor has version 1.0 for BB10.
I want to promote a new build with version 1.1. But, before releasing the build, I want to create interim builds for testing. Ex: 1.001, 1.002 and so on.
I am using antcontrib qnx.xml to package and sign blackberry 10 builds. When using this build process, the blackberry10 build fails stating: Native Packager exception occurred.
Also, from Worklight perspective, the versions that we can provide is only in format x.y. We cannot have x.y.z as the version in the application descriptor.
In such a situation, how do I fix this issue of releasing interim builds with version 1.001, 1.002 and then release the final build 1.1?
You mention an exception, but do not provide any other details such as reproduction steps. Not helpful.
What makes you think that in application-descriptor.xml you can only use x.y as the version number? I used 1.0.1 and 1.0001 w/out any issues. You'll need to better explain your issue.
<blackberry10 version="1.0.1"/>

Worklight 5.0.6 wipes out native customizations in shell

I upgraded my environment to v5.0.6. Problem is that everytime i start Eclipse it does this:
[2013-04-19 18:38:41] FWLST1017I: [AppShell] upgraded to the latest
platform version.
When this upgrade takes place, it reverts my templates and adds class files to the iphone\native folder and removes the plugins I configured in the shell:
Removes all my custom plugins from components/AppShell/iphone/native/Classes
Resets project.pbxproj.wltemplate.wluser to stock removing includes for my classes
Resets config.xml.wluser removing all mappings to my plugins
It also always shows at the end of the upgrade process:
Failed to upgrade Worklight project 'AppMobile' to the latest platform
version. [null]
Is that why it keeps running the upgrade and reverting my changes?
According to your question, you have some .wluser files, which means that something is wrong with your project.
Can you please let me know whether the problem still exists and whether you still have those files in you project?