cloud_name in tag or in configuration, how can I override this ? - cloudinary

I'm currently working on a project for a company. When i cloned the code and trying to launch the server, I have this error
Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration
Anyone have a solution to override this ?

The Cloudinary error "Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration" message usually means that the Cloudinary library doesn't have your account properly configured, so it doesn't know which Cloudinary account to work with.
You can either set the cloud name directly in your methods, like this (for example in Ruby):
<%= cl_image_path("myImage.jpg", :cloud_name => cloudname)%>
Alternatively, you can globally configure your account, as explained here (for Rails, you can find your preferred SDK documentation).


How do I need to configure MongooseIM to allow registering new users? Getting error: Can't register user at node: not_allowed

I am currently trying to add chat functionality with MongooseIM to an app that already comes with users/accounts.
The idea was to add a mongooseIM chat server and register all existing (and future) users with their user ID in mongooseIM.
I am working with the mongooseIM docker container and have set up a docker compose that loads custom configuration.
In the custom configuration, I have added the admin REST API and can do requests like listing all registered users or the available commands.
Whenever a new user should be registered through the API, I get the response:
Can't register user at node: not_allowed and a 500 status code.
Trying to register a user through mongooseimctl returns Error: account_unprivileged.
What I tried
I think I have been reading through the documentation and google results for about 6 hours by now.
Testing with the standard docker container (and no extra configuration) works from the command line, but I failed testing the API because I do not know how to access the API then (or if it is enabled at all). Maybe someone has a hint on this for me?
One idea was that the action really is not allowed, but the /commands route of the admin interface contains the register_user action in the results, so I think its enabled/allowed:
"action" => "create",
"category" => "users",
"desc" => "Register a user",
"name" => "register_user"
When using the default docker container and trying to register a user for a non-existent domain also results in "not_allowed", so this could be a configuration problem. I have a host name configured in my mongooseim.toml config file:
loglevel = "warning"
hosts = ["myhost"]
default_server_domain = "myhost"
language = "en"
I am quite positive I am missing some configuration/setup somewhere and would appreciate any hints/help.
Edit 1
I added dummy authorization (== no authorization) to the config file:
methods = ["dummy"]
Now, I no longer get a "not_allowed" error.
Instead, the response always states the user already exists, while requesting the user list always returns an empty list.
I tried sending messages between made-up user jids, i get no errors, but also no messages are returned for any users.
"dummy" method is for testing only. It makes any user to exist (check ejabberd_auth_dummy.erl code, it is really just a dummy without any implementation).
You should use internal or rdbms auth_methods instead.
rdbms method would need an rdbms connection configured.
internal method is used to store users in Mnesia (but Mnesia backends are not recommended because RDBMS just works more reliably and efficiently).

Tag missing from API Gateway when using tags in serverless

I put tag information in tags in provider of serverless.yml. After executing sls deploy, I checked lambda from console of AWS, tag setting was done. However, when we confirmed the apigateway from AWS' console, the tag information was empty.
How can I tag information to the API gateway resource?
Tags for API Gateway arrived after serverless' core functionality was developed.
There is an open issue on Github discussing the inclusion of this functionality.
Right now you'll have to use the serverless-tag-api-gateway plugin to manually add tags to these resources.

no api for file system even with broadFileAccess in uwp

I am trying to create a File Explorer like uwp app, it will be an app like traditional file explorer in windows 10 but it will mainly show only video files, so for that I want to use BroadFileAccess capability.
Usually when I use a capability related to FileAccess I have a simple API like KnownFolders.VideoLibrary and others like that to get the root folder of that library, but in this case broadfileacccess claims to give access to complete file system which is available to the user, but in the docs there is not a single method or api reference something likeKnownFolders.FileSystem which can give us the root folder of the file system of the user so we can build apps like file explorer etc. How can I actually go on and use this broadFileAccess capability if there is not even a api method to use it ?
From official document:
This is a restricted capability. On first use, the system will prompt the user to allow access. Access is configurable in Settings > Privacy > File system. If you submit an app to the Store that declares this capability, you will need to supply additional descriptions of why your app needs this capability, and how it intends to use it.
This capability works for APIs in the Windows.Storage namespace
Currently, it does not provide proprietary Windows.Storage API. But you could use present Windows.Storage API to get higher access. For example, you could invoke GetFolderFromPathAsync method with absolute path(#"D:\PersonImages"). You could use GetFolderFromPathAsync with SystemDataPaths or UserDataPaths.
var folder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(UserDataPaths.GetDefault().Desktop);
Prior to this, this kind of access was illegal.

How to add remote issue link in jira-rest-api

I've got a program which creates JIRA issues using the jira-rest-api supported by Atlassian.
What I'd like to do is to create a link within the issue to an external URL (actually a presigned Amazon S3 link).
At the REST level this should be doable with a POST request to the Jira api to create a remoteLink. However I cannot find methods in the client APIs or a RemoteLink dto in the Java library.
Nor does the Java library appear to give any access to lower level REST handlers.
Now, I could set up my own REST handling code, going right back to the endpoint URL and authentication, but that's messy, when most of the code the code should already be there. Also I can't clearly see which json fields are required, and which not can be left to the API.
Am I overlooking something obvious in the documentation? I can't even seem to locate source for the client implementation, only the interface layer.
My current code is using version 3.0.6 of the api, but I've just checked v4 (which seems to be the latest on offer) and there's still no RemoteLink support.
Have you tried with these?

omniauth-saml as provider in gitlab

I'm trying to get omniauth-saml configured, but I'm not entirely sure what I need to put in app_id and app_secret for this configuration.
I'm using this gem:
If I leave those fields blank, of course I get:
Received wrong number of arguments. [nil, nil]
The documentation within the gitlab.yml file links to more documentation about gitlab and omniauth, but that document no longer exists (redirects to old README).
Any assistance would be appreciated, thanks!
The working CAS configuration shows you how you skip using the standard configuration and just pass the options directly to the provider using devise.rb. That's how I would configure omniauth-saml as well.
I was able to get SAML working with Gitlab 6.2.4, but it is not the most elegant solution. I am using Okta as the IdP, but I believe the configuration is sufficiently generic and could be applied to any SAML IdP.
Added omniauth-saml to the Gemfile and ran bundle
bundle install --without development test postgres --path vendor/bundle --no-deployment
Created GITLAB/config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
config.omniauth :saml,
idp_cert_fingerprint: "your IdP certificate fingerprint",
idp_sso_target_url: "your IdP SAML end point"
Modified GITLAB/app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb (added this following the definition for ldap)
def saml
I had to manually add the callback for SAML as I was getting the same error as the original poster when I tried to properly define SAML as a provider in gitlab.yml. This is the only way I could get Gitlab to start and authenticate via SAML. This feels very hacky, so there is probably a more elegant way to implement this; however, I could not find an example anywhere.
I managed to get it to work, so I documented the procedure on the GitLab wiki.
EDIT: It seems like SAML is now supported officially. No Single Logout yet, though… This seems to be an omniauth limitation.